33 / 85
Mar 2021

My entry for the "lucky encounter" prompt

It was just a glance and a smile, but it was enough to change my life.

I had gone to my favorite coffee shop and put in an order for my regular meal and cup o joe.
I moved to go sit in the corner, away from most people as I always had.
I loved to people watch as I waited.

It wasn't long before he caught my eye.
I knew almost all the faces in there, from coming in daily, even if we had never spoken.
But his face was new.
And he was staring at me.

I nervously smiled and looked away, but the tall man took it as an invitation. He slowly stood up, being so tall he almost bumped the light fixture. And he walked to me, which didn't take him long with those long legs.

I felt fear as he walked to me, I had no idea why. Maybe it was the predatory gleam in his eyes or the confident smirk on his painted purple lips.

He sat across from me and leaned closer, blocking my view of everyone else in the shop.
I leaned a bit away, ready to bolt, but then he spoke, and I was suddenly unable to move.

"Be still. I finally found you..."

His voice was strange, and made the colors around me begin to blend and drip like everything was painted.
I was fully panicked by now but he simply reached over the table with his impossibly long arm and grabbed my hand in his enormous one.

"Dont be scared....Im here to save you. This world is fake. They have trapped you here to control you. But I finally have you. And this game is ov-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as suddenly alarms began to blare through the melted room and giant men in lab jackets began rush forward.

The tall man, still holding my hand, growled and pulled me to him " we will meet again little one. Your destiny is not in here-" he growled as the giant grabbed him and yanked him from me " YOUR DESTINY IS WITH ME!!" he screamed before the world turned black as the giant men reached for me.

I woke in my bed with a scream, Startling my dog awake. I looked around in a panic, as did she.
After calming down I began to shake from that terrible dream. It felt so real...what was that?

My dog came to me and laid her head in my lap to comfort me. I hugged her tightly " sorry rose...I just had the craziest dream...."

"you and me both" replied my dog , much to my surprise,
I let go of her and leaned back in surprise, just staring at her and she stared at me blankly, tail wagging innocently.

"Did you just talk?"

The dog shook her head.

" Did you understand me!?"

The dog sighed "knock her out again...the script is still broken. "

And my world went black.

That day, the day i met the dark clothed tall man, was the day my life began to get very strange.

The Life of my Dreams (story for Novel Event)
I've always wanted to be a famous Youtuber. I've just wandered throughout my house feeling the smoothness of the wall. So smooth and kind of soft... So.... delicate. Beautiful even. As I wander my house, I think of what my life would be like as a Youtuber. Being outside recording stunts or being inside gaming... oh the possibilities! I have a youtube channel with 5 subscribers or something like that... no one knows me... no one sees me... at school I'm invisible, not very many friends. Life seemed so down hill for me, but then there was a man who claimed he could take me to Vegas to become a star. He said he would make my life goals be true, he said I could be a legend, a myth... anything I wanted to be. I felt in that moment like a bird soaring through the sky finally free from the nest in the tree, free to roam and explore endless possibilities. This was all because of him, that man, that lucky encounter, that nice sunny day. My life was so much more interesting. My life was so jammed packed. I wish I could have a break now, but I am living my dream which is all I could ever hope for.

UN ENCUENTRO AFORTUNDO :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

—¿Estás solo amiguito? ¿estas herido? — era bastante ridículo ya que los perros no hablaban, pero yo trataba de entablar una conversación con uno, estaba claro que era una perdedora.

saqué las salchichas y le ofrecí 2, pude notar su lento movimiento era evidente que algo le dolía, quería ayudarlo y llevarlo a casa, pero eso disgustaría a mi padre el odiaba a los animales.

— Puedes comer esto también, perdóname no puedo llevarte a casa. — seguí platicando con él, no sabía si me entendía, pero hacía mucho tiempo que no hablaba con nadie.

—Woof Woof—dos pequeños ladridos me contestaron, mis ojos se iluminaron este cachorro podía entenderme. Sonreí y le deje 2 salchichas más, luego olvidando mi regla de oro lo acaricie en ese momento sentí un tipo de energía eléctrica subiendo por mi palma solté un grito de la impresión, trate de calmarme y razonar comenzaba a asustarme porque ya estaba oscuro no debía temer, este pequeño era muy adorable lo más lamentable se encontraba solo igual que yo, es por lo que esperaba verlo mañana para poder darle más comida.

SeguĂ­ mi camino a casa sin despedirme, no habĂ­a llegado a la mitad de la avenida cuando un camiĂłn cargado de gallinas dio la vuelta bruscamente, no pude reaccionar el sonido de una bocina se escuchĂł, pero me quede paralizada solo pude cerrar mis ojos con fuerzas y esperar el impacto si esto no me mataba probablemente me destrozarĂ­a todos los huesos del cuerpo.

Mil pensamientos cruzaron por mi mente, el repentino recuerdo de mamá, las enseñanzas que me dio y sus deliciosas galletas, los hoyuelos de sus mejillas cada que soltaba una carcajada, las veces que soplo mis heridas mientras con una voz dulce me cantaba, lo amable y cariñoso que era mi padre cuando ella vivía, también la promesa de ser muy feliz, pero como puedo ser feliz, cuando un camión de carga sale de la nada y quiere matarme, cuando una alcantarilla no está bien puesta y caigo en ella, cuando un árbol se cae repentinamente matando al gato de mi vecino en frente de mí después de acariciarlo, cuando mis cumpleaños se han convertido en los días que más odio o cuando no pasa un solo día en el que no vea fantasmas y demonios.

¿Cómo es que ella sonreía? solo en su lecho cuando estaba muriendo actuó de forma extraña.

Continuaba pensado en estas cosas, cuando note que el impacto nuca llego, abrí mis ojos lentamente y note que estaba sentada en el pavimento muy cerca de mi casa, me levante con las piernas temblorosas, ¿Qué era lo que había pasado? mire a mi alrededor, no había nada extraño yo estaba temblando de pies a cabeza.

Empecé a revisarme palmando mi cuerpo por todas partes, ¿Cómo era posible que siguiera viva? No tenia ni un rasguño o era posible que ya estuviera muerta, me pellizqué a mí misma para ver si sentía dolor, el ardor que sentí me tranquilizó aun así no lograba explicarme como había llegado al otro extremo de la avenida.

—Woof — un pequeño ladrido me hizo brincar, al bajar mi mirada a mis pies note que, el cachorro estaba ahí sentado a mi lado se veía saludable su pelo estaba esponjoso y estaba más gordito, estaba claro yo me estaba volviendo loca...

Si alguien me hubiera dicho que ser salvada por un cachorro cambiaria mi vida, lo habría llamado loco en ese entonces, este cachorro se convirtió en mi mejor amigo, mi protector y mi guía en los momentos más oscuros.
Fue el momento mas afortunado de mi vida lo llame Alin ya que es tan adorable que llena mi corazĂłn de una emociĂłn inexplicable, pero guarda tantos secretos en un futuro puede que sea mas que mi mejor amigo.
Su amigo es un cuervo que también es adorable y muy parlanchín.

:fire: Finally, Done! :fire:
It took me almost a entire day, since my english is pretty bad, but there we go!

I was actually thinking about adapting this history i created around 2013 into a Novel or comic, so... That's perfect excuse see if somebody think it's interesting...

Deacon Prologue - Thank God i met you!

Late afternoon. In a village, a man walks between people in a crowd around a house. It looks like the people are searching and/or waiting for something.

He looks at the House's door open and then starts listening to them talking a little...
- "Is it there on the the window?"
- "Where?... I don't see anything... Are you guys sure it is in this house?"

He decides to ask:
"Excuse me. Does this house haves a Demon in it?"

The men, look at him, and notices his White hair, White collar and Soutane.
- "Priest! You 're quick!"
- "Yeah! We called in the Church a few minutes ago, but they said you were yet to come!"

He laughs, and then apologies.
"Priest" - "I am sorry. I was finishing a important event... Now, This house... I've already exorcised a ghoul there... It wasn't abandoned after the family who lives there got attacked?"

  • "Yes! but now there's a Werewolf in there! "
  • "It's probably him the one who were been killing and eating so many of our people!"
  • "Wait, i thought it were a Ghoul again as always!"
  • "There's a chance to be both! Right?"

"Priest" - "Alright. Let me see him..." - He says, while walks on the door's direction...

  • "Wait, Priest! If it's not a Ghoul or some kind of spirit then you can't exorcise him!"
  • "Y-Yeah, a Werewolf is not something you can handle by just praying... it would be wiser to call somebody from the Hellsing family, right?"
  • "At least, let us take a few knifes and piles and we can go with you"

"Priest" - "... Don't worry. It wont be necessary. Also, it's natural to be afraid. But let your fear leat your actions can be sinful"

That said, he enters alone in the house...
There, he looks around... and see the place pretty empty. There are only a Living room with a few blankets and a Kitchen with no Table or chairs... He looks at a bunch of earth on the living room's wall. Approaching, he feels the floor(Made of wood) pretty loose.
After removing it, it shows a big hole with an adolescent boy covered in blood trying to dig away.
The boy notices him and try to dig faster.

The Priest just sit down...
"Priest" - "... Good afternoon."

The boy keep digging.

"Priest" - "... I came here a few days ago... To exorcise a Ghoul who killed the people who lived here... I and my apprentice... Too bad he didn't saw the ghouls before they attacking him... after they came up from this exactly hole. This hole you are in... It's pretty deep... How many time-"

"Boy" - "Leave me alone! I am not a Ghoul!"

"Priest" - "Yes. I can see... How about a Werewolf? Ghouls can't possess the living. Which means..."

"Boy" - * Stops digging *"... I didn't killed anybody... This blood is from monsters!"

"Priest" - "... Did you fought Ghouls?"

"Boy" - * Angrily Turns around to the Priest * "So what?! They killed Mom and Dad! And they were killing more!"

"Priest" - "... So you just learned to use your powers... I am sorry. I am really sorry for not making it in time to save your parents"

"Boy" - "It's not your fault... Also, i am still learning to use this power god gave me"

"Priest" - "... I am impressed... Most people 'd usually be pretty angry with we and with The Lord..."

"Boy" - "I am not Most people. And It's not you nor God who i blame! IT'S THE DEMONS! I SHALL ERRADICATE EM! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!"

"Priest" - "That's not good... people outside are blaming you for literally everything bad that happens... They always do that... then, after you disappear they will search for somebody else to blame... That's why the church have to do lots and lots of judgements... You and them keep letting the emotions take control. "Be Angry, but don't sin", Ephesians 4:26. You know what that means?"

"Boy" - "... Emotions are natural... but i can't act based on them?"

"Priest" - "Marvelous! You are a smart boy! That's right. God let us have all kinds of emotions. But if we let them lead our actions we end up being just like animals. Therefore, we sin. Hahahaha! If i didn't came here in time, people outside 'd probably put fire on this house. Thank God i met you! You want to fight against the Demons? Then i may teach you how to!"

"Boy" - "... I am Nabu. Nice to meet you Oldman"

"Priest" - "Huhuhu, Oh come now, My Name is Yehudah, and i am only 40 yet! kukuku..."

This is my submission. I hope you all enjoy it. :slight_smile:
Tapas page: https://tapas.io/lostemail0023
Content warning Strong Language


This text will be hidden

For as long as I could remember, I've been a dog. A trash-eating, leg-humping dog. They called me Rex. I'd sit when they told me, shut up when I'd bark too loud, and only shit outside, even in winter. It was a simple life. Boring, but nice. I had that terrible condition to love anyone who fed me. I'd learn soon enough that no matter how much I loved them, no matter how much I listened. They would never love me.

My simple, boring existence would all come crashing down on me the day I turned two. They who'd pat my head and call me a "good boy" would split my head open and shove a microchip inside my brain. They who'd play fetch with me would put me in a ring with other robot, brain-dead dogs and make me play their stupid sick games.

They who thought I was just a simple and boring dog would learn my bite is way fucking worse than my bark.

"Rex!” The call was muffled at first, like it was trapped in a glass jar. “Rex! You lazy dog. Get your ass up!”

I let out an involuntary whine and put my paw in my specially designed gun holster. It didn’t need damn thumbs to work.

“Marcus,” I said with a growl. “Call me a dog one more time and I will make sure you can never walk on two legs again.

I didn’t have to see Marcus to know he was rolling his eyes. He huffed, “Is your brain glitching, or are you having another woe is me moment?”

“Marcus!” I barked and caused the boy in front of me to take a step back. He wouldn’t show the fear in his face, but his scent gave him away. I toned down my aggression, but kept the authority in my voice, “What do you want?”

Marcus pressed his lips together stubbornly before speaking. He knew he let his own fear get the better of him. And I knew the human part of him hated that it was me that caused it. He finally let out a sigh, “We’ve received a distress signal on-”

“No,” I said, cutting the boy off. “I’m on vacation.”

“But!” Marcus tried again.

“Fuck off, Marcus. I just finished getting the stench of Ezeerb guts out of my fur.” I buried my head in my paws and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to go back to sleep.

“It’s in the eighteenth quadrant. On the planet Loon.”

My ears twitched.

I kept my eyes shut as I spoke, “Is that the bird planet?”

I could hear Marcus’ smile widen as he said slowly, “Yes.”

I popped up on all fours and strapped my gun on my back. Marcus looked small next to me. Standing proudly, my head could easily reach his chin- not including my ears of course. We probably weighed about the same, but Marcus was mostly made of skin and bone, whereas I was made of pure muscle and a cunning brain.

“Well, come on those poor pigeons need our help,” I said trotting over to the command deck of the ship.

“You can’t eat them, Rex!” Marcus called from behind me. He walked around me and opened the display of our coordinates. “It would be counterproductive to make an oath on protecting the universe and then eat the beings we were supposed to help.”

“You made that oath,” I remarked as I hopped onto the captain's chair. “I just joined the guild for the guns so I-”

“Can destroy the monsters that turned you into a monster.” Marcus sighed as he set up the ship for hyperspeed. “Honestly, I’ve heard this a thousand times.”

“And you’ll hear it a thousand more. And then when I do kill them you’ll hear that two thousand times too.”

“You’ll keep me around long enough to see that happen? I feel so honored.”

“Shut up and punch it.”

Two large eyes blinked down at us. First the right, then then the left.

“Is it sentient?” Marcus whispered.

“I don’t know,” I took a step forward, but the ostrich-like creature only blinked a couple more times.

“Hello,” Marcus said to the bird. Again, the bird just stared.

We landed on a part of the planet covered in sand. The air was hot and dry, but every now and again a small breeze would come by. When Marcus finished his tests to make sure the planet was safe to enter without much protective gear, we walked outside. All we were greeted with was this dumb bird.

“Fuck this,” I said crouching down. “My paws hurt and this thing ain't talking.” My eyes grew wide with excitement.

Marcus sensed my change in mood immediately. “Rex, no”

“Don’t tell me no.” I barked at him and then charged at the bird.

It squawked and fluffed up its feathers.

“Lunch,” I said before charging after it. My tongue flopped out of my mouth and the planet wind felt good coursing through my fur.

“Rex! The oath!” I could hear Marcus shout behind me.

Fuck the oath. Fuck order. I could feel my body shaking with excitement. I let out a howl.

It was only after I was done howling did I realize my body was still shaking. I stopped and watched my lunch run out of my reach. In the next moment, I was thrashed to the side by Marcus.

My face was covered in sand and my mouth was filled with more of it. I spit out, “What the hell, Marcus that-”

My anger quickly turned to shock as the earth opened up right where my lunch was standing. A large pale mouth that was at least fifty feet wide with jagged teeth consumed the ostrich with ease. There was a loud crunch and the bird was gone.

Marcus and I screamed.

We screamed hard and loud.

And just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, a black eye the size of a small asteroid looked at us like we were his main course.

Marcus was still screaming when the beast started to move. And it moved quickly.

“Get to the ship Marcus!” I shouted as I stood on my hind legs. I pulled the gun off my back and started shooting.

Marcus scrambled to his feet and I shot a few more times at the beast, which was causing minimal damage at best. I let out a curse and caught up to Marcus.

“Holy shit! It has wings!” Marcus shouted looking over his shoulder.

The ground had stopped shaking and a large black shadow turned everything around us dark.

“Of course it does,” I said pissed off. “We’re on a fucking bird planet.”

It was only a matter of seconds before the creature was going to attack us and the ship was barely in sight. If I timed it right, I could charge at Marcus and throw him far enough away that he wouldn't get eaten at the same time as me.

I gritted my teeth.


The beast above us let out a screech as it swooped down at us.

Even after all this time, I still cared for them.


The boy turned around.

“I’m lucky I met you.”

Some days I watched the waters swell
Looking for a glimpse
Of silver blue

Some days I hear the gulls
So proud a flock
On driftwood

Some days are in autumnal paint
Beautiful for the moment
They lasted

Some days are below winter sky
Raindrops on the gray sand
Water’s footsteps

Some days are filled with spring
New green on trees
Flowers sweet

And some days are summer drunk
Bright and warm and filled
With butterflies

I remember mercury eyes
The days plodding by
The glimmer

The world I could always taste
The salt of sea
Blindly sweet

Cruises in the distant waves
Ripples come to me
To my shores

The odd things I glimpsed
In the corner
Of my eye

I remember the glint of a penny
Rusted and green
Old wishes

How everyday I’d skip to
The lonely sands
Waiting there

Looking for a child’s wish
Summer smiling back
White lace dress

The water’s always empty
But sparkling

And I remember how one day
I saw ocean’s fae
Before me

How the waters came to life
How my little heart grew
Fairy wings

So I’ll wait and wait and wonder
Til dawn and dusk
Fall away

Waiting for
Just one more
Lucky day

Here's my profile page:

Here's my story, (SWEAR WARNING)
Title: A Meeting With Lady Luck

.......Leon stood on the street corner, whistling to himself as he waited for the light. He stopped whistling when he heard the clip-clop of heels coming up behind him. The heels parked themselves next to him and he looked up to see a very tall woman in a green dress. He waved politely, and she waved back, less politely.
.......Despite trying to keep his eyes on the traffic lights, Leon found himself very distracted by the woman to his left. Her hair was the color of grass and flowed over her left eye. Her eye shadow, lipstick and even her blush were also in various shades of green, and sparkling.
........She’s probably a performer he thought and turned back to the light, hoping she hadn’t caught him staring. It was Las Vegas, that kind of thing wasn’t weird enough to warrant prolonged (and likely unwanted) attention on the street. The light changed and Leon stepped off the curb.
........“Stop.” The woman commanded. Startled, Leon froze in his tracks, and just as he did a large red car sped through the spot where he would have been had he taken another step. He felt the wind rush by his face and the sound echo in his ears. Leon stumbled back onto the curb and pressed a hand to his chest, trying to steady his now pounding heart.
........“That…” He huffed, trying to speak, “That almost hit me!” He looked up at the woman. “If you hadn’t…” He struggled, “If you hadn’t stopped me I’d be…” He looked up at the woman square in her only visible eye, “Thank you.”
........“It was nothing.” She shrugged. “Just catch you breath, you’ll need it for the day we’re going to have.”
........“W-what do you mean?” He asked, standing up, “Who are you?”
........“I’m Lady Luck.” She stated, “You can call me L.”
........“Lady Luck?” He asked, “Is that, like, a stage name or something?”
........“No.” She said, sounding a little annoyed, “I am literally the physical embodiment of good luck. And it’s your lucky day.” She explained as if she were discussing the weather. Leon stared at her incredulously.
........“What?” He finally managed. She let out a long sigh.
........“Look kid, everyday is someone’s lucky day. That means that they get twelve hours to do whatever they want, and I make them have perfect luck for that whole day. Today is your lucky day, understand?” She sounded as if she had given that spiel many times before.
........“Um… I think I can wrap my head around that.” He said slowly. “But I’m not a kid, I’m twenty seven.”
........“That’s cool. I’m over two hundred thousand.” She snarked, and Leon took a gulp at the implications.
........“It’s Ten AM. You got until Ten PM to do whatever you want with perfect luck. If you have work today, take the day off.” She looked down at him expectantly.
........“Uh-u-um… o-okay.” He sputtered and took out his phone. “Wait, no it’s Saturday, I don’t have work.” He said and put the phone back away. “Sorry, I’m just really- my mind is spinning.”
........“Yeah that’s great. So what do you wanna do? Slots? Cards? What are we doing here?” She asked briskly.
........“The comic raffle!” Leon said excitedly. “Tha-that’s where I was going! I was going to the raffle at the comic shop!” Now it was L’s turn to look incredulous.
........“You live… In Las-fucking-Vegas… and you want to use infallable luck… in a comic book raffle?”
........“Well, yeah, I mean, I’ve been going to that shop’s raffles for years now and I’ve never won. It would be really cool to actually win.” He explained somewhat bashfully.
........“Alright, you're the boss.” L shrugged. The two continued on Leon’s original path. On the way Leon found a twenty on the ground, was given a free ice cream sample, and when a car ran through a puddle it managed to splash everywhere around him, while he stayed perfectly dry.
........“You really weren’t kidding about perfect luck, huh?” Leon asked.
........“No.” L said flatly. Leon was almost bouncing by the time they got to the comic store. He dove in with L following close behind. The shop’s walls were lined floor to ceiling in all manner of nerdy paraphernalia. Enough boxes of comics to build a tower to the moon filled every available space. What little room there was to walk around was taken up by a cluster of twenty or so people ranging widely in age.
........A young woman sat behind the register with her combat boot-clad feet up on the counter. She was reading (what else) a comic book, but looked up from it when Leon stepped in.
........“Hey Leon. I was wondering when you’d show up.” She said nonchalantly.
........“Hi Martha!” Leon greeted, “S-sorry I’m late I kind of almost got hit by a car? I missed my light- is what I’m trying to say.” L rolled her eyes and muttered sarcastically at his awkwardness. Leon suddenly seemed to remember she was there.
........“Oh, sorry, this is-”
........“She can’t see me dummy.” L cut him off. He shut up immediately.
........“This is what?” Martha asked as she stepped out from the counter.
........“This is… the day I win.” Leon stumbled, “I can feel it!” He smiled tightly. Martha shrugged.
........“I’m rooting for ya.” She said and held out her hand. He gave her the dollar for admission and she gave him a ticket with a number on it.
........“Alright people. Let’s do this.” Martha called out. She was small in stature but commanded the room with a powerful presence and strong voice. “Everybody got their numbers?” She checked and then plunged her hand into a promotional lunch box and drew out a small folded paper.
........“Number 14 you are our winner!” She announced. Leon looked in disbelief at his card which did indeed read 14. “That’s me!” He said excitedly.
........“Well I’ll be damned, he finally won!” Martha said with a grin. The crowd dispersed, some leaving a few tooling around the shop.
........“Well Leon, you know the prize, ten free comics. Go make your selections.” Martha winked. Leon nodded and raced to the back of the shop giddily. After he had been combing through comics for fifteen minutes without choosing anything, L finally spoke up.
........“I wouldn’t waste time if I were you. Your luck clock is ticking.”
........“S-sorry I just…”
........“Just what?”
........“I’m all caught up in everything I follow… I want to try something new but I just don’t know what to choose.” He explained. L responded by pulling her hair away from her left eye, which was revealed to have green sclera and a white pupil. The eye began to glow brilliantly. She pointed behind the awestruck Leon. He turned around to see that ten comic books were also glowing. Nine of them were together in a cluster, and one was on a different shelf entirely.
........“What did you do?” He asked, amazed.
........“I gave you the luck of a perfect decision.” L explained. Leon picked up and leafed through the nine comics that were together, which were revealed to be the first nine in a new series.
........“This looks good!” He said.
........“They should. They’re literally the perfect choice for you.” L said and handed him the last comic, the one that was apart from the others. Leon’s eyes went wide as he took it from her.
........“Oh my god! I’ve been looking for this forever!” he exclaimed.
........“What is it?” L asked, sounding genuinely interested.
........“It’s the second issue of Artemis and Sunsetter!” He said with glee.
........“You don’t have that one?” L asked.
........“I did, but…” Leon blushed a little, “I kinda spilled coffee on it.” He looked up at her with joy again, “It’s the only one I’m missing!” His grin threatened to encroach on his ears’ territory.
........“Can I see?” L asked, sounding almost surprised at herself. He handed her the comic and she glanced through.
........“Geez, this is violent.” She mused, “Didn’t take you for the type.” She handed it back to him.
........“Well… don’t judge a comic book by it’s cover.” He said and took the stack to the counter.
........“Jeez, I thought you’d be back there for at least an hour.” Martha grinned as she rang him up. She paused for a moment. “You know, you’ve entered that raffle enough times to pay for these several times over.”
........“It’s the spirit of the thing Martha!” Leon convicted. Martha chuckled, then suddenly stopped when her eyes wandered out the large window.
........“Uh-oh. Dean O’clock.” She said, “Hit the deck if you don’t want to be seen.” Leon dropped down onto the floor and waited with his hands over his neck like there was going to be an earthquake. L watched in confusion as a person in a tie-dye shirt walked casually past the storefront.
........“Are they gone?” Leon whispered.
........“They’re gone.” Martha chuckled and handed him his comics as he got up. He thanked her and walked out with L.
........“What the hell was that?” She asked.
........“Oh, that was Dean.” Leon said, scratching the back of his neck.
........“Yeah, I got that, but why’d you duck and cover?”
........“I um… I sort of have this thing for them I guess. I get really nervous around them.” Leon sounded really embarrassed.
........“Damn man, that’s pathe- that sucks.” L surprised herself again by catching herself about to be mean to him, "I have to tell you that you could use me to have a conversation with them, and it'll go perfectly." She said.
........"That sounds kind of manipulative." Leon responded.
........"It is, isn't it?" L said, sounding an odd mix of proud and regretful.
........“Yeah…” Leon said uncomfortably. There was an awkward silence. L mercifully broke it.
........“What do you want to do now?” She asked. Leon thought for a moment. Then his face lit up.
........“So you can help me make the perfect decision on anything?” He asked.
........“Yup.” She responded. He made an excited noise and started running down the sidewalk.
........“God dammit Leon! Tell me before you just start bolting down the road!” L shouted and chased after him in her heels. She caught up with him when she was stopped outside a dog shelter.
........“Oh, so this is the big decision, eh?” She asked.
........“Yeah, see I’ve wanted to get a dog for months but I always get overwhelmed and then I can’t make a decision, and…”
........“You have a real problem with decisions.” L commented, then remembered the situation with Dean, “Or rather, just doing anything you mind do wrong, am I correct.”
........“Uh…” Leon looked up at her like a deer in headlights.
........“Let’s just go pick out a dog.” They walked in, greeted by a man who seemed equally used to Leon as Martha had been, but significantly less patient.
........“You know where they are, Leon.” He groaned, “Though I don’t know why you keep bothering.” Leon went to the room filled with dogs in their cages. He looked around a bit before turning to L.
........“Well, which one?” He asked. She once again pulled up her hair and set her eye a-glow. In the corner a small, scared looking spaniel shivered as it began to glow green. Leon peered into it’s sad little eyes and his lip quivered.
........“Yeah,” He said, his voice breaking a little, “She’s the one.” They headed back to the front room and up to the counter.
........*“Let me guess,” the man behind it said, “You couldn’t pick one.”
........“A-actually I did. The spaniel in the corner. Please.” Leon said sheepishly. The man behind the counter looked aghast.
........“Well blow me down.” He whispered. “You actually picked one.” The man handed Leon some paperwork and told him to come back the next week. Leon was positively twirling when he and L walked out. He looked her in the eye.
........“Well, that’s everything I want to do.” He proclaimed.
........“That’s it? That’s all?” L said, bewildered, “That can’t be all. You have ten more hours left!” She grew exasperated, “Decade upon decades have gone bye without anyone telling me they were done after two measly things!”
........“That’s all I wanted.” He shrugged, then thought for a moment. “What do you want to do?” he asked. She looked stunned.
........“No, no, no. That’s not how this works. It doesn’t matter what I want. It’s your lucky day, you're supposed to do everything you want to do.”
........“Well, I already did that. So what do you want to do?” He repeated. She wracked her brain. She thought through the zillions of other people she had worked for and all the near infinite things they had wanted. What did she want? Her face grew contemplative, then sad.
........“Can I tell you something Leon?” She asked quietly.
........“Sure.” He replied.
........“I’ve done this for a lot of people. More than you could ever imagine. Not all those people have been… good.” She winced. “I have to help them do.. Whatever they want, no matter what that is.” She looked almost ready to cry. Leon put a hand on her shoulder.
........“I’ve helped murderers, drug lords, war criminals, abusers,you name the atrocity, I’ve seen it, I’ve helped it happen.” She began to hyperventilate, then breathed long and deep, “I want to do some good in the world, you know?” She asked. Leon’s gaze grew sympathetic. His heart heavied at her pain.
........“I don’t want pity, I want action.” She said, “If you want to, that is. You're still the one with free will, after all.”
........“Yeah, let’s do it.” Leon nodded, “What did you have in mind?” Now it was L’s turn to let him chase her to a new location. This time as she ran she felt free, she enjoyed the wind against her face. She could do something, she was real, No matter that no one but Leon could see her, no matter that she didn’t eat or sleep or go to the bathroom, she was real now, and maybe ever.
........Meanwhile, Leon thrilled at this, at doing something good and at that he had decided to do so without question. He was doing something real, and he wouldn’t let himself be his own obstacle. He would do this, for her, for the world, for himself, for everything.
........They stopped in front of a casino, the biggest flashiest one around. L looked up at it in disgust, and Leon in confusion.
........“What are we gonna do here?” Leon asked.
........“See him?” L said, pointing to a gilded statue of a smug looking man, “I helped him once. He’s a real bastard. He makes his money taking advantage of addictive personalities with rigged machines.” She turned sharply to Leon, “Plan is for you to go in there, win as many jackpots as you can before ten, and then after I’m gone you donate it to all the charities you can. You in?” She asked. Leon paused, then resolved to abandon any indecision.
........“I’m in.” He said strongly, “But won’t I get kicked out if I keep winning?”
........“Perfect luck, remember?” L grinned.
........“But what about after you're gone, I can still get caught.” He asked, trying not to sound too unsure.
........“Nah, anything you do today is free.” She said. Then scowled up at the statue, “For better or for worse.”
........Several hours of very successful gambling later, the two once again stood in front, now with more money than Leon had ever fathomed, and more than L had seen in a while. He was shaking from exhilaration, and she was grinning emerald earring to emerald earring.
........“I can’t believe I just did that!” Leon gasp-giggled, “I can’t believe I fucking did that!”
........“You did good. Or you will, once that’s all in good hands.” L said serenely.
........“I have five minutes left,” Leon said, checking his phone, “You got anything else to tell me about?”
........“Uh… let me see.” L looked to the sky in thought, “Book a dentist appointment soonish. Uh, don’t go to work on April third, just trust me on that one. And… your doggy is gonna like the food with the shooting star on the package.” As she finished a glittering green door appeared behind her. She opened it and was about to step through, but paused.
........“Thank you,” She said, “For today, it was fun, more fun than I’ve had in a while.”
........“Same here.” Was all Leon could manage.
........“Do good things with that money,” She said, “But keep some for yourself. Spend it on that doggy. And talk to Dean for God's sake!” She winked and then she was gone.

Thanks for this opportunity!

I'm Idris

Luck Be a Lady

Asha DeMornay met her soulmate on a street corner. Well, that's what she tells her friends, but in truth she met her soulmate on a crosswalk, in the hair's breadth between the sidewalk and the truck that very nearly ran her down.

The day had been typical. City-hot, muggy and smelling of car exhaust. She loved her big city, thrived on its sights and sounds, and even its awful smells. She had on her face mask, rendering the smoggy reek almost tolerable to her sensitive sinuses. She planned to see her sinusologist the minute his office started taking appointments again. It had been the better part of a year since she'd seen any kind of doctor at all.

She pushed past a throng of day traders outside the New York Stock Exchange to get to the traffic light. She pressed Walk and waited with all the other sharp-dressed professionals sweating in their N95 face masks between errands. She had a lunch date with her best friend. Tapas and margaritas to tide her over during her upcoming nerve-wracking acquisitions meetings. She had good books to buy, if only she could get the Powers That Be to loosen the purse strings.

Her mobile phone trilled in her handbag and she scrambled around in the clutch for the blinking mobile. She was putting out fires all day today. Authors tweeting madly, agents behaving badly. She was just an editor who wanted to buy and sell good books, make some readers happy as these books made her. Come on, guys, make this easy on me.

An email marked URGENT caught her eye and she groaned. It was from a reporter at Vox. Forget the margaritas. This calls for wine.

Just as Asha as debating the merits of deleting the email unread a sports-jacket clad venture capitalist bumped her from behind on his last-second dash across traffic. She swore and tipped off the curb, pointed heels first.

In that instant, the crosswalk signal switched from WALK to WAIT.

Asha flailed, dropping her face with a crash. She was rapidly losing her battle with gravity.

The traffic light turned green.

Oh shi-

A delivery truck roared toward her, the driver gazing down at his lap, preoccupied by a text.

Asha closed her eyes, thinking Definitely not gonna make that meeting and began to fall...

A pair of strong arms grabbed her around the waist and lugged her bodily out of the path of the racing diesel vehicle.

She landed on her feet. She felt her body. All the pieces were there. I'm alive? I'm alive!

She spun around. There was a surprisingly petite woman dressed from head to toe in athletic wear. Sports bra, running shorts, and expensive sneakers. She had arms like tree branches, legs like tree trunks, and the most gorgeous smile Asha had ever seen.

"You okay," she asked Asha.

"I guess so. Thanks for the rescue."

"No problem." The buff woman offered her hand. "Hey, I'm Lucky. Well, Lucretia, but everyone calls me Lucky."

"Asha," she replied. "And now that I've met you, I guess I'm pretty lucky, too."

Asha met her soulmate on the crosswalk where she nearly died, but she got to know her on the street corner. She'd never live down that pick-up line.

Here's my Entry.

"Destined Encounter"
My eyes are heavy, I want to sleep but I'm afraid that those scenes might visit my dream again.
How many times has this happened to me?

How many years have I been doing this?

Will I still be able to face it all?
Even after years enduring this every night and every time i feel like my own consciousness were being sucked into nowhere, i began to fall...one by one.

I closed my eyes without realizing it. But I also immediately opened my eyes as I was having difficulty breathing and my brain seemed to be sucked into the depths of darkness in the corner of my dream.
My heart beat was loud enough to make me deaf and my visions are blurry. I held my chess tight and take a deep breath. I was like being imprisoned and tortured...
My hot tears shed to my cheeks, a silent sob that i keep holding back to make a sound made me almost dying from pain that i was carrying for a long-long time.
My hand trembled as I opened my Drawer. I stared for a long time at the paper I had most carefully guarded in my entire life.
I gently stroked it and took it out of the drawer.

I opened my drawing book and the first thing i saw was a drawing of an an old imperial clothes. In the following pages of the drawing book, different era of clothing were worn by a one man, who i draw. Every decade ... every century ...every different era...

I have already draw.

But until now ...

"Why?" I bitterly asked myself.

I caressed carefully the very last thing I have drew.

A strong man was wearing an expensive dress and from his posture I can tell it that it has an overwhelming authority.
I smiled in pain and sorrow.
I have already collected all of my memories of you...But why?
"Why i cannot see your face after all of these years of pain i have endured?"
A silently cried in agony as i hugged tightly the book.
"Where are you?" I whispered crying.
I WOKE UP with a head ache. And careful knock caught my attention.
"Come in."
The door opened a little and there peeked out a small child.
"A-aunty ..." I listened to her worried voice.
I smiled. "Morning." I greeted.
"Good morning!"
She ran up to me and jumped on the bed. I patted her head and smiled.
"Where's your papa?" I mentioned my Older brother.
"Papa's out Aunty,"
I nodded and stood up, starting to clean up my room.
"Then what do you want to do while i'm here? We can play again whole day if you want."
"What? Really? A-am i really allowed to play?" Her puppy eyes melted my weak heart for cute kids.
I chuckled and pitched her chubby cheeks. "Of course you are!"
Her eyes widened in excitement. "Then-then can we go out and play on the park?" She asked me hoping i'll let her go.
"Sure! But first we need to take a bath and eat okay?"
She repeatedly nodded her head " YES! YEHEY! We're going to the park! we're going to the park!" She run out of the room singing and calling her nanny telling the good news.
I shook my head and continued what i was doing. I stopped for a moment when i saw the book that i was holding last night until i feel asleep.
I picked it up and stared it for a minute.
I smiled and stroked it softly. "Morning,"
"Last night i saw you smiling in front of me, holding a flower that you just picked and called my name..."
If ever someone saw me talking to a drawing, i'm sure they'll think of me that i have finally lost my mind. I laugh and shrugged my shoulders.
My smile became a bitter smile. "But today isn't today as well hm?"
I slept and dreamed of you, remember the every piece of that dream until it ends and woke up like nothing happened. But every dream i have since i was a kid, your face is still a mystery to me.
"When will i able to finish you?" I asked the drawing in front of me, hoping it'll answer back.
I Laugh and sigh. I'm crazy...yes...I already have lost it.
"Aunty! Aunty!" Abygail happily jumped while looking up to the sky and running chasing the butterfly she saw.
"Don't go too far Aby,"
I sat on the grass under the tree and placed the picnic basket on the other side and took out the drawing book and pencil and began to draw.
Time passes quickly and i didn't even felt it. Aby's playing with the other kids not too far from me. I went back to drawing when there's something caught my vision and made my heart beat so fast. I immediately put down my drawing book and when I saw that person clearly and looked in my direction, thousands of images flashed in my head as if water had dripped from a glass.
My heart throbbed so loud, it pierced my heart and the chills down to my spane. My Eyes widened and hot tears falls to my cheeks.
Our eyes met and his smiles vanished looking at me straight. My body freeze and different emotions hit my heart.
How come..."You still look the same..." I whispered as every memories with his face intact flows to my head.
How come i'll see you here...Smiling under the sun. Community Verified icon
For so many years i have already regained our memories. And the last piece of that memories break my heart to dust.
I see...
Now i know why i still keep remembering you every lives i had. Now i know why my heart keeps aching like it was ripping apart. A scenes of you dying in my embrace telling me that you still love me at find me even the afterlife. A memories that even in my last breath my heart still beating for you. And a promise i had made in my previous life...
I saw him half running towards me, chasing the basketball that slipped in his had. I followed his moves, remembering every corner of his face so next time i couldn't forget him. When he got the ball back he look at me. I cannot waste this opportunity that heavens gave me.
He walked slowly and carefully towards me. Our eyes level was different. I was looking up to him like he's too far too reach.
"Uhm..are you okay?"
His voice made me unconsciously tear up again. I thought this opportunity would never come. I thought I would never hear your voice again.
I smiled while trying to wipe my tears. "Yes..." I said. "Yes, i'm really okay....happy..to see..you..again.." Every words came out of my mouth was in whispers a words that i want to tell him out loud and hug him so tight.
But I couldn't.
"Here," He handed out his handkerchief to me.
"I cannot stand to see a lady crying...it's...also breaks my heart," A warm yet pain in his eyes was visible to his face.
I know...I know that very well.
I accepted his handkerchief and wipe out my tears.
"Here, please also accept this flower," stopped and stared at the flower he was holding. This is the same flower he gave me in my memory of last night's dream.
"Where...did you get that?"
"Where did you get that?"
A same scene from my dream flashed to my mind.
"I just picked it up,"
"I just picked it up,"
Same answer and same smile flashed to my head. It's just the same like in the past...
I smiled and reached it.
This is the same flower that made me feel pathetic yet happy.
I stood up and faced him. I stared and memorized his face. I saw his lips moved.
I know what is next after this. I know...because every encounter we had in our past life he's always asking the same questions.
But this time, he wont be the one asking.
"What's your name?" I cut him off and asked him for his name.
I noticed him freeze when i asked his name.
If i cannot forget him. I will cherish him forever.
Later on he smiled and offer his hand. Looking straight in my eyes, waiting for my reply.
"I'm Scott, Scott Vouge,"
"Your name suites you well," I reached out his hand.
The familiar electricity that flowed from there reminded me of the promise I had made before i died.
Your new name will never be forgotten even the end of this world shall remain. Because this name will be the last you'll tell me.
"Auntyyy! Papa's here!" A shout from Abygail remind me that whatever i was holding back, whoever i'm facing right now.
I should let it go his hand.
I turned to aby's direction and smiled. I let go of his hand, and the warm i felt when holding him vanished and cold covered my whole body.
I turned back to him and picked up the basket lying down on the lawn.
"I should be going now..." I said and look at him for the one last time.
My heart began to ache again. My hands are shaking. I look at him carefully, because there's no next time again.
"Thank you..."He's staring at me and I couldn’t read his expression.
I'm thankful for loving me repeatedly even afterlife's we had before. Thank you for dying for me from the start til the end. I missed you so much...i've long for you...I'm sorry and I love you.
"Thank you for everything," Tears from my left eyes run down to my cheeks.
I'm lucky that he cannot remember me. I can cry without him knowing why.
I turned around and started walking away from him.
I will do what i promised before.
A promise that will never met him again, so that his end won't be the same again.
"I will come find you...love you and die again for you."
My heart shank and stopped, my feet freeze and my ears went deaf. A bunch of tears flows from my eyes, widened in shock and filled in different kind of emotions. My whole body feels weak. My throats hurts.
"I will be the same...even if you choose a different path,"
I slowly turned around and my heart broke by seeing his warm yet sad smile. I dropped the basket and covered my face.
" I'm sorry...i came so late, I will reclaim your heart no matter what."

I dunno why... but i'm broken with his lines Q.Q
The "Destined Encounter" is not just a Lucky encounter to them. It was already planed by the destiny for their story. To remember that "Love" cannot forgotten even thousand of years had already passed. Too be happy, to be hurt and feel the pain. And to satisfy the Author's Imagination, I Thank you!

Here it is! I call it "Strays" similar to the Mark Richard short story hehe.

Jeremiah roamed the streets of Hailgan, looking for his beloved dog, Barry. It was easy to get lost or hurt in the streets of Hailgan, but luckily, Jeremiah was used to navigating them. The crowds of Haligan were known for not looking where they were going--they had stepped on Jeremiah before--and now he knew to stick to the side of the road to avoid them.

It was Jeremiah’s ninth birthday, and Barry had been missing for a year now.
Jeremiah remembered the first day he had met Barry. Jeremiah was whistling, dragging a stick along the fence of a house, when suddenly, a man sitting on the porch of the house called to him, “You! You stole a loaf of bread from my shop yesterday!”

Jeremiah ran as fast as his legs could carry him—but it was nothing compared to how fast an adult could run. Eventually, the man caught him by the back of his shirt. Jeremiah was in tears, claiming he hadn’t stolen the bread when he knew full well that he had. The man held up a closed fist, but miraculously decided to let Jeremiah go with a heavy sigh.

“Find yourself a family, kid. That way you won’t have to steal.” He had said.
He made it sound so easy. It wasn’t as if Jeremiah liked being an urchin. Quite the opposite. He had been abandoned by his parents three years ago and had been on his own ever since. It had just been awful experience after awful experience since then.

He would never forget the night his parents had lovingly put him to sleep with an affectionate song, kissed his forehead, and then turned out the lights.

Jeremiah felt the immense comfort he always felt when they put him to bed. He knew he was safe and sound, and would awaken the next day to go to school and play with his friends when he came home. Life was predictable, and a child his age couldn’t possibly envision what an unpredictable life would be like.
Until he had awakened the next morning and found that his parents were gone. He looked in all of the rooms in his small house—which amounted to four—calling their names. When he couldn’t find them, he began to panic a little. His parents had never left him alone like that. He checked in with the neighbors, who also said they didn’t know where they went to.

Bravely, Jeremiah made himself breakfast and went to school by himself. He had been incredibly quiet that day, as discomfort seeped into his bones and unseated him from a predictable and happy life. When he had returned home, he flung the door open cheerfully, calling for his parents, but they were nowhere to be found.

He had stopped going to school three days after his parents hadn’t returned home. He sat in the chair in front of his house, unblinkingly searching for his parents within the crowds that would pass by, but he never found them. Eventually, his stomach had started growling at him, and he had begun stealing, and before he knew it, he no longer had the comfort of knowing where and when his next meal was coming from, where he would be sleeping—due to his house being sold to someone else--or who was friendly and who was not.

An older urchin had offered to share food with him once, but it was a trick. The older urchin stole what little food he had and ran away. Jeremiah learned, at the age of six, not to trust anyone.

He had become somewhat of a lovable town rascal after that—stealing when he had to steal and begging when he had to beg. Most people recognized him and gave him coin, but it wasn’t enough to feed him on most days.

Sometimes, he was so hungry that his stomach felt like an empty pit. Jeremiah remembered sitting on a street corner in the rain a year ago, sneezing while performing a silly dance for money, and wishing more than anything that he had a roof over his head.

It wasn’t just a roof over his head and a full stomach that he wanted. His heart ached, too. He was an unwanted child, discarded because he wasn’t good enough to be his parents’ son. Nobody wanted him, because there was something fundamentally wrong with him.

But something remarkable happened the next year. He was humming a song on the street corner for cash when he noticed something lying in the road. Curiously, he approached it.
It was a four-leafed-clover. He remembered his parents telling him that they were lucky. He crouched, picking it up. He took a moment to pray to god, “Please let something wonderful happen to me. You gave me this clover, after all!”

But a week passed. And then another. And nothing happened.
Angrily, Jeremiah threw the clover to the floor with tears in his eyes. I was stupid to think that that would work. Jeremiah walked away from the clover, sniffling bitterly. When he was a yard away, he glanced over his shoulder.

He saw a brown bulldog nuzzling the leaf with its nose. Jeremiah gasped, not realizing he cared so much about the clover. He dashed back to it, calling to the dog, “Stop it! That’s mine! What are you doing?”
The dog sat on its rump innocently, barking cheerfully. Jeremiah growled. He swiped the clover leaf up. “That’s mine! Stupid dog!”

Jeremiah began walking away, but the dog whimpered sadly. Jeremiah turned around. The dog’s eyes were lowered sadly. Jeremiah sighed. He pet the dog’s head. “I guess you don’t have a family either, huh…? Want to be friends?”

The dark barked cheerfully, and it began following him around. The two were inseparable, and finally, Jeremiah felt secure in something again; he had the undying loyalty of his dog, Barry, who was with him day or night, preventing him from being mugged, and even got him a few extra tips when he begged.
He had someone to play with again—someone who wouldn’t abandon him—and it gave him a sense of home. He was the happiest he had been since he had lost his parents. He liked racing his dog from one side of town to the other, teaching his dog tricks, and even playing fetch with items he would find in the street.

He and his dog were two peas in a pod; cast aside, living on the streets, jeered at… and now, they could be castaways together.
Everything was good, until one day, he had fallen asleep—using his dog as a pillow—and when he awoke, his dog was gone, just like his parents were years earlier.
Jeremiah was alone again and cried for his lost pup. He wasn’t good enough to be his parents’ child, and he wasn’t good enough to be a dog’s companion. And it wasn’t just that Barry had disappeared; he had taken the clover with him.

Now, Jeremiah was more bitter than ever. He trusted no one, and relied more on stealing than ever—having no remorse for a world that had abandoned him. He had no more joy or hope left in his heart, and resented the fact that he had ever given the last shred of love to a creature who only used him as a meal ticket.

But then, one day, Jeremiah saw another clover in the road. He picked it up, and with a grunt of anger, intended to rip it. But then, he heard a bark.
He looked to his right and saw Barry.

Tears sprung to his eyes. “Barry!” he embraced the dog, who licked his face. But then, the dog wrestled free of his embrace and began barking.

Jeremiah cocked his head to the side. “You want me to follow you?” Jeremiah followed the dog through the town until they left it, and then followed him further. “Where are we going? I’m getting tired Barry!”
Jeremiah followed Barry until night fell, and they had to rest. In the morning, Barry continued at the same pace, and Jeremiah followed him until they arrived at a different town—one that was quite a bit wealthier than his old one. And finally, Barry brought him to a house—a white, two story house with a beautiful garden out front.

Jeremiah was devastated. He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Is this your new home, boy? Well… I’ll tell them that you’re back. I’ll miss you…”

Jeremiah embraced Barry for what he thought would be the last time, and then knocked on the door. A man and a woman answered—a handsome couple by any standard—and beamed at seeing Barry. “Oh! You’ve returned Barry! We were so worried about you!”

Jeremiah looked at his feet. “I brought him home. I’m glad he has a nice place to stay…” Jeremiah knelt next to Barry, nuzzling his face into the dog’s fur. “Goodbye, boy. You were the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Jeremiah turned away, intending to head back to his old town, but Barry whimpered, nuzzling him affectionately. The handsome couple knelt by Jeremiah. “What’s your name? Where are your parents?”
What Jeremiah was not expecting, was for the couple to adopt both him and his dog.
Truly, meeting Barry was the luckiest thing that ever happened to him.

Hi, here is my piece of lucky encounter!

Lucky Encounter (maybe M content)

“I suggest today to climb to the waterfalls,” said Alon.
“Are here helicopters?” Antey got inspired.
Alon shook his head.
“Only drugs,” Ad giggled. “Eat and ride like a horse.”
“According to a legend, the one who has bathed in seven waterfalls will live seven centuries more,” smiled the beast.
“Has anyone been bathing already?” Antey looked at the couple.
“Everyone,” Ad and Alon looked at each other.
“No, someone who's seven hundred years old?”
“If you were seven hundred years, I think you would not yak that no one goes to you to see,” chuckled Ad.
“Come on,” persuaded Alon. “Rahma lives there; he has amazing cheese and milk.”

“Rahma,” breathed out a hysterical giggle Antey, easily climbing down the path. “How far you have to go for the cheese.”
“He has the most delicious one,” Alon carried over the shoulder a bag with the things for Rahma.
“Not important, for the most delicious cheese. Why settle so far away?”
“To the curious don’t hear the screams of the tormented boys,” Ad put it in instructively.
“But if everyone knows...” Antey threw up his hands.
Alon shrugged his shoulder. Soon the stone house of the hermit appeared. No screams from the house came. Antey sharply looked at Ad.
“He doesn’t torment them all the time, now he has a break,” Ad explained.
The hermit left the house, wiping his hands with a towel, and there were scarlet spots on his hands. Ad nodded to Antey, Antey hysterically waved off.
The comings said hello, Alon presented Antey and Rahma to each other. The men stared at each other with cougar eyes. Alon thought that these two knew what to do with their desire; he threw off the bag.
“It’s for you,” handed Alon the bag to Rahma.
Rahma reluctantly released the sleek hand of Rassen, reluctantly tore his eyes off him, took the bag, nodded to everyone, inviting in the house. Antey walked in, looked around, brushed with eyes at the bed in the corner. The hermit invited the guests to the table; there was a bowl with fresh strawberries on the table. Antey looked at Ad; the handsome waved off.
Rahma set the table, then handed a filled bag to Alon, the beast habitually gratefully nodded.
“I'll go get the wine,” smiled Rahma, brushing with the keen eye the lips of Antey and went to the basement.
“And in the basement, he's got a bleeding boy,” Ad hissed to Antey.
Alon smiled, he had been in the basement of the hermit, no trace of bloody victims was there, there were no chains, no hooks, nor any other fixtures of a meatman, an ordinary cellar. If there was a place where Rahma's victims bled out, it was on his bed.
“Yes, and he gradually sucks their blood for two weeks,” continued Ad.
Antey boldly put a slap to Ad.
“If Rahma had sucked the blood and tortured the boys, he would have cut off your tongue first. And I don't believe he could pass you by.”
Ad breathed indignantly, about to protest.
“And I remember, as you mentioned, that Paris, helping the surfers’ school for poor children, ate these children,” pointed out Antey on the boy.
“Paris well could,” Ad muttered.
Alon pulled and kissed the head of the little snake; the boy clung to the beloved.
Rahma returned with a clay jug. Filled the mugs with fragrant white wine. There were no glasses, of course. Antey sipped wine, sighed admiringly, moved his head. Raised the cup, welcoming the attendees. Finished his drink. Rahma poured him another, insinuatingly smiled.
“Be careful. It's treacherous.”
The sparking Rench waved his hand.
“I grew up on the home wine. Our neighbours were winemakers. I was friends with their son.”
The native, easily smiling, was watching the glorious Rench, cougar tracking his movements.
After dinner, the company was going to continue.
“Will you show us the waterfalls?” Alon asked.
“Certainly,” nodded Rahma eagerly, looking at Antey. The hermit threw over his shoulder bag, with the necessary things on the road.
Alon didn’t take the bag of groceries and decided to pick it up on the way back.
They passed quite a bit, on the way Rahma was telling legends of the local places.
“From the very first she jumped,” nodded Rahma, ending the legend.
They heard a roar of the water and their eyes were opened to a majestic view. The waterfalls seemed to follow one after another, protruding of the cliff. The friends were standing on a rock in front of the gentle, but high descent. Antey walked to the edge; it seemed that the gods were somewhere near, watching from a mountain to somewhere. The man spread out his arms and shouted. The scream flew into space without deafening the surrounding people. They were not in the mountains, so it wasn’t dangerous to shout. Alon, delightedly smiling, looked at Antey. No one can lock the free Rench in a cage; he wouldn't, he couldn't live in captivity. Shining Antey turned to his friends and ran down to the waterfalls. Rahma ran after him rapaciously. Alon and Ad slowly walked behind them.
“I wonder if they fuck right there?” asked Ad.
Alon smiled.
When the couple came down, Antey and Rahma were sticking out of the lake, under the waterfall. But individually, there's no indication of passion between them. Ad giggled and poked his forehead in the chest of Alon, seeing the hungry carnivore sight of Rahma. The native, like looking for and watching the victim, insinuatingly sailed around the Rench. Antey swam rapaciously, animally, he quickly dived, swam to the shore and surfaced in front of Alon, smiling and smoothing his wet hair. The man gave him a hand, Antey took it and disappeared under the water, choking. Rahma was nowhere, the hunter was under the water, holding the leg of Rassen. Antey skillfully copes with the panic, he opened his eyes under water, kicked the Rahma aiming to the solar plexus. The hand holding the leg came loose, the hunter slid along the body of Antey, floating around. Rassen took a deep breath snorting from the water. Antey brushed with the eyes at Rahma and went ashore, in front of Alon.
The Rench was naked; the shorts were lying right there on the coast. The beast looked over at Antey's beautiful body. Antey shook with their feet, shaking off the water, picked up his clothes, and headed to the next waterfall.
“On top, they seem so close,” he shook his head stopping.
“Maybe, you need seven hundred years in the form of candy?” acutely inserted Ad.
“It would be nice,” agreed Antey. “What a beauty around…”
Rahma went ashore silently and lightly; he was also naked, the native picked up his shirt and wiped his face. Alon for the first time saw the hermit naked; the clothes frankly were ruining him. The flexible animal body seemed to belong to some unknown dangerous predator, lovingly fashioned by nature and presented to the worthiest one, this way probably looked gods descended to earth.
“Aren't you going to dive?” asked Antey.
Alon shook his head, dropping off the obsession, turned to Ad, which was untying the clothes. The boy came to the water, touched it with his foot and jumped into the azure lake. The beast threw off his clothes, ran and dived after him, dragging Ad into far and deep. The handsome screamed, gurgling. Antey smiled as if this he created this lake, this waterfall, and Alon and Ad themselves.
They came back to Rahma in the evening. Antey fell in a chair, tired and pleasant smiled.
“Don't walk in the mountains at night. You can easily break the legs,” said Rahma. “Stay. Will leave in the morning.”
Alon looked at Rahma, who was staring at Antey, nodded.
“So well,” said the hermit as if he’d seen, turning to Alon.

You can read more here: https://tapas.io/series/For-a-Slave

Hi there! Here is a chapter of my novel that I recently posted that suits this prompt! Thank you! đź–¤


A lucky encounter

The butterfly bracelet

You might call this fate or whatnot, but I guess he might be the one.

One day, there I was along with my girlfriend at the mall, as we entered a jewelry shop I saw you. You were wearing a red shirt with a yellow jacket on top and skinny jeans a bit weird I may say but that doesn't matter because I really didn't notice you back then, but how can I remember all of this when I didn't notice you, funny, I guess maybe I had my eyes on you since then. You had soft curly hair and were looking at a butterfly bracelet that had red strings and a gold design on them. My girlfriend wanted that, but, that was the only piece left, you looked at my girlfriend and smiled while giving it to her, you looked like you were about to cry but yous still gave it to her. We broke up, my girlfriend, and a few weeks after buying her that bracelet, she was now gone from my life. But, I saw you on another day wearing a white sweatshirt and I might say that fate brought us together, you also wear a butterfly bracelet now, but much prettier than the one before. The bracelet was our chance encounter and fate may have brought us together