Thank you though for participating haha and I always go down the list anyways so don't chu worry about.
ALso I must comment since I'm making like sorta re-designs for the characters, these are taking way longer because I have to think of a design first!
This one was interesting because there aren't any doll/puppets with wings! Hopefully I was able to convey her traits properly trough this design :'D!
these requests are most definetly a challenge haha!
These look amazing so far! I'd love to see one of my characters halloween-ified (or ball join doll-ified).
Character: Cynthia
Favourite colour: Purple
Fatal Flaw: Paranoia
Notable Attribute: Dedication/Persistence
She's actually the most recent addition to my cast (my readers literally just learned her name in last weeks page) so these traits haven't been shown to their fullest extent just yet.
The left image is the original reference and the right was some promotional art I had done recently. Feel free to choose either design.
Ok ok ok wait-
Would it be alright with you if I use this costume for Wyndham in my comic (once it releases)? It wouldn’t be a complete change, she’d only wear it once or twice and wear her original design the rest of the time, and obvs I would give you credit for the new design. If not that’s totally fine! I just really like what you’ve done, and figured I’d ask : )
Character: Alessia
Clothing: she is from noble family but when she doesn't need to wear "fancy" clothes she wears whatever she finds cute, she doesn't have specific style
Age: 18
Eye color: this is just inspiration so her eyes don't need to be the same color as in this pic
Gender: female
Fav color: red and golden
Fatal flaw: i'm not sure does this count but she has one goal and she doesn't care who gets hurt as long as she can achieve it
Body build: she is tall ( 183cm/ 6 foot) and slim
She isn't human but is human looking, she has shape shifting powers
Oh my GAWD! this one was long, took me TWO whole hours!!!
quick! someone get me a 100 bucks!
Anyways this was a fun one to design I technically "broke" a few rules from my design rules.... but did I really break them? MMMHHH...?? or this is another type of puppet I can pull of when needed, who knows, what I do know is that I really loved this and that if this character where to be in my world, monk aesthetics would present :3
Hope you enjoy it :D!
Hi! Would you like to give Alice in her strigoi form a shot? From my illustrator, Anic.
Favorite color: she doesn't really have one despite being so attentive in her life time. I guess a very soft blue would be in handy, like that of snow.
Fatal flaw: most definitely her stubbornness. One thing about Alice is she doesn't know when to stop trying, even when attempting to fight a blood thirsty ghoul!
Notable attribute: Hmmm! On the mental aspect without a doubt her will to survive. One thing about her being dead/ undead, is that she wants to do everything to protect the ones she loves. On the physical aspect, it would be her eyes. They are blood red, and they REEK of rage and urgency.
Came up with a simpler design :3c Sometimes I feel less is more, though to be fair, his favourite colour being gray made like 80% of the work for me lmao!
hope you enjoy it!
Now he can cosplay as a mime vampire! i thought of a clown but mime is just as entertaining minus the threatening aura, I think it fits the criteria! hpefully you can see the themes applied in a subtle way c
Mhhh.. shapeshifters aren't a thing in my universe, but maybe there is something else? after all they're all made out of wood!
I really love mythical creatures and the sort, they're fun and their stories, specially can either be terrifying or hilariously wacky, ah old myths.
Also the idea you have for her, so pretty >u<! I did try to make a whole design but I needed a bit more info on how she look like and what she actually wears, so I just try to wing it haha!
Damn, this looks horrifying great. Thanks so much!
To give a bit of context since you seem a interested in the second design, the characters in my story are part of a self made group called the "resistance" (they don't actually have an official name, any group against the bad guys are "resistance" groups) and are fighting an organization called ReWrite. Whenever they're on a mission, the black getup is the outfit they wear to try and stay hidden.
Aight I'll bite now
This is Andrew in one of his overlord forms, felt like this would be fitting for what I have seen in your style here
Ah I forgot to post the attributes, but Andrew's fatal flaws are his naivety and recklessness. He does have a lot of tenacity though.
His favourite colour is turquouse.