69 / 105
Jul 2021

Over the past couple year it's been on either four or five occasions where I was shamed for being a 30-something year old guy in a field of minors... Like I was doing this on purpose? I am just trying to work on ideas that had been going on since fifteen years ago. Glad to see there are so many well up in their professions age-wise yet still find time to pursue similar dreams! This thread definitely made me feel better for sure.

The story a buddy of mine and I had been working on since 2005 had been finished once, torn down for being written poorly, and then rewritten 1/3rd the way through before realizing the platform had too many inherent issues to be finished properly (issue was, it took 15 years to realize that lol as life hit us both hard over the years). Rather than give up, we shifted gears completely to write the "sequel" to the "prequel" instead, as it had a much easier to write storyline. This was how we though to get traction going, clearing the easier hurdle first, clear the harder hurdles once this one is fully completed. We started Harbinger: Infinity officially back in March this year and got way more done in way less time so we will continue for sure at this pace until it's finished by the year's end.

And by the way since everyone else did their intro, I'm 37/High School Education (Chemistry)

If people think 30+ is an age ppl should get out of the internet and stop getting in comic spaces, they're sorely mistaken. X3
30 is the REAL start of your adult life. Let this old LVL 36 lady tell ya.
I've been at it for about 20 years and my love for making comics never waned. UwU So I made it my day-job. (I was very lucky in my early 20s) and to make sure I'm not only sitting at my desk I work part-time at a hospital (food logistics).

I'm currently working on two series at once. Mainly on the one that's being published (last volume will be done this month! FREEDOM!)


and the other that's been finished basically, but I keep adding side-stories XD haha


I'm 38. I write dark fantasy fiction. I have self published 2 novels and released them on Amazon Kindle. My current project on TAPAS is meant to be a change of pace from traditional publishing and printing.


My work on Amazon:

....wait 25 is older?
Not sure how i feel about that.

Anyways, Star-Studded Salutations! Dialusion here, 25 year old artist focusing on character design while learning some logo, graphic and UX design on the side (UX specifically for a proper career). I've always been interested in the arts, more than my actual schoolwork which got me in trouble a lot. Got into comics mainly to practice character design and to tell the stories that have been in my head for years without waiting for someone to make them true for me. I'm looking forward to giving everyone's story here a proper and thoughtful read!

My big themes are desperation, the self and an emphasis in Cool, Cute and Creative works. My overarching project is called SUMMON! and it's a multi-story project revolved around Passion, Personality and Potential Manifesting Power. My current ongoing work is a part of this project: SUMMON! The Nameless Relic, a worldwide-treasure hunt for an illusively infamous prize lost to time.

Read it here!

God I wish I could pitch my work with half this much confidence and pizzazz... I'm still trying to figure out how to sound excited about pitching my comic, instead of apologetic for suggesting people read it. XD

Welcome to the thread, @Dialusion ! And believe me, 25 is only 'older' when you're comparing yourself to teenagers. I feel weird being one of the 5 oldest people in this thread. (38)

Yup, i count as "older" in age :grin: .....still feel young tho.

Here are my comics:

Realized I didn't post anything about my age. Whoops! I'm 31. I started really working on learning to draw a little after I graduated from college (around 24 years old). It's been a long road and I still have a long way to go, but I'm at the point where I can create comics that I'm pretty happy with!

Appreciate the words!
The secret is fake it till you make it. I've had to pretend to have confidence and pizzazz for basically everything from work to hobbies, especially since I'm apologetic too LMAO. "If you like these genres, then check this story out! It'll be a fun read!"

ahh, the old club! When we getting our walkers and wheelchairs, friends?!

32 here I use to make comics and draw a lot in high school and college, but I fell off the boat with it at some point. Now here I am again, trying to turn my ideas into a manga!

Nice seeing a fellow ELS guy out there! 名古屋の生活はどうですか?僕は2012年まで4年間静岡県で英会話の先生やってて、そこから帰国したけど I definitely miss life out there! :frowning:

I turned 30 this year :cry_swag:

I’ve been writing for a little over a year and I’m on my second novel. I finished my first one almost a month ago. I write lgbtq/romance/fantasy/and historical fiction, apparently :sweat_02:

Here’s my novel:

Maaaannnnnn I just turned 25 last year lol Am I really getting that old? lol
Anyway, here's my comic. I hope y'all are into fighting games!

I'm 30 years old and I've been cartoonist since 24 and made my debut webcomic at age 29. Making the webcomic is the closest I have to work.

Here's what I got.

While looking through the comments, I think that I might be one the oldest in the thread besides @sevenstarsofeightIam... I am a 44 year old freelance web graphic designer. I am a father of 5 and a husband seeking to finally break into my life long dream career of writing and illustrating comics/novels. I have dabbled in it in the past but I was too focused on a music career that I really wanted but forgot about my childhood passion which was DRAWING.... Now I have found my way back to creating stories and birthing a new mythos into the world... Hopefully, I can get things off the ground so that my children will be able to take these creations and make them their own, profit from them or both... With that said, check out my work and let me know what you think... I love feedback of any kind!!! I am also up for any future collabs if anyone is interested....

I think Im still the second(or third) oldest member here :joy: 42
I always says my real age cause I feel responsible towards younger people than myself (not only towards minors) and I want people feel safe when knowing they are talking (or avoiding) an adult, specially in this entertainment business.
tbh its also stressful for me and I want avoid unnecessary stuffs, Im not even that social anyways and that age wall keeps me safe somehow of being approached by others 8D

fresh 25 year old here. I started this as a novel a few years ago, but the characters and world have been with me since i was 14 and have continued to grow with me. I always wanted to create a comic so i started converting the novel into a comic. might post the novel version too at some point!


Since when is 25 "older?" I'll just say I'm in my 30s. I think quarantine brought a lot of us out of hiding and gave us that little push to put our stuff out there. I wrote a lot when I was young, but then life gets in the way. Then covid plus health issues and a very long bout on insomnia got me writing again. What else do you do between 11:00 and 4:00? I also have a good amount of anxiety, so it gave me the time to stew and fight with myself to post. But I'm glad I did. Never too old to put yourself out there. I like this thread, to have something other than genre or sub number to find new stuff!

I write all genres. I started here in December with BL/Slice of Life, then an LGBTQ+ Drama/Romance (that recently completed), but just this morning I FINALLY published the prologue of my fantasy series. Excited about that. No matter what I write, though, it's always about love and family, whatever form that takes. I seem to be incapable of writing anything else. ^^

If you're interested: