94 / 105
Jul 2021

Hi I'm 27, I've been working on most of my stories since around 2011 but cause life can be Complicated I wasn't really able to get any of them off the ground or posted anywhere until early this year.
I have a lot of 'brain problems', So I've always felt like I was running behind everyone else, So The pandemic did help give me time and space to create this comic.
Most of my stories are used as big coping mechanisms, so I don't recommend them for kiddos
this is the first story out of many that I plan on posting here

I'm not too keen to post my age, but after reading through, I am one of the older creators in here. (Well over 25, and old enough to occasionally injure myself while sleeping)

My current project would technically be my third series. The first was just college/military stupidity, and the next was a more serious webcomic that ran for 5 years or so...well before Tapas or any other comic site existed, but it is lost to time when I let the domain expire. (Yeah, cue the, "...so I tied an onion to my belt, because that was the style at the time... back then, DeviantArt was THE big art website, and I built my website on Macromedia Dreamweaver!...and yadda yadda yadda)

This one is a happy slice-of-life comic based on my rescue dogs, because they give me lots of material, and it is simple enough that I can keep up with it around my full-time job.

Hi there! I'm currently 29. I'm a writer with a wide range of production skills that primarily works in the games space but I'm recently loving the process of localizing a webcomic. I'd love to help write one outright one of these days but for now, it's a lot of fun.

If you want to read what I work on, check out Catopia University (and by extension our game Catopia: Rush) which is a wholesome, funny prequel story to the game. Likes and subs are super appreciated as we push towards 100 subs. I'll also jump around and explore everyone else's work!

Stay cool,
Alex <3

shakes walking stick
Back in my day, comic books came from a news stand, and we had to pay a nickel for'em!
They came in pages, not these newfangled app store... endless scrolling... korean nonsense the kids are obsessing over these days.
We had to flip through'em with our FINGERS. Got papercuts all over myself just tryin' to see batman punch the joker in the face.
These damn kids nowadays don't know what good comics look like. Used to cost money I tell ya, none of this free-with-ads garbage. We forked over our weekly allowance for twenty two pages a month, and we were happy to have it!

Anyways, go read my very mature and grown-up comic about power rangers.

Not a fan of age dropping online, but I have been working on LOSTLAND, from concept to this current version, for over a decade. At my age, I feel like I should regret not continuing from the older version, like most people seem to suggest, but seeing this risk pay off in such a big way makes the move worth it.

I have a few years before I turn 25, but it makes me feel so nice to see so many older (than me) people on tapas. Maybe because I've always been the oldest one among my friends, but I really like thinking of anyone older than me as my "older sister". (I guess that sounds a bit childish(?) lol)

Awesome! I'm 31, an artist/writer who always wanted to make a comic (or 3 xD).
Last year I was planning on just going for it, but 2020 threw things off for our household... at the time I felt like my overly cautious husband who wanted me to wait was just being unsupportive, but us going through poverty and depression together made me realize later that I really wouldn't have been able to do it at all at that time. I had already wistfully started pen-doodling my current comic (about my kid) when she was just a baby, but finally at the very end of last year we were able to get things stable/secure again and so I was able to start re-making pages on the computer.

January of this year I finally posted it, a short sweet comic about raising my baby, and I've been able to keep up with my once-a-week upload schedule. Today I've uploaded the 27th episode and slowly been gaining traction :smile:
Feel free to give it a look, you don't have to read it in order, start anywhere.

I'm an elf, and elves don't get old, they just turn "nice and wise with a lot of years of experience". Well, lot of years, yeah, wise and nice? Nevermind.

46 years old game developer here. I tried to make a comic almost 8 years ago, but at time I hated my art, hated the story, and didn't had much time, so I gave up "temporarily" Still don't have time, but I'm slowly getting back to my comics. This was my first try (yes, no skyrim influence here, no, not even a little :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I'm planning to reset it into a new series, with another title, this one will remain as a memento.

Hi! I'm 26 years old, finally getting back into writing after a long long life detour. My current Tapas novel is almost complete, just the final chapter and an author's note to go!


I'm so old that I'm no longer sure how old I am. I think it's 57. (Gets out calculator.) Yes, 57. So old I still have a calculator.

This is what I've been doing for the past 11 of those years...

Hi Eva! I joined the 25 club a few months ago :slight_smile: Still working on an MBA and full time at a company. I started really enjoying art around mid-22. Today I'm still figuring things out, but that's what I enjoy about a versatile, short-story format comic based on life-events, actual dreams, fantasy, etc.

32 here I started getting more serious about drawing at 29 so it's only been 3 years. But I'm pretty happy with my progress and proud to have regular readers who seem to enjoy my work (Even with all of my mistakes, whether in my writing or artwise ^^ ')

It's so nice to see people around your age in here and their work. I'm in my very late 20s and recently started writing my first book. I'm working in the sales department, and thank's to the quarantine period, I managed to do something creative I always wanted. Still working on finding my style, but I enjoy it a lot.

Haha, it feels weird to be considered "old" now!
I'm in my late 20s now, and I only just started dabbling in comic-making after years of drawing fanarts.
I'm now in a financially and mentally stable environment, and my partner has been my greatest motivator and cheerleader - I seriously cannot thank them enough for pushing me to start making comics!

@hakei I've been subscribed to this comic for awhile, but haven't had time to read it yet. I'll definitely bump it up on my reading list- the story sounds so intriguing and the art is really good! Way-to-go for taking the plunge and beginning your own comic!

alk;j;aflkjf thank you so much! Yeah, taking that first step was the hardest because I was having to fight myself to not give up even before starting! :joy:

Hi, I'm 31 :smile: This is my first manga/comic that I've been working on for the past year and I finally got the courage to uploaded onto here :blush: