Do you have people asking you to draw something for them for free?
And if yes, what do you tell them?

It happens to me all the time, sometimes they ask nice, sometimes they
ask in an offending way. I´m not asking about customers who hire me to
illustrate for them. I´m talking about people who assume that I´m bored
and just wait for their crap idea so I have something to do, so they are like
doing me a favor or something like that.

Something that really offended me was a band asking me to draw them
and they put it in a way like I can do it as "practice". That really pissed me off,
first it means that they don´t want to pay for it and second it means I can mess
it up because I just do it for practice (?) and third they are implying that I need
practice (??)

Some days ago someone messaged me and that they like the picture I "painted",
(they saw it in my messenger profile and it wasn´t even a picture that I drew).
I really dislike when people call drawing "painting", especially as in german it sounds
like something little kids do. Then she said if I can "paint" a picture of a cartoon
character so she can give it to her niece or someone as a present. I didn´t even
understand why she wants that as if I have no connection to that niece, I never met
her and what´s the purpose of having someone´s favourite cartoon character
drawn by me as a present. This like this annoy me a lot because I have to ask
questions like "Why??" and it annoys me that people think that I have the time
to research the character, sketch and draw it and everything for someone I don´t
even know

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 1


  • 180


  • 1


  • 1


I just tell people I’m too busy. I work 45 hours/week fixing cars. When I have leisure time it is for me.

Now, that’s not saying that I won’t turn down a challenge. If somebody asks me if I could draw something just to see if I could draw it will often give it a shot (for example, a friend recently asked if I could draw the Ekranoplan KM, otherwise known as the Caspian Sea Monster). Since I love airplanes (and ekranoplans) I will probably give this a shot, but it is at the back of my queue.