What're some popular IP's you want to get your hands on? Like movies, TV shows, comics and all that. What's your vision for what you consider the ultimate adaption? This has been a question that I've actually been meaning to ask you guys because I think we all have those franchises, right?

For me it's:

X-Men: I want to make a comic with a HUGE EMPHASIS on body horror (albiet, everything is toyetic and cartoony af similar to the Mutant Mayhem movie). For example; Cyclops has one giant eye, Angel doesn't have eyes on his head and instead has them all over his body like a biblically accurate angel (he wears like this head band around his head to make himself look more desirable, but he comes off looking like Lady Justice), Iceman has protruding ice shards sticking out of his body, Nightcrawler looks like a horrific demon that's scarier than every Mutant character combined, Professor X has a big brain :v Meanwhile Magneto and Storm are the only two normal looking ones with Magneto being like a SUPER beautiful androgynous dude while Storm is like this foreign exchange student from Wakanda who finds out that she isn't a goddess... but a mutant and her country has been keeping it a secret so they could make themselves appear scarier... like "DON'T STEAL OUR METAL! WE GOT GODS AND GODDESSES LIVING WITH US!". Storm's like an optimist, but she's tone deaf to a fault. She tries to relate to the mutant struggle, but the people she comes across gives her dirty looks. It doesn't help that Wakanda refuses to help (especially with people like Klaw)? And it doesn't help that Storm is like "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOURSELF? You're beautiful the way you are! Being a mutant is a gift! Just look at me! :B" I want this comic to focus more on the obscure mutants with undesirable powers. Like this one character (I don't know the name too, but someone mentioned it to me) who's straight up a bomb and if he blows up, he's dead. LIKE HOW TF -- I think it'd be cool having f'd up storyline where his bloodline's blast radiuses get bigger and bigger throughout each generation and it's gotten to a point where he's capeable of blowing up an entire planet.... just turn this into one big dark comedy (I also would LOVE to introduce other Marvel heroes and show how loved they are).

TMNT: I want the Turtles to not be blood related. They're like their own turtle (sorta like those new turtles in the Last Ronin). I want the soundtrack to exclusivly include underground rap. Back in the day before rap became mainstream, you had to be "in the know" and buy cassette tapes. There's a YouTube channel dedicated to those underground rappers who never really got the fame they deserved. I'd want to play-up the street aspects. Splinter is like this jaded-torn up rat who's rude. He's not human in this iteration. He was a well-groomed rat who lost his owner to the Shredder and he had to learn how to survive in the streets. I want to play-up the absurdity with him watching the Foot fight and that's where he gets his moves from. Mikey is like a Mexican Red-Wood Turtle (thought it'd be really cool if he speaks Spanglish), Don is a turtle from Korea, Leo is a Chinese Pond Turtle, and Raph is a straight up a Tortoise from the Bronx :v (Dude is like 8 or 10 feet tall and he gets his jaded personality from Splinter).

Transformers: I WANT TO DO A TRANSFORMERS ANTHOLOGY SERIES WHERE TRANSFORMERS HAVE BEEN AROUND THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Sorta like Star Wars Visions Season 2. I would like to hire animators from across the world retelling historical events but inserting Transformers there (although each short is connected, meaning the countries would have to take in consideration of what the previous studio did). And then after making it to the 2020's, Optimus and Megatron come out of their respective ships after being out of commission since the beginning of Earth's time and that's when the writers take advantage of the history given to them from the anthology series to create Game of Thrones-scenerios.

I got more, but I'd be sitting here forever typing 'em out :v