4 / 9
Apr 2021

Hello fellow writers ! Are they some well-known tag, popular tag helpful for reach ? What tag are y'all using ?

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
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So like...tags are really weird on Tapas and they only count for the series tags, and even then it's mostly about what's in the title. So what you tag for each episode: doesn't matter.

As far as series goes, I tag with genres (so like if it's a particular type of fantasy like isekai), I tag with age (so if it's a YA) or other common thing that are in my novel/comic, but honestly...I don't know if it's even all that searchable right now.

If anyone knows more about how the search works and wants to chime in, that'd be great because I'd hate to spread false information, but last I checked--your most important tag is your 3 genre choices (and mostly the main one)

Hold on, it sounds like you're saying the title is searchable? Am I to infer its like youtube, if I put search terms in my title it will come up more often? Example: "BL Yaoi Love Romance Boy Love shounen-ai boys love" as a book title would get more hits because it has search terms in the title?

I mean I wouldn't do that, although you could--but mostly that if I were to search "Sports" in comics, I'll get a bunch of stuff with "Sports" in the title even if it is not a sports comic.

The tags seem like...kind of hard to search specifically, if that makes sense. Anyway, I found this out when trying to find sports comics and coming up with so many not-sports comics

No, I'm definitely not about to make a youtube-style titles video. However, I wonder if that's how it works. Maybe it's worth putting at least "romance" in the title if I have story in that category.
No, I havent found the tags particularly useful. I searched "historical" and got like three results. For the whole site!

It works better in the app. You can search specifically for tags instead of name. Also I found out recently that if you go to a series tags and tap on a tag, it shows all other works with that tag, sorted by popularity I believe. It's really useful! However I don't know how many people use that, since I've been using tapas app since 2016 and I only found about this like, this week lol

It's still kind of useless though since you can only search for one tag at a time and you can't even filter comics and novels. But I guess if you're looking for a specific niche than yeah, I still think the tag thing could use some tweeking though.

All this assumes the tag system even works as it should, that all works with that tag actually come up.