10 / 11
Jul 2022

My brain: Why don't you check your Call to Action entry's metrics and comments? :]
Me: No, I have better things to do with my time.
My brain: D O I T : ]


Anyone else experienced this? The compulsion to check is actually I N C R E D I B L Y difficult to resist :'D It has never been this bad with my ongoing series: not even on launch day - after posting a new episode I can just walk away and not look at it - the compulsion to do so can always be drowned out by other distractions.

I don't think it's a contest thing either; I've entered a smaller comic contest alongside this one and I literally checked it once since posting it idk how many weeks ago :stuck_out_tongue: I've also entered a board game design contest a few years ago where I drew a bunch of art, and I don't think I obsessed this much in the aftermath either.


  • created

    Jul '22
  • last reply

    Aug '22
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  • 1


I do have that too, but mostly with webtoon because they still have not implemented a proper notification system. So you have to manually check for comments

That way leads to obsessive nail biting for me and like my poor cuticles just wanna be left in peace hahaha. The want is there, but I try to make myself only check in on posts like that at a specific time of the day. At the start of the day and then before bed. Though the call can be maddening, if I keep giving into it I'll frazzle myself waiting to see progress :persevere:.

Yeah, I tried to do that - gave in and checked in the middle of the day :joy: For me though, after checking there's a sense of relief even if there wasn't any progress since that 'need to know' is temporarily satiated; the problem is it's temporary, and I get the urge to check again 30 minutes later, so it's a huge time drain if I give in all the time :'D

PatPat, the cycle the battle of urges perpetuates :cry_02:. My poor cuticles are a testament to the struggle pft XD.

I don't even just do this with big projects, I do it with like... every episode I upload. :cry_02:

I had to train myself out of constantly checking where I was in the popular rankings in my genre category because it was kind of unhealthy, especially when I moved from Action to LGBTQ+ and was seeing myself ranked against people I know.

Try to avoid checking your metrics too often. It's really tempting, but not always good for mental health.

I second Darthmongoose's suggestion. Those numbers are depressing. I'm at the point now where I don't even go near my comic except on upload day to answer any comments. I had to break a cycle that had formed that was very unhealthy, and I'm not even someone who has enough of a following to care about metrics.

Yeah…I’ve been doing this too since posting my contest entry. It’s mostly because everyone in the comments has been so nice and I want to engage with readers (since they’ve stated it kind of important for the score at 40%?) but webtoon STILL doesn’t have notifications for comments OR a good dashboard where I can at least see for myself if there’s a new one without opening the episode. It really makes me wonder what the point is of being able to reply and like comments at all since most readers have moved on by the time I do reply. I really hope they improve that soon.

Oh yeah, I totally agree that it's not healthy to look at the numbers too much (I literally squint while going to my comic's page so I can avoid seeing the sub count XD), but like this time, it's especially hard to resist for some reason! My usual distraction and coping strategies aren't working and I end up giving in and looking when I shouldn't at least once per day :'D

@CloudyMagpie Ohey, I saw your entry! Didin't know you were on the Tapas forums :smiley: Though idk if my urge to check would decrease if Webtoon implemented comment notifications; I feel like I'd just replace checking my actual entry to just checking the Webtoon site :stuck_out_tongue: I personally lowkey like the lack of notifications since it gives me an excuse to not respond when I don't know what to say XD

Yeah, I disappeared for a good year and a half, but I’m trying to be more active recently since I really enjoy the forums community!

1 month later

closed Aug 29, '22

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