34 / 123
Apr 2018

A "superhero" comic/saga..!

I've just started my first comic ever. I'm not experienced, so I'd be extremely glad to receive some feedback, so I could improve my work
Here it is:

Here is mine! It's scifi/occult/a mix of things in manga style!

here's my comic

There are some promising comics out here! Can't wait to check them out!

Hello, there. I have one really old title, and after a long hiatus, I've got a new one, so here they are:

Written and starring myself and my wife, two lovebirds make the most out of the zombie apocalypse. The world is their playground, they just need to do a little pest control. It's Til the End. https://tapas.io/series/Til-the-End (COMPLETE)

In the fictional realm of Tellion, six-to-seven diverse adventurers stumble from one misadventure into the next. Heavily inspired by experiences playing fantasy RPGs, it's Bad Idea League. https://tapas.io/series/Bad-Idea-League (ONGOING) Sit tight, it's going to be a looong story.

Anyway, thanks for checking me out! I hope you enjoy my work!

Here's mine! It's an LGBT+ werewolf drama

Your comic seems very promising, it's definitely relatable!

Here's a collaborated comic of mine. It is a fan comic of Kimi ni Todoke.
I'm the writer. Rei-chan (Twinblades) is the artist/illustrator. :slight_smile:
We both collaborated to make the fan comic Searching For Kazehaya
Together, we are Dream Studios! :slight_smile:
Hope you'll like it! :slight_smile:

Here you go. It is a somewhat dark comedy about superhreoes.

Here is my comic! It's about an Italian flower merchant who encounters Death. I started it in b & w but later started to do it color.

This is my comic :cat:

Here's mine

Posted on another thread too, but new update today! Updates consistently and plenty more story to be told :wink:

Here is my comic, it's funy, and most of readers say it has interesting characters.