25 / 30
Dec 2021

In light of this, I would like to use this opportunity to ask you a question. When the darkness raises again, would you choose to vanish or flourish? Be mindful that your decision could potentially change your life. With every challenge we face, there is a lesson to learn, and the perspective you hold above all else is incredibly valuable.

"As Oscar hears these words he is left confused. If what she is implying is true, then what next. Oscar’s heart slowly breaks as he hears their conversation. He sits down on the bed with a devastating look. Benjamin looks at Oscar and the look on his face reminds of him of how he reacted to Scarlet’s betrayal."

This one is not posted yet but its gonna be released soon on the next chapter.

Ryan took a deep breath that hurt his rib cage. He exhaled, inhaled again, inched his arms under, and pushed himself up on his hands and knees, the carpet soft underneath. His head swam. He felt his stomach tighten and he puked on the carpet, which hurt the ribs some more. He stayed that way for a bit, on his hands and knees with his head hanging like a winded horse. After a long dizzy moment, he was able to push himself to his feet and walk to the bathroom. The shadows of the beating were on Ryan's skin and on his heart.

If you're interested. thats my novel :slight_smile:

He tossed the bird and it fluttered desperately before exploding into a multitude of sparks. Such small details were difficult and would not keep the audience captive so he put out his right hand and created a sphere of flame, the size of a rubber ball a child would play with. He gave it a spinning toss-up, letting it unravel out into flat ribbons. He grabbed one of these strands and pulled and swung it out towards the audience where the remainder of the sphere broke apart into a cloud of butterflies. With his audience distracted, he made a sweeping motion with his hand and the flames dropped to the ground, their impact spreading in rings like ripples of water quietly dissipating when hitting a wall.

“No, you are not leaving!" Minhyun firmly stated. "I have been searching for you for twenty-five years and you think I am going to allow you to just leave? I am sure you may be a little scared by tonight’s events and all that you’ve learned. I am sure you have a lot of questions and need time to process everything but you cannot go back to your ordinary life any longer. The last thing I want is for you to run away because you feel intimidated by this sudden revelation. You will live with Simeon and you will go back to work at the company. I cannot have you living in some place where anything could happen to you. It will make me very comfortable to know that you are in a safe place. This is the least I can do for my brother.”

No one could argue with the chairman after that.

1 month later

“Everyone always looks at me weird and doesn’t want to play with me,” Makio said with a frown.
“Don’t worry,” Atsuki smiled. “There will come a point where you meet someone who will be there for you through your ups and downs and will have your back no matter the situation.”
“And then what?” Makio said with his eyes in amazement.
“That person will be your best friend,” Atsuki said as he patted Makio’s head.

8 days later

Bren sat Jax down on the couch and wrestled the phone out of his tight grasp.
Bren held up the phone and said, “Jax got a message from Lance, he said they have Keri.”
“What do they want?” Fuchsia asked.
Bren sat down, he squeezed the phone in his hand and looked at Jax and then back at Fuchsia.
Fuchsia’s eyes got huge and she started shaking her head and said, “please, Bren don’t tell me they said….”
“They want Jax and the data.”

“Alexios… I accept you as my guardian,” Jana responded. A wave of relief crashed over my body. I glanced at Tia and while she looked slightly less annoyed at my presence, I could still sense hints of hostility. She turned and walked towards some dresses hung in the southern part of the room, her fingers meticulously plucking through them. I guessed my next objective was to get this woman on my side now.

She left her seat to fetch him a blood-flavoured popsicle from the freezer, almost falling into it in the process, and placed it into his hand, unwrapped. To his surprise, it didn’t taste as bad as he anticipated. He considered possibly purchasing more in the future if he craved it, as he continued to enjoy his new favourite frozen snack.

The heavy mug sailed past his horrified face to smash into the wall behind.
Shards of clay and flecks of wall plaster struck him on the back lightly.
Hari had never been in a tavern fight before this.
He hadn’t even been in a tavern like this ever. He wanted to duck under a table and hide, but even the girls were out there fighting.


8 days later

But, of course, these feelings were drowned out by the genuine happiness they all felt. It was as though they had never left one another at all. Conversations were picked up right where they left off so many decades ago, stories were traded, and eventually they were kicked out of the dive once the closing time came.

His long, silky golden hair framed his face perfectly and laid loose on his back. A bright blue eye that hid a certain darkness in it stared at her, as if it were seeing through her. But what caught Amaltheia's attention the most was the one-sided black feathery wings she had heard so much about, the damaged eyeball, and the nasty scars that covered the left side of King Haryk's face. It definitely wasn't a sight for sore eyes.

The kingly male had captured Amaltheia's focus, and she was having trouble to understand why that was. She had seen some male faeries before and none had this effect on her, so what was it about the king that demanded her attention and dominated her entire thinking organ. She didn't understand why her southern region cried whenever King Haryk was on her mind.

7 months later

“I know for I have accompanied Iola from the time she rescued her grandfather from this very cell.”
“So it was you who aided her.” Esamus’ tone became very cold. “I had five good men killed because of your treachery. Your punishment now will be even more rewarding.”
“No, he had nothing to do with it. He had no choice.” Iola felt her heart begin to race. “I was in his mind, controlling him... making him do my bidding.”

I finished the first draft of The Odyssey of Daiki Yamato (the sequel story to Re:Apotheosis - it came to just under 50,000 words) yesterday, and this is the last paragraph I wrote:

“It’s a long story,” Daiki said, and then smiled. “And we’ve got all the time in the world to tell it.”