1322 / 17940
Feb 2019

I saw the most awesome band this weekend and I wanted to try a Persona 5 inspired artstyle, so he we are :3

A re-imagined version of my character from my comic Dragon Sparking. But re-imagined from my 13 year old self way back in 2002! I don't even think I have existing images from that time period. Its updated in my current Pixel Art style that my comic is done in. You can probably guess just from looking who my inspiration was...

I've kind-of disappeared off of Tapas for the past couple weeks because school's been really overwhelming, but here is a part of a character project I've been doing! I'm really trying to learn digital painting both from school and tutorials, and am now worried my comic's gonna look different when I return. :'D

Ok... I've tried to understand, how much of monochrome pixels are enough to depict my characters in any recognizable way. :thinking:

35x40px picture size for each one appeared to be the most minimal. At least, with my current skill.

Looks awesome!
Anyone who is interested in pixel art programs I recommend Aseprite it's what I use for all of my pixel art. And it has a easy interface and built in animation tools. And it's only $15 USD