16407 / 17940
Jun 2024

Practicing giving Mev’s sneks more personality.

I always wanted the snakes to feel more alive, but before fixing their size and placement it was a struggle to just stick them on her head let alone give them personality. I’m excited for the next page she comes back <3

:sob: bro I’m just filling up this thread. Sorry guys.

I was drawing this on magma (which is why there’s a random little heart at the top)

Oof, try drawing for hours to make it look mid asf. That's what I get for drawing both of them on different canvaes. And also the fact that I hardly draw at all, so drawing their outfits takes decades.

I've drawn a lot recently, but here are a couple pics of my female leads from "Rigamarole" "Damsel in the Red Dress" and "A Dozen Morning Glories"

I think I found Ernest’s twin brother lol I’m kidding

Long dark haired hooked nose lanky pale men with a traumatic injury what are the odds?

I kinda want to draw the bandaged dude now

He’s cute! 🥰

Ignore the angry German guy dunking that poor man

Move along

everyone is staring at Otto because he’s cute

What’s with me and buff German accented buff Jewish guys with curly dark hair?


My roommate has alcohol markers! They are from her dad.

And I learned you can get a tiny bit drunk on them if you use them enough.

Worked on the piece some more this morning...now off to work

A finished page from Chapter 2 of Crescent Blue which will be coming out at the end of the summer