16553 / 17940
Jul 2024

from yesterday, tho i have one more recent pic, I'll prolly share too. here's a croquis i made of my leads from my novel "A Dozen Morning Glories" and another croquis of the leads from my novel "Damsel in the Red Dress"

Even MORE couple art sketches, from "Damsel in the Red Dress" and "A Dozen Morning Glories." Dominic has discovered stools.

Took two days, but my first complete digital sketch of Alicia from "Damsel in the Red Dress" is done!

What art program are you using? I’ve noticed you seem to be doing your lines and coloring on the same layers, judging from the little white pixels around the lines. You can avoid those annoying little pixels by creating a layer below the lines for colors. I’m not sure how to tell you how to do that, not knowing your program, but looking at tutorials on YouTube is always a big help! ^^ it’s looking good so far for your beginning to digital art!

@ArtGremlin medibang is the program i'm using. i just started using it so i legit have no idea how layers work XD. i really do need to watch some tutorials lol. and thanks, it's definitely a learning curve

Actually a redraw. The original layout I finished last night didn't flow very well.

Oh that’s right, I think I saw you saying you used medibang at some point. I think I downloaded it once, but I didn’t bother to try drawing much because I did not feel comfortable on it :sweat_smile:

my tablet has pretty limited options for the softwares that work with it, so i have to work with what i can rn XD