8365 / 17925
Aug 2020

I draw my country legend in second world war,Leftenan Adnan.He with 152 malay regiment fight versus 2000 Japan soldier at Bukit Candu,Singapore.After the fierce battle,Japan soldier retreat after fail to conquer Bukit Candu from Leftenan Adnan's army.Japan was understimated their enemy.Second battle begin,Japan reinforce all their power to make Bulit Candu fell into their hand.Leftenan Adnan's army had bern attacked from air by aircraft and ground by Japan soldier.Though,They never surrender.They fight with all their spirit until all of they die.Bukit Candu had been conquered by Japan.For me,Though,Leftenan Adnan and Malay regiment were dead.But their spirit are more powerful than Japan Kamikaze spirit .They were trully hero.....no,they were living legends and their spirit still growing in us,Malaysian.
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