13080 / 17940
Aug 2021

Not finished yet but scanned and cleaned up

Shameless plug of my video channel drawing this image

Panel work for my series, Tame : )

Say, what happened to your comic if you don't mind me asking? I can;t seem to find it anymore on Tapastic.

Im trying it out with Amazon Kindle at the mo. Then will look into other ebook formats after September. I'm currently working on the rest and will be released in yearly volumes.
One main reason is that I want to just focus on the comic and actually complete it (done too many unfinished projects in the past)
It may come back on Tapas (when it's nearing completion) but looking at other avenues currently.
I have this love/hate relationship with Tapas (bad resolution/ink system is a scam..so on)
I hang here as (some) of the community are decent and love seeing some of the work

Ah, I see. Hopefully the Amazon Kindle will work out for you. I really enjoyed your work when it was here and I hope you do fully finish your comic and find success with it. Look forward to seeing you around the forums as well. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

This is Kioshi, he's my main character. His social skills are lacking from being an introvert for 3 years during his early teens. He's gay and has zero idea how to talk to women.
There might be error's. I draw 15 pages a week and I am lazy with the grammar, deal with it. I have my editor very kindly check it for me before I post xD. I also removed some text because it was pointless without context and not what I wanted to show : )

No problem. I most definitely will. :slight_smile:

Loki and Lucifer drawn today for a chapter of my comic, Tame : )