1542 / 1626
Dec 2024

Feeling much better since a few days ago. Should be 100% in a day or two. Progress going well on the Nativity episode/my comeback ep, got it all drafted. It's definitely gonna be a 2 or 3 part ep cause I threw in a little plot relevant stuff(facepalm), but I'm cutting out panels and bgs as I work so it's not too heavy a load for me. Might be a few more days until I get part 1 out, depending on what happens irl (and coloring, yeesh). For now, I'm really enjoying the grind post-burnout, feel like my old self again :smile:

Update: hair and eye shading tutorials cause girl let's be for real. Did change the eye shape to one I prefer, however. Working on new things presents new challenges.

Working on a side character design for Antemortem. He's meant to contrast with the main character's very simple design so I added a lot of little details I'm still not done drawing, lol. Doing some color testing today.

Another step in the saga. Focused a lot on the chest and arm skin rendering. Decided to do a switch up for legs and am not doing tights/long socks.

Also decided to shade the ears more and I like them better now.

This is gonna be the end of me I swtg. Now I have to render the legs with as little knowledge as I have about rendering.