11 / 66
Feb 2021

Probably this one XD

There is so much to pick, but I will have to pick this page:

Here is the link to my comic:

This ep isnt out yet, but Im honestly so proud of how the entire chapter came out!

I just love the conflict in this page. Thought it was wonderful.

Probably this one right now:

Despite all the dramatic smashing of glass and high weirdness that goes on in Chateau Grief. I think my favorite page so far has been this little sequence of pure honesty from CG 222. Also the bit with the hobo, but hey, I had to pick only one.


Chapter Three (four in overall counting), Part one, Page 13

I love the fact that this page gives the readers the full notion of comparative character scaling; and I also LOVE the effect I got in Raheem's smoke trailing! This page is from my comic called Menmar! I hope you like it!