
Priest Of Dudeism

Jan 19, '21
Last Post
Apr 2, '21
Sep 29, '23
Trust Level

Not sure if you're still looking for a writer but I suppose it's worth a shot. I'm the creator or only one series so far and am 30'ish chapters in. Here's a link: It's a fairly large project meant to be a long running series ranging in genre from Comedy, Satire, Action, Adventure, Psychologica…

Would be glad to join in. I make a small webtoon series over here:

Hell yea that was helpful ^^ Still gonna work on the synopsis based on that feedback. Also the thumbnail. That could use some work. Need to do some research and maybe wait another month or so before changing it again. Kate being seen as a passive character right now is actually quite good. That …

Nice. Time to fry some gray matter. So my comic Plot Armor Academy takes place in a world where fictional characters reside before and after their publication. Rule of thumb is, as long as someone thought something up, it exists within it. You made a doodle today? That doodle is now a resident o…

Another masterpiece, this time with visuals. Fancy. This feedback is on a level of detail I didn't think possible. Definitely gonna turn those into plot points. I salute you good sir. Excellent insight! I'm terribly sorry to impose, but would you glance at this here new version of the synopsis a…

Now that's what I'm talking about! And I respect your effort in suffering through my comic ^^ 1) That one almost hurt. I actually spent time making the thing, but oh well, back to the drawing board I guess. It actually was supposed to be some kind of sci-fi psychedelic thing, so at least I've got …

I'm the creator of a series called Plot Armor Academy and have a very specific request. To anyone who graces this sub thread with their presence I would like to give the task of reading as far as you get (or want to) and be as harsh and honest as humanly possible with your feedback. A bit more a…

ooh, but I already thought of a funny intro. Does this mean you consider your series too cringe or only gay for the sake of being gay? Don't worry, if you don't wanna, I'll respect that. Contrary to popular belief I'm not here to step on any feet.

Gad it helps somehow. Abuse every part of the tools you are given ^^ if you can't go out and shoot photos of people for reference, the §D assets are the next best hing xD

Plot Armor Academy 1 [image] This could be fun, let's hope I don't forget and skip a day by accident.

Polishing the turd ... intentionally. [image]

:smile_cat: :expressionless: :fork_and_knife: :cactus: :tea: [:sip:] [:sip:] :smile_cat: :crossed_swords: :expressionless: :smile_cat: :crossed_swords: :expressionless: :tea: :dizzy_face: :expressionless: :sleeping: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: [:sip:] [:sip:]

I think this shall be the last one for today ... I guess I got almost to the halfway point. Hooray ^^ Feedback: “To the Touch.” NAME and SYNOPSIS: When I looked at the name I already had an ominous feeling. When I clicked on the link I could see why … THAT kind of romance … oh boy here we go. I…

Alright. This one took me forever ... or at least it felt that way. Feedback: “Frequency Overload” NAME and SYNOPSIS: First I read the title and thought to myself: “Hmm sounds cool let me click on … OOOOH GOD my eyes.” I realize now that it's supposed to be a tv laying on its side but damn doe…

You're very welcome. I hope my critique was at least vaguely educational in nature. ^^

This one's a little shorter. The plot is gonna take some time to develop, since the premise was just barely established in the most recent update, so that section was a little hard to cobble together. Feedback: “The Purple Ribbon” NAME and SYNOPSIS: Name sounds like a novel my grandma would re…

So the first one might be a little messy, I hope you don't mind. Feedback: “Black Belt Society” First come first serve NAME and SYNOPSIS: Name sounds catchy, the first impression taking into account the cover art as well, would be a fantasy martial art comic. The artstyle of the first chapter,…

I'll be as thorough and whiny as possible. This is for true masochists' only who don't like beating around the bush when it comes to constructive criticism. I will try to follow this basic layout: 1) Name and Synopsis, initial premise for a new reader (which at that point I will be) 2) Art sty…

works on my end. ... weird. Here's another one I guess, sorry for unintentional spam

I'll go one step further ^^ I have a 15 minute badly dubbed version of my first chapter xD multiple ... "voice actors" even

Had to compress it quite a bit, hope it's still acceptable Plot Armor Academy [image]