46 / 66
Feb 2021

So far, this is my favourite! I'll have even more puppy drawing in my comic soon.

I don't have pages but panels so it's hard to pick just one! I'll do the effort anyway and here's Jun recently struck by his mom's sandal (in the face, of course) (_:

I know I already posted here but ima do it again for my other comic >:‎)

These pages may seem a bit bland, but they're the only pages I have so far of the upcoming chapter. I barely put any detail like shading or lighting into the previous chapter, so I'm excited to see the improvement when I can continue working on it again. :‎)

This is just a snippet of the larger page, but it's def this one:

[Click for full size.]

This page is kind of huge, so I apologize for that hahaha. But this is definitely my favorite. It was the first time I swapped over to this style of pages, and I had a lot of fun with the flow, actions, and expressions here.

This page is just so good and I'll never stop marvelling at it. It's the only time you ever really see Diijuan Naco, a king of The Underworld, vulnerable and not in control.

Art by Art by www.instagram.com/alphonse_dd/

These 2 from chapter 1 of Bestia's Wrath (one is technically the cover lol)

These 3 from Chapter 3

these 2 from chapter 2. I hand-drew the Kirby dots and the zoom effects lmaoo.

This one from the lost firstborn

Thank you for the thread!!!