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Jan 2018

I'm an avid fan of different mangas, ranging from Shounen to Seinen to a little Shoujou and all in between. I also find it a little difficult searching for such work on Tapastic. I'd love to read a few and as always, here's your chance to get a little advertisement. Go on a head and post your works that take great inspiration from Japanese mangaka's.

You can also include Korean Manhwas' too if you so desire.

  • created

    Jan '18
  • last reply

    Aug '22
  • 42


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  • 41


  • 11


  • 50


Hey! Cloverlines might the bill for you!

its meant to look like an anime with its colors XD

I also recommend @genjiOtori 's

Let me shameless show you my very Japanese manga here (pretty much seinen/fantasy)

and my friend's webtoon (romance/comedy) and it's kinda manga-style as well :grin:

My manga-inspired action/fantasy comic, Tainted Eden! It's about a young woman and her hunt for the dryad whom cursed her. Contains many twists,fantastical characters, and lots of action.

Check out my Horror Manga Death Sin!

Mine's more like a hybrid, but if you dig seinen and scifi/fantasy, you might like Midwinter! It's a long form so it'll be going for awhile.

Might as well throw the link to my own work.

I'm eager to start reading a few of the works presented. I'm not going to be able to read or sub to every post given, but even if I don't, feel free to advertise and see if others will also enjoy your work.

It's manga style as far as being right-to-left and (mostly) black and white, but is otherwise not like most manga. May be worth checking out, at least.

Mine parodies the classic shonen stories about a chosen one saving the world, but with a twist... the main character is a rock.... an actual inanimate rock

I think mine counts as a manga ^^' If you like fantasy with a bit of horror, go check it out~ ^^

~Here I am with my silly manga about cats that turn into humans~

So, I'm not 100% sure my comic is manga style, some call it, others don't, but I have definitely been influenced by it. I hope that makes it okay?

Here's mine, its as shonen as shonen can get

Both of my comics are mix between western and Japanese styles.

Tia Corcilli's inspiration is like 90% manga/anime and 10% western cartoon :slight_smile:

Swolsdi is more of 50/50 mix so it's clearly a hybrid, but if you like weird humor it's might be worth a read?

My comic is VERY manga influnced, even having the black and white style up until 3 quarters of the was through chapter 7. It's inspired by Shonen manga's like Naruto (Without the ending or spin-off............), Dragon Ball, and Fairy Tail :stuck_out_tongue:.

Check it out if you'd like :slight_smile:

I fell in love with the manga/anime style and tried my best to incorporate it into my manga/comic. It's western, with a tiny splash of shoujo. I just love those "bishies"! :wink:

My Manga Style webcomic is a Fantasy and Horror anthology.

it is a very new webcomic.