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Apr 2021

I thought this would be fun :smiley: I like looking at others people's villains.

Human trafficking, inhuman surgery, experimenting on humans, drug abuse, mass murder (though none of those can be proven >.>)

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Villain: Stegosaurus

Crimes: Landing critical hits on frail old women

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I mean there are more than one in my story but I can't spoil things so I will just do the stuff we already know so far.

Alexi's dad (His name isn't mentioned right now): Child abuse, torture, drug abuse, neglect.
Thats all I can really say without spoiling things!

TFW when your deuteragonists have some similar crimes mentioned by the other people here

I try to be as spoiler free as possible.

Title: The Hanged Man (name mentioned in more recent updates)
Crimes: assault, deception, nightmare inducing, probable involvement in causing the earthquake that killed many people including protagonist's mother, the fact that his death was by long-drop hanging might indicate he was executed and did a more serious crime in the past, and he has almost no eyebrows.

Brave Thunder

Having a family and community to protect from hostile foreign invaders.

Logan, bounty hunter. Hired to steal an object of value from the MC. Also stole a legendary war hammer from a royal family.

Balthazar, leader of the infamous (self-proclaimed) Nova Gang.
Crimes: assault, space-train robbery (attempted), criminal mischief

You will know his name soon enough......

Crime: His initial entry on Planet Next introduces him to people or ("fleshers" in Ep. 2) which he only acknowledge as waste /snack food... He doesn't abide by any laws but his own... Keep your eyes on him as his character takes you on a rollercoaster ride...

Episode 2 coming soon!!!


My villain's crimes are murder of his own daughter, mass murder of those who go against his orders (he leads the repression of a rebellion), blackmail, threats, cohesion. My villain goes to great lengths to get what he wants

Main Antagonist - Delta

Race: Elysian (Possessed by the primordial god of darkness)

Overlord of the seven nations, Delta is callous, self-serving and a deep-seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at his core. He is unbending, and will manipulate others to serve his will.

As far as his crimes... I don't wish to give much away, so you all will have to read it and discover his malfeasance for yourselves when those chapters become available on Tapas :wink:

So apparently my villain is responsable for a couple of murders... Maybe?
I donĀ“t really know. What I do know for sure is that my protagonist isnĀ“t that good either, since he had commited robbery, falsification of documents, and another slightley unmoral acts :joy: