Frederick Ananda Kasem Right, mixed Italo-American and Thai origin, Twin brother of the dear Jadie, once CEO of the DIamond Gears, and actual Ruler of the "Paranoia Empire", known as "The Patriarch".
While being the greatest authority of the Empire, and by extension of one of the greatest forces of the World of Gaia, Frederick Right is well known for His infamous reputation, gained as He was the Right arm of the Tyrannical Maroccan Emperor "Bezelbufo", and later with the "Dreamers' War", excluding also many disputable activities, such as Experimenting on People, either enemies, or its own (and even Children if necessary), the creation of the "Boogeymen", and forcing all the species to be under the Human race and fit a specific position in the hierarchical pyramid.
GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".
Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is a Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individuals, all connected by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".
Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!
Villain: Sultan Kaspar (Menmar)
His face is yet to be shown on Menmar, however, his crimes are: tyranny, brutal enforcement of authority, speech censorship, religious persecution and genocide.
From Farsi/ Persian, meaning "to build, to make or to create", Menmar tells the story of Nadhine, a maiden living in an empire in the brink of a political revolution, whose life is saved by Raheem, a being whose existence seemed to belong only to human myths and children's tales. Together they join forces and decide to help each other in dealing with a human Revolution and a mystical journey to uncover seven magical daggers which might be able to save the entire race of Djinns from extinction.
Oh, I've got a few. Let's start with Jefferson Blank, the first arc's villain, and then a tease of The Righteous Reverend Abraham Cain and Adam 2.0.
Villain: Jefferson Blank - While technically in the same business as Nod and his crew, Jefferson is violently efficient assassin, having the schedules of his targets memorized to the exact second, and just as quickly assuming their identity as no one seems to be able to remember his face. He's guilty of many counts of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, impersonating law enforcement, fraud, and identity theft.
Villain: The Righteous Reverend Abraham Cain - Nod's brother and the high priest of The Upgraded, Adam 2.0's cult of technology fetishists, Abraham is guilty of attempting to murder Nod, other counts murder, extortion, destruction of public property, vandalism, misuse of public resources, engaging in the unlawful uploading of consciousnesses onto public networks with malicious intent, unauthorized surgery and medical experimentation.
Villain: Adam 2.0 - Nod's father and the object of worship for The Upgraded, Adam 2.0 is guilty of murder, organized crime, unauthorized surgery and medical experimentation, violating research contracts with municipal charter corporations, destruction of public property, blackmail, extortion, vandalism, illegal transplantation of consciousnesses into unauthorized shells, bribery, unlawful communications with forces of both The Somnubi and of Leviathan that are currently besieging the city.
I've got a lot of villains and some of them have yet to be introduced but let me introduce you to the main one
Bernael Ashe Khaos the Emperor of the Khaos
Info from RUWS Chap.4: Alist's previous life knowledge of Heroes of the United Continent -
Bernael is the final villainous boss who instigated the submergence of the Sidero like what happened to the mythical continent Atlantis, the infestation of necrophiliac snakes throughout Meralte, the rampage of shadow-travelled monster hordes that attacked Talineah, and the suppression of the Eudarian Mainland with the force of his army.
Basically, being the mastermind behind nationwide misery is total villainy.
This is Ira, the Villain Protagonist of my novel. She is a superpowered, charismatic, but batshit insane mafia queen who represents Wrath. During the story itself has been involved in drug deals, has murdered several people, blackmailed others, kidnapped someone, tortured several people, molested the person she tortured...she is a piece of work.
And this is within the actual story itself. She has a mountain of corpses and like a 10 TB cloud drive worth of crimes she personally committed through out her entire lifetime.
Villain: the damn image size limit
Crime: blatant deception. The image I was uploading was LESS than 1024 kb.
On an actual note
Bestia's Wrath:
Villain: Vitiate, the Sith Emperor
Crime(s): creating a fascist government and being an absent god emperor of said government, destroying all life on 2 planets, possession of numerous people's bodies, deception
his less threatening form:
Since I'm still in the prologue of my series, I'll tell you about the "villain" that everyone knows.
Yamamoto Akuto, also known as The MAO.
The greatest known criminal to ever exist, he waged the first great magical war over 1,000 years ago and is responsible for the creation of the gohma, evil creatures that feast on humans and still roam the Earth today.
His crimes? Well let's see:
- Murder (of millions of people)
- Treason
- Using forbidden magic to revive an ancient weapon
- Torture
- Wanton destruction
- Cruel experimentation to create abominations
That's just a small list of what the majority of the population are told he's done. Of course....that's only what everyone has been told by those in charge for the past 1000 years.
So far the only antagonist mentioned is an enigmatic criminal only known as "The Necromancer". He died months ago, but his actions still affect the Kingdom, as, among his many crimes, he killed the First Heir to the throne. He also killed dozens if not hundreds of inhabitants of Rigel, the Capital City. Not to mention Necromancy on its own is a crime, as one of the Forbidden Schools of Arcane Sciences.