9 / 9
Oct 2018

Do you prefer in color or in black in white
I'm doing black and white on my series but should I change it?

What´s your opinion about it?

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Oct '18
  • 8


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Well, I can't draw that well (actually I couldn't draw a good picture to save my life), but I think that you need to think about whether the visual look is more important or the intensity of the panel is. I've seen some artists swap between colour palettes or black and white to coloured panels or vice versa. I find that when a series is almost entirely in colour and some panels are then done in black and white for the wind up to a reveal, it gains such intensity, due to the sudden shift in art style and it not showing up constantly in the series. That's just my thoughts though, it really depends on what style of story you're telling.

I personally perfer color but in some series b/w just works? And it definitly works in yours! I’d keep it as it is ^^

I'd say do whatever you like to do best. Neither black/white or color is inherently better, and both can work really well.

The main difference I think is that black/white leaves more to the reader's imagination, while color explicitly shows more visual information. In that sense, black/white 'engages' the reader more in a certain way, by forcing them to use their imagination to a greater extent to visualize the world. It's like the difference between books and movies, but not as big.

I'm gonna link my reply from a similar thread.

and also add that your black and white style really charming and effective, and I would keep at it.

Took a read through your comic, I totally love your style in B&W :smiley: It seems like you have a good handle on how to use it well.

Regarding the title question, I don't have a strong preference. I grew up reading a lot of Manga so I'm accustomed to black and white comics, although most of the ones I read online are in color. I personally prefer to draw in color but that's neither here nor there as far as my reading preferences lol (I would actually like to try more B&W someday though :>)