120 / 208
Nov 2017

Current chapter is a small side story of how two side characters first met c:

New page up on Kamikaze! :slight_smile: Markesha really isn't a morning person.


Latest page I made for VESSEL

And the latest page for this month on Birth by Stone

This is from Smackjeeves where my comic is further along, but all the art between 6 and 31 is sort of shit.

the image is too large. Needs to be a minimum of 940 pix wide; your image is like 1500 pix wide.

Just finished a full episode of Infinity Spirit1, and here's the latest comic page.

Note: I have a lot more pages and will generally publish 1 every day :slight_smile:

My comic's back to doing its regular "gag-a-day" thing again after having done two long story arcs!

Just finished up episode 9 of my comic yesterday!
Check it out!
This one introduces Dr.Mokyo, the team's chief scientist and witch doctor.

If you wanna read the rest, click on this here banner and enjoy the comic!