

Springhill Ok, 'Merica

Comic Artist, trying to live off my dreams manifest.
I draw Scarlet Acres and Memories of Natch. My current project is Jackie Welldrop.
I swear I am human and not some creepy fish-person!

Mar 14, '15
Last Post
Nov 29, '17
Nov 29, '17
Trust Level

Took a break. Back to 3 times a week, I hope. [image]

takes a puff alright, where were we? [image] [image]

[image] I'm about to start up the third issue. Figured now was a good time to show a map of the town.

Final page of this issue. I have yet to write the next, but I got some good ideas. [image] This is the end of Act I, I think by now I've introduced everyone that needs introducing. I've set the rules for the game. Time to play.

Alright, here's the last two pages. Old hands at my previous comic know this old friend. [image] [image]

Character: Amy Astor! Monster Roll: um... Zombie? Okay... [image]

Personally, I think it's a good story started. If I had any advice, it'd be to focus on the characters and their reaction to the "Beautiful World" and not on world-building, but it looks like you're already on this path. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Start. Needs more. Let's see that pencil dance. At least a page a week, dude. That's a good starting scheduled. Here's Mine, if you wanna check it out. Linky.

I'll be honest, I've been writing Jackie Welldrop as if it were a... "Survival Horror" ...and adventure/mystery game. I've told people before that "I don't write the comic, I play it. Every page is just the game taking place."

[image] [image] I don't do covers too much. These are from back when I was still writing Rats Eating Rats. The third issue didn't get a cover.

[image] It's about to get real bad for Forrest.

Here's the last two pages. [image] [image]

punching is happening. [image]

Starting my second fight/action scene. Hope this works out. [image]

So, when I started, I screwed this up, so I'm just gonna give you guys this. Do Not Cheat With Hands and Feet Don't avoid it. Don't draw little blobby stand ins. Don't hide them behind feature. Don't draw less than 5 fingers and toes. Even with my cartoony style, I found out that Hand and F…

So, This month, I'm going to focus on get'n on Schedual until I can't. Story wise, the tale is going to focus on what's broken with Forrest (the spiky-toothed guy) and that Amy (pink hair) isn't exactly what she seems. [image]

[image] She's actually 6 inches tall. And, as long as it's Halloween month, here's an egg. [image]

That's a pretty cute comic, yo. Welcome. O_O stay forever

One of my favorite comics, Gloomy the Living Dead Doll, waits until the whole issue is finished and then posts it. So, roughly 22 pages? Meanwhile, I'm uploading one page at a time of undetermined length. I would say if someone tells you a "Rule of Thumb" they're wrong. It's chaos.

Oh yeah, man. Especially evil smiles. Not sure why.

[image] I like this guy. He smells like peanut-butter. And he found this egg under my couch! [image]

Wow, that looks like a lot of work. Looks good, man.

Ben Prunty is the soundtrack of my comic. Specifically Dark Window, Dead Secret, Electro Crypt, And the Darkside Detective sound track.

I'm noticing that pattern that I've always noticed with artists. I'm no different, I guess. I am STILL told that my work, my art, my stories, are all useless because they don't make money. Oh, folks don't say that out loud, but they use the common language you've all heard. "Your art is great. …

I wish I had self promoted more. I was under the false pretense that if the comic was good, people would just find it. Nah, if they don't know it exists, they won't look for it.

I have an outline, but only of things done in the past. Once the comic starts, I literally make things up page by page. No real script, tho I use Open Office to proof read. I know. I'm chaos.