186 / 268
Sep 2017

Ahh thank you so much! <3 I really appreciate it!!
I've subbed to yours as well. I love your art style!

Thank you soooo much! Your story is fantastic! I'm enjoying it! I've commented and liked. Keep up the wonderful story! :heart:

A new "sidequel" comic set in the same sci-fi BATTLELORDS universe as What the Fott?©
Subscribe for updates and to influence where the comic goes through voting. One reader will get their character put into the comic.

Come on down and ask me stuff~

just updated after a month of not updating! been working on a buffer. :smiley: i got more panels coming out today too.

more oopdoops. dont plan on updating for another two weeks. this episode was very fun to work on!!

Its been quite some time since I posted last, damn Uni has absorbed all of my time :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah well, here is the newest page of Legends of Kayal!~