The concept is interesting but I definitely will not participate. Sharing my face or voice is just asking for homophobic attacks. The last time I tried making lesbian content for LDOV I spent the day deleting and reporting hateful/threatening comments. I do hope Tapas does more for Pride Month than a video.
Yeah I'm also probably staying out of this. I wish they'd do more for creators rather than.... this which comes off as entirely self serving. This whole concept depresses the hell out of me. Maybe there were good intentions to start with but this was not the way to go about it.
Tapas seems to continuously drop the ball on actually supporting creators and its just sad.
I also agree with this sentiment. I understand that there were also calls for featuring LGBTQ+ creators in a similar fashion as the features for Black History Month and Women's History Month. Though the call specifically LGBTQ+ creators was only done on twitter, rather than also being posted on the forum. That feels pretty weird, given that this is one of the best ways of reaching out to Tapas creators. But then calls for this video are being more actively promoted.
As others on here have said, this pride video feels more focused on making Tapas appear inclusive, when after yesterday's events on this thread, it's clear that homophobia and transphobia are still quite prevalent within the Tapas community. As a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I think that having our comics/novels featured directly aids the community in normalizing LGBTQ+ characters and our stories. There is such a wide variety of LGBTQ+ genres, from action, to romance, to drama. I think spreading such stories would do far more in terms of representation than a short video would.
I'd rather you promote my queer comic than pry into my queer personal life honestly x.x
No offense of course... it's just weird for me personally that you wanna promote that people that use your site are queer over all the comic and novel work they upload to the site. I duno maybe I'm reading this wrong.
Are there also plans to showcase LGBTQIA+ creators on the front page? I was a little surprised that the announcement to introduce ourselves and our work was only on the Tapastry account on twitter4, not the main site and forums like this one.
Personally, I'd be really happy with just something similar to last year's Pride feature. Making the front page into a rainbow of LGBTQIA+ content to showcase lots of people was really fun and was a good concept to cover the diversity of content on the site.
Like a lot of creators under the umbrella, I just want visibility for my work and the work of similarly marginalised people and to feel safe and valued here. That's much more important and useful than having my decidedly un-photogenic face shown (I mean, I guess I could record my voice but... my opinions about Pride are complicated and mostly about feeling left out because it's all about being photogenic and corporate-friendly if you want visibility... ).
I hope this is just a small optional part of the celebration for people who want to take part and there will also be a nice big showcase of work on the front page of the app.
This is purely speculation but is it possible our new tapas overlords want the front page to look very particular at all time with their premium comics? as such we will not be seeing any more promotional features for smaller creators from any community as it’s much harder to “quality control” since not everyone works in this anime/koren style?
Again it’s speculation but I find it Intresting we showcased that Asian event on the front page but we suddently don’t want to show lgbt. Somewhat sus is all I’m saying.
What about besides joining in the rainbow parade of pride* (available only on the pride month), with nothing meaningfull to show more than a empty ad campaign, there should be a focus on the lgbt+ creator's work. That would show some compromise.
I say 'besides' because there is nothing wrong with activists who wants to show their message, specially if that message encourage and makes more lgbt+ people to feel accepted, but I don't think that a company that enjoys a very big community with pride colors should just sit only on that.
No need to get angry. This is a public space and people are allowed to raise concern over what Tapas does, on a forum that Tapas owns. No one is saying that they hate that companies like tapas are showing appreciation and love for the LGBT community, they're simply just saying there are better ways to host a Pride event than this, especially on a site full of LGBT creators who are most likely not comfortable talking about their lives on recording.
Hi @victoria1, a quick question. Will the video be up indefinitely? If so, will people who submit material to this have a way to contact you (tapas) and have their info removed if needed? In an ideal world, nothing should happen if someone shows their face in a pride video, but things may change in people's lives, and it might be an issue for some in the future.
Just trying to be cautious here