30 / 68
Jun 2021

Sam is definitely a strong lead here, absolutely never one to let someone try to take advantage of her or walk over her. Some things might get her rattled but always finds a way to grow stronger with each survived challenge.

Is throwing an estate car strong enough for you?

'Cause Rekki Lune is a heroine who throws a car and punches house-sized demons in the face and stuff. :hype_01:

Fantasy/action with a dose of romance!

I'll drop mine here!

If you're interested in gothic horror and Bloodborne, The Lady and Her Hound might be up your alley? Lady is a strong but quiet. She's a monster hunter/demon slayer and journeys around the ravaged countryside with her faithful companion Hound!

claire is strong and adventurous, leona tries to be strong despite everything, nobody else has a concept of gender
s'what happens when you're stranded in a strange new world
plus you cant convince us that jumpsuits arent the height of fashion

I have a few main characters whom I balance out with, but this is Ahiko. Although she doesn't always demand the most attention, unlike their attention whore of a party member Rokuzo, Ahiko always pulls through. I imagine their resilience like that of an ox who always pulls through when no one else can.

Strong female lead, hmmm...

How about a frickin' swordmaster as portrayed by someone who actually studied swordsmanship and historical martial arts? I don't even do romance subplots!

Not to spoil anything, but she may or may not become a crime lord later on in the story as well.

21 days later

Hmm... defining "strong" is hard. My novel (and subsequent books) have 2 female MCs. Strong in that they take what they're given and keep going and use it to grow. They are also magically strong, but that's just fate. :blush:

I made Nachos Con Carne as mostly a unisex story, but but we've already met Katrina, a no-nonsense loner character who doesn't see the appeal of fitting into anyone's mold.

Keep reading - there's more where she came from.

I created Words. out of frustrations from the lack of proper female representation in media, so...take your pick.

Read the description before reading the story.
This is a dark (and I mean it) story about a foolish woman who suffered the unimaginable. But she continued and will find the peace and happiness she wishes for. Though as I wrote in the description, it'll be the hardest thing she had ever done.

Idk if she counts but I hope she does XD

The protagonist of my series is The Raven. She is a skilled warrior, who cover her weaknesses with the aid of her companion: a disembodied head. Her biggest asset is the fact that she knows she isn't that physically strong and thus is always willing to find unorthodox solutions for conflicts. She isn't above running away from a losing fight either.

Despite writing a Shonen inspired series, I like my leads to be women.

My main characters are Natsumi and Fuyumi Yukihana; sisters who are setting out to find adventure while making money as mercenaries.

Natsumi is more battle-ready and always excited to throw down.
Fuyumi is more cautious but is slowly becoming more at peace with the concept of fighting to protect her friends.

The rest of the supporting cast is mostly warrior women too, but I don't wanna fill this page trying to sell you on my entire cast.

I just subbed to your comic!
Here's my novel "A Fool's Wish" to summarize it's about a girl that makes a deal with the devil to gain magical power and rewind time and stop the death of her childhood friend.

Ohh interesting thread. I, for one, honestly cringe when my female chara feels weak or meek. so all female characters in my comic tend to be strong-headed and/or physically strong xD Rachel here is my favorite. She's literally the strongest character physically, and although she struggles with her mental illness, she still tries her best to overcome it!