12 / 37
Jun 2024

In the case of Astra, she lost her dad when she was only a little kid. I don't think there's any worse "injury" than that heartbreaking experience.

For Psychoborg, he has gone through a plethora of bad injures and some more than once. The worst one though that could have killed him for sure, but he was incredibly lucky it didn't was the injury that lead to him requiring that cybernetic vizor on his head. It actually is his "eyes". The short version of the story is that he got explosive shrapnel shot directly into his face from a mine that went off after someone stepped on it. Luckily, it was a defective mine so the explosion was small and the injury that should have taken out Psychoborg's entire head only burnt away his hair though it left a crater in the area where his eyes were. No injury he suffered comes close to that one.

Worst injury huh? Hmm....

There is one chapter in my comic series that one of the protagonists gets a broken leg during a wrestling match. As he recovers, he's able to bond more with his family; so some good comes out of the ordeal.

(Chapter 8 - The Dragon and Son)

6 months later

It's a huge magical out there for the Elven Crusader

The worst injury Caiden will face is broken bones from being smacked by behemoth, ogre-like beasts. He will be healed if he's healed by his new friend/soon-to-be-lover, Lisanne the novice leven mage.

Lisanne can heal herself well except for serious injuries. The worst mental injury she'll face is trauma whetherr it's her past life or seeing close to her killed.

In Glassflower: Ursa and the Scarf Squad, Setsune's spine has been snapped, I think her skull was cracked, she's vomited black goop, she almost got burnt to death, got encased in ice, and has emotional trauma from years of war and suffering, where she was almost executed and one of her friends deleted their save file on life. She's also caused many injuries like:
Throat wripping, eye stabbing, hole making, throat biting, etc.


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I would say it happened right before Chapter one, when he loses the one person he cared about in the whole world. But I have plenty of things planned for him, so he might recondiser that at some point hahahahahaha.

Anyway, shameless plug here: