15 / 24
Jan 2021

My favorite scene (so far):

Seven bodies, one mind.

Seven voices, one heart.

Seven idols, one soul.

The words repeated endlessly in my mind, looping over again and again. It was the only thing that really settled my nerves before our shows—like a constant reminder that I wasn’t alone. Except tonight I didn’t need it.

Sunni and I stood crowded together on one of the centerstage platforms, his back pressed tight against mine. There was a long, awkward pause as we waited for the platform to rise. Sucking in a deep breath to prepare myself for the onslaught of screams from fans, I mistakenly tilted my head back to rest on Sunni’s broad shoulders, feeling him tense beneath me.

“Are you okay?” he whispered, reaching up to carefully adjust his headset microphone.

“Just nervous,” I sighed in response. I had begun to straighten up when I felt his hand give a subtle tug on the hem of my shirt, as if begging me to stay.

“It’s all right; lean on me. The fans will love it,” he assured me, trying to conceal the smile stretching across his lips. Slightly bewildered, I did as he said and rested in the space between his shoulders again. His heart thudded softly against my skull, the warmth of his body radiating off him in gentle waves and soothing the butterflies flying rampant in my stomach.

I felt safe.

We ascended gradually into darkness, leaving behind the fear and anxiety chaining us to the ground. Our heartbeats melted into one, echoing the bass that rattled our bones the moment the spotlights captured us. As my eyes shifted to the audience, I watched in awe as thousands of flashing lightsticks nodded along to the music, elated screams quickly merging into a chorus of singing angels.

Edit: I honestly love this whole episode, but obviously I can't post all of it on here :joy:

Why is mine the only one that's this big?

Maybe not the most favourite one but it's up there! He's sleep-deprived, cut him some slack for acting dramatic.

Standing at the last gravestone in a graveyard, Isamu says, “It’s quite a nice day, Shouko Sensei. It’d be great if you were still here. I really need your advice.”


Isamu wakes up with a jolt. Pulling his head up from the book it was resting on, he looks around. He finds the seats in front of him and to his side empty. The sound of the clubs outside can be heard. Stretching his upper body, Isamu stands up. “ Haven’t had a dream in that setting in a while.”

“Fell asleep in class again, did we? You’ve been like this for a week now, you know?” He hears Mareo behind him.

“Did any teachers notice? Did someone tell on me? Did I get into trouble because of it? What did I miss? There wasn’t anything I had to submit, right?” Isamu says in a monotone.

“Slow down. Slow down. Are you still asleep? Stop barraging me with these right after waking up!”

With his eyes half-open, Isamu stuffs the book into his backpack and pulls it onto his right shoulder.

“Why’d you go silent all of a sudden?” Mareo says as he walks past him. Hearing a bang, he turns around to see Isamu bent over with his head on the desk. “Oy! Are you okay? Oy, Isamu! Man, get a hold of yourself.” He pulls him off the desk.

Isamu groans, “I don’t want to search anymore! Please, just make it stop. The headache is getting worse. God, please take me up now. I won’t be able to do anything down here anyway.”

“Dude, for how long have you been sleep deprived?”

Isamu grabs Mareo’s collars with both hands “ No more! I’m going to give up on becoming famous, man! I’ve looked. There isn’t anything for me to leave a legacy behind in.”

Mareo pulls his hands off. Sitting him down, he slaps Isamu. “Get it together! Go wash your face. After nagging about it for two years and driving me mad along with yourself, you’re giving up now?”

With his head resting on his arm, Isamu continues, mumbling, facing away from Mareo, “Damn you, Newton, Maxwell. Curse you, Einstein. To heck with you, Planck. Damn all you physicists! Leave something for little ol’ me to get my name on!”

Sighing, Mareo again pulls Isamu off the seat.“Yup. That’s it. You’re going home. Now! You’re lucky it’s a Friday.” He pushes Isamu from the back. “Stop and I’ll punch you in the kidneys. Keep walking.” “He’s going to be one of those people who cry about their misfortunes when they get drunk! ”

They get out to a quite empty hallway with a few students chatting here and there in small cliques. As they walk through the tiled hallway, Isamu mumbles, “Mareo, you’re a good guy! Take care of that flower of yours. Make your dreams come true. Live a long life. Just find me a place where I won’t be found for a week. I’ll die of dehydration in three days but just to make sure, I’ll just stay there for a week. ”

“Are you drunk? How are you shifting from being a dying old man and being suicidal so easily? Here, we’re at the washroom.” Mareo pushes Isamu onto the sinks. “Now wash your face and wake up. You’ve been acting drunk for a long time now.”

Here is how my novel ends:

The sun was rising, setting the sides of their tent to neon-lime glow.
Volya stirred himself from the sweltering cocoon of the sleeping bags and Liam’s limbs, careful to preserve his lover’s beauty sleep.

But when he sat up, the sight of Liam’s upturned face arrested him. He brushed those parted lips with a kiss, resisting the temptation to dive deeper and wake his first lover up, particularly when his warm breath tickled his bent cheek.

But the sun was rising swiftly.

With no time to dress, Volya draped a blanket over his naked body and crawled through the tent’s flap, moistened by their condensed breath.

The sun lost its first blush for the day’s brilliance, but he stood there until the heat of the summer morning spread over him. He stood there when it contoured his lips with pinpricks of sweat. He stood there with a fool’s grin on his face.

Drained, and happy, and lazy, and one more thing...

For the first time in his life, Volya felt sated, both in body and heart.

Apparently I have a lot of favorite scenes :see_no_evil: but this one doesn’t have spoilers and it makes me laugh :sweat_02:

Jake rapped on Damien’s door again, not sure why he wasn’t answering. He had replied to a text just a few minutes before, so Jake knew he was awake...

“Sorry!” Damien’s voice echoed down the hallway. “I was trying to beat you back, but the line was ridiculous.”

Jake smiled, seeing the two coffees from Redband that Damien was carrying. He handed one over to Jake as he rummaged around for his keys.

“Thank you,” Jake said fervently as they entered the small apartment.

“You’re so easy,” Damien teased with a sly grin.

Jake could still feel the darkness in his thoughts, but he pushed passed them as well as he could. “Yep. Buy me a coffee and I’m all yours.”

Damien smirked.

“No, but really,” Jake continued. “I’m going to be here all day because I have two essays I need to write.”

Damien laughed but looked a little worried. “You’ve at least started them both, right?” he asked sounding nervous.

“Oh, my young Padewan, you have much to learn,” Jake replied dryly. “Of course I haven’t started them, yet. I thrive on the fear of procrastination.”

Damien almost choked on his coffee from laughing so hard.

“And, let me guess, you also have a full accounting assignment on top of that,” Damien responded, wiping his eyes and still laughing.

“Umm, duh. I make lots of bad choices.”

@lunagraves714 such a good scene :heart_02:

@Pony_wearing_a_hat that scene looks hilarious :joy:

Thank you! Also~

I thrive on the fear of procrastination.

I felt this in my soul :joy:

I really like this scene.

She looked over at her father. His shoulder was covered in thick, white bandages. She could still recall his yellowed eyes and his razor-sharp claws as Cole fought with the wolf. If they had both been affected by the same artifact, why hadn’t Cole turned he turned into a wolf monster too? Jamie was grateful that he hadn’t or else he could have died too.

“Jamie,” Cole rasped.

Jamie perked up her head, dropping her deck of cards. She had been sitting next to Cole, protectively watching over him while he slept, keeping a careful watch for any sign of pain.

“Are you okay Dad?” she asked. “Are you in pain? I can go get you more pain medication if you’d like.”

Cole chuckled, despite the dull pain in his chest. She still had the protective scowl on her face that she had mastered when she was a little girl.

“Sweetheart,” he said. “I ain’t dying. I’m just taking a nap. You don’t need to watch over me like old Humphrey used to.”

“Well…” Jamie scowled. “What if…”

“The doc said I’m going to be alright,” he reminded her. Out of the corner of his eye, Cole saw Johnathan walk past the living room, watching them. While the ax had freed him from the painful transformations, Cole could still feel the lingering effects of the wolf figurine.

He could still hear Robin’s light footfalls scuff across the floor above him and the rapid click, click, click as Nick played one of his videogames on his laptop. Cole could smell Mrs. Hudson’s floral perfume hidden under the cooking food. Their hostess still insisted upon cooking all the meals for their group. It made her happy to feel useful.

Jamie’s heart started to pound as she caught of glimpse of Johnathan passing by. It had been three agonizing days since their argument. They were both miserable. Cole was certain that neither had slept much since the fight.

“Go talk with him, baby girl,” Cole encouraged. “Ask him if he wants to go see Old Faithful with you guys. We’re heading back home tomorrow.”

Jamie bit the inside of her lip. “Don’t you want to come with us?”

“Nah,” Cole shifted on the couch, nestling deeper into the pile of throw pillows. “I’m gonna take a nap.”

(Tobias has Future Sight powers)

Only once Tobias was alone—thirty seconds passed—and the deafening whistle of the approaching nuke muted the car alarms and distant screams and sirens, he slid down from the abandoned car and started to hobble away from the square, too. As fast as his crutch could swing him, he swung onwards because his life depended on it, and so did someone else’s.
The nuke roared behind him and his breath staggered in in gasps of fiery fumes as he lunged down the street where one child was left, too frightened to even cry. Tobias could see her blown to pieces. Tobias could see her concussed. Tobias could see her safe, if he could only reach her quickly, quickly, quickly.
“Come out,” he pleaded, getting down on his knees beside the hot dog cart.
She shook her head, tears streaming down her bright red cheeks and snot bubbling around her little nose. He glanced back and up, then threw the hot dog cart aside. It rolled down the sidewalk, exposing the girl.
She screamed and ran away from him, and away from the blast radius.
Tobias laughed happily, crying out as he gave chase, one swing at a time. They would both make it, they would both make it—and just as he sensed his vision would go white, then black, he lunged forward and landed hard with the small girl trapped in his arms, skin scraping painfully on the cement as his whole body skidded. The ground quaked with an earsplitting blast and the cement rattled underneath Tobias, sending a violent wave like a shaken-out rug which threw him sky-high as it rippled. A tremendous pressure in the air propelled him outwards from the square, like a ragdoll thrown, and he plummeted towards the cracked cement again. He braced himself and protectively curled around the child until his spine erupted with impact and the white came with loud wails that he couldn’t make out as his own or hers or both. Then, everything, as predicted, went black.

Sorry for the length but I promise it's worth it.

Taverns have been a staple of the aphuanian people for as long as there have been aphuanians, and while they’ve slowly changed over the years, they all share some consistencies. First, every aphuanian tavern features a long bar behind which a young bartender, often wearing an apron, can be found polishing a glass that has no business being polished. Second, each features round tables in its center, with smaller square tables along the sides for those who hate circles. Finally, and most importantly, every tavern has a corner that is impossible to keep well-lit. This is where the brooders gather, generally one at first, but soon several. They all huddle together in the corner, doing their best to look as threatening and mysterious as possible. This is very difficult to do however, as there’s only so much room for them all to work with, and it gets ridiculous once there’s more than three brooders in the same corner. This tavern was no different, but it did have the added bonus of being nautically themed - a popular choice for seaside bars.

Cheri took a cursory glance at the shell-shaped clock on the wall, and the ship’s wheel that was anchored beside it before taking a seat on the barrel that served as a barstool. She tapped the counter while Takir sat beside her, and the bartender stepped over, still polishing his glass.

“Can I help you?” he pressed.

“Yeah, I’ll take whatever I can get with this that isn’t watered down.” Cheri answered, plopping the two coins on the table.

“One ale, coming up.” the bartender hummed, taking the coin.

“Thanks.” Cheri waved him off, and the bartender stepped away to fulfill her order. “Well Takir, that’s it. We’re officially broke.”

“Nonsense,” Takir gave an assuring smile, “We’re just temporarily embarrassed.”

“Would it kill you to be a pessimist for once?” Cheri gave an amused huff as the bartender returned with her drink, “Thanks.”

“If it did, would you find happiness?” Takir smirked slightly.

“You kiddin’?” Cheri laughed, “With my luck you’d be hounding my ass from the grave.”

“I don’t expect a grave,” Takir snickered, and Cheri glanced at him, “You haven’t a shovel to dig one.”

“It’s not,” Lily said, trying not to show her disappointment. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”

Astor and Marco’s faces dawned with comprehension, humans didn’t celebrate any of the old holidays as much anymore, but we all knew them. Sometimes Lily felt a pang of loneliness during this day, being single and all, but for the first time she had friends to share that loneliness with.

“Hello, yes, could we get five number fours?” Lily said, pointing at the big menu above the brown beetle in a white apron taking orders.

The beetle grunted in response and began to work on the food, starting the large grill at the center of the table in front of the stand. They each took a seat around it, as he cooked the meat and prepared the noodles. The sizzling sound was a welcome one, and the aroma of cooked meat began to waft over them.

“Not exactly the happiest time for unattached people like us,” commented Astor dryly, splitting his chopsticks as the cook began to serve the finished dish to them.

“True, but see, back on Earth, in my mother’s culture, we’d have a little tradition for Valentine’s day. Basically, if you were single, you’d go out on your own or with your single friends and get some Jajangmyeon (짜장면)” she said as the cook handed her her dish, and she gestured to her plate of noodles with the black sauce. “And seeing how we’re all in the same lonely boat, thought we could mark the occasion together. Maybe bond a little?”

“So, you hummies celebrate the fact that you failed to secure a mate for this year by gorging yourself on that…that’s amazing! Get me in on that!” Acro exclaimed, already looking excitedly at the cook as they served another dish.

Too many favorite scenes to choose honestly! :joy:

Her eyes closed, she felt his shock and initial resistance. It didn't matter. Her hunger drove her tongue deeper into his mouth, exploring its confines and stimulating him until she felt him react with a similar longing. When she broke away, the flush on her cheeks matched that on Ray’s.

His eyes sparkled with lust as he gasped for air. He ran a tongue over his swollen lips. “Umm Miss Sandra, we shouldn’t-”

She silenced him with a rough push. The couch springs squeaked as his back landed on the worn leather. In one clean move, she removed her tee. Her pants were the next to join the tee in a pile on the floor.

And my favorite action scene in Dark Bytes!

The fence shook as an undead man flung himself onto it, his fingers reaching out to grab her. Shocked, she released her grip and the barbed wire bounced back into place. As she hurriedly backed away from the growling undead, a cut on her wrist caused her to hiss in pain.

With no time to lose, she unslung her rifle, aimed it and- click.


No ammunition. That last horde of undead must have spent all of it. The sound of gunshots in the distance caused her to jerk her head up. Sam…

A loud animalistic shriek followed and then, one last gunshot.

Last one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Curling into a ball, she keenly felt each vibration caused by the loud thumping of the soldier’s boots around her home. The sounds of objects clattering and smashing followed, which made her wince each time. When they finally finished ransacking the place, she let out a small sigh, thinking that they would leave now. But a sudden shriek from her mother turned the blood in her veins ice cold. Hearing her mother cry out for her dead father, her own tears flowed of their own accord as she pressed a hand to her mouth to prevent her voice from leaving her.

I would like to share an excerpt from my novel I just started publishing here. This specific part hasn't been published yet, but it's the most recent scene I'm particularly fond of (cuz it makes me laugh :joy:).

“H-Hero…?” The girl´s face twitched as she repeated what he said.
“That´s right! I´m the hero who has been sent to vanquish the vile Demon Lord. And who might the princess be?”
“…Ellie Flower. The Demon Lord.”
“Eh?! Has he appeared?! I knew we shouldn´t have relaxed-!” Instantly, Tristan´s eyes sharpened, and he quickly turned around, on guard and hand already on the hilt of his sword. However, no matter where he looked, he couldn´t see anyone else.
Expression clearly conveying his confusion, he looked back at Ellie, “Princess Ellie, have you made a mistake? I don´t see anyone. Could it be…” Suddenly pity was clear across his features, “You are so traumatized you began seeing things…”
A clear fire of anger burned within Ellie´s golden eyes, and yet the hero Tristan did not notice a thing.
She slowly got up from her seat, standing as she looked down upon him, “Like I said…I AM THE DEMON LORD. Got it?” As she repeated her words, Ellie´s voice suddenly boomed with power and magic. A pressure emerged from her, creating a gust of wind that fluttered her white dress and hair.
The wind hit the hero directly, yet he did not move an inch, his hair simply flying back with the pressure. His wide azure eyes simply stared at the angry princess for a second, not seeming to understand. And then…he suddenly burst into laughter, even clutching his stomach, “So even princesses can make jokes! Hahaha!”
He had no idea of his sin.
This was the day the valiant hero, Tristan Arundel, finally met the vile Demon Lord, Ellie Flower.

“Existing isn’t something you should feel guilty for,” Evan said, losing confidence towards the end.
“Are you asking me,” Jack asked.
“I’m telling you.”
“It sounded like a question.”
“Well it wasn’t,” Evan insisted, his tone biting. This door looked like the storm door, except it didn’t have a windowpane on it. The handle rattled in Evan’s hand but refused to turn.
“Guilty,” Jack asked. It didn't sound right. “That's weird.”
“You’re weird,” Evan agreed. He fished his wallet from his back pocket and took out his driver’s license. He fit the card horizontally from the doorknob into the gap, bending it in the process.
“Why would I feel guilty?”
“How should I know?” The card clacked against the jamb. Evan pulled it out to retry. Jack nodded, his eyebrows heavy.
“You’re talking about yourself?” Evan stopped to glare at him.
“You’re fucking high. What would I feel guilty for?” Jack shrugged and looked off at the ceiling. He held out a finger for each example.
“Amanda, your parent’s divorce-”
“-I don’t need to be psychoanalyzed by the guy who can’t figure out he’s depressed,” he said flatly before turning back to the door. “My feelings aren’t going to change what happened anyway.”
“And I’m the one who festers,” Jack huffed.
“Fuck off.” Evan shoved his card at the lock. The metal door creaked open. The crack into the next room was pitch dark. Cold air leaked out, brushing against their legs.

My favorite scene in my novel so far:

Zhao Bojing walked away while Lu Xiyun was still standing at the same spot staring at the keychain.

It reminded him of that black cat back then who walked in through the small hole of the darkroom. That black cat usually appeared at night every two or three days.

When the 7-year-old human and the animal met on the first night, they were on guard. As time passed, they instinctively understood the other party was harmless.

From then on, they snuggled with each other for warmth. The black cat’s mouth held a yellow daisy every time it visited. At the same time, the child fed the cat with the bread he secretly hidden.

One day, the black cat did not come at the usual time. 10-year-old Lu Xiyun waited and waited, but it never appeared again.

Right now, Lu Xiyun had already walked right in front of the stall with his eyes still fixed on the keychain. He didn't know how long he had been dazedly staring at it until a shadow blocked the sunlight next to him.

Lu Xiyun swiftly turned his head toward the owner of the shadow.

If Yang Jiahui was here, she would immediately recognize he was the same man who wore an azure suit attracting everyone’s attention on the bakery opening day.

The man said to the seller, “Mister, I’m going to buy this. How much is it?”

The scene Lu Xiyun saw was a grey pullover with a white-collar man paying the money to the seller and grabbing the plush black cat keychain.

The man suddenly faced him which made Lu Xiyun tensed up. He unconsciously started to tremble.

He didn’t tremble when he saw strangers while working in the bakery, because he was near Zhao Bojing and Yang Jiahui. Moreover, he didn’t need to face the customers upfront.

The man then held out his hand that was holding the keychain and said, “Here, this is for you.”

Lu Xiyun saw the man’s mouth moving. There was a fleeting thought that the man was giving it to him, but it was impossible as they were strangers.

Lu Xiyun and the man were in the same position for 1 minute.

The man’s hand reached toward the front pocket on Lu Xiyun’s hoodie. Lu Xiyun avoided it quickly. But the man did not give up as he agilely reached for it again and gently placed the black cat keychain in the pocket.

The man then gave a gentle smile and left without saying anything else.

Lu Xiyun only moved when the man couldn't be seen.

He reached for the keychain inside his pocket and held it with both hands. The fur of this black cat was not as soft as the black cat from many years ago.

Lu Xiyun was confused and anxious, yet there was an unfamiliar feeling.

Zhao Bojing came back holding three bags of groceries. He saw Lu Xiyun holding a keychain and asked without expecting an answer, “You brought this?”

Lu Xiyun was still holding it like a child carefully protecting his precious treasure.

In fact, Lu Xiyun was looking at it the whole way back home. If Zhao Bojing didn't look out for him, he would have tripped or knocked on something many times.

1 month later

This scene is definitely my favorite, it's the first introduction for a new character and I absolutely love it. (WARNING: SWEARING)

She and Mihito turned their heads as someone stepped out of the restaurant. It was a woman, short and muscular with wild and wavy, low-cut blue hair, sun-kissed brown skin, and turquoise-colored eyes. She wore a dark grey, one-armed shirt that did very little to cover her chest, dark brown pants that nicely hugged her hips and legs, and calf-high crimson boots. The woman was blatantly ignoring the eyes on her as well as the voice of a snappish older person from inside the restaurant.

“Damn you, Rahitti! Can’t you treat my establishment with more respect?!”

“Put it on my tab, grandpa!” she called back over her shoulder.

“Keep it up and that tab’ll be taller than you, missy!”

The woman gave a light snort and a roll of her eyes then stopped, noticing Mihito and Aster. A small grin broke out on her face.

“Well, well, if it ain’t Mihito!” she declared.

Mihito exhaled with a weary smile. “I should’ve known that ruckus would be your doing. It’s been a while since we’ve seen one another, Rahitti.”

“A woman’s work is never done,” she said with an air of pride in her tone. “Gotta teach these bastards not to trample on others’ lives.”

Her expression then soured and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Wait, if you’re here then that means that moron is here, too.”

“Of course I’m here you boorish woman.” Vyjan threw off the unconscious men from his person, visibly irritated. “Watch where you’re throwing people, why don’t you?”

She scoffed at him, turning her chin up. “Not my fault you have poor reflexes. Seriously, you’re part of Whiten Rose and your skills are so novice level, it’s embarrassing.”

“I’m embarrassing?” Vyjan scoffed as he rose to his feet, dusting himself off. “At least I’m not the one always throwing a temper-tantrum and destroying shit during my missions.”

“That only happened a few times, you shitty twig! Don’t fuck with me!”

“Hard to fuck with you when you’re two feet tall!”

“Keep it up and the next person I’m throwing will be you!”

Here is my novel. Its about the criminal world in London, and how bad things can go if you don't play your cards right. I have 2 seasons planned, and the first season has 10 episodes for now(more to come) to read.
Here is the link:

And here is my favorite scene:
"Dad, are we there yet?" Dylan groaned, keeping his book down.

My name is Eddy Brown. I was born and brought up in Texas. I work as an accountant in some of the big companies. I met my wife, Linda six years ago and we got married in the same year. I have two kids, Dylan who is five and Rhodes, who is three. Both of them were bright boys, and I loved them too much.

I smiled as I looked towards Linda, who smiled back and turned towards Dylan.

"Just an hour away sweetie." Dylan groaned once more.

I looked at Linda and blushed. Goddammit, I am married to her and I still fucking blush whenever I see her. Linda noticed my stare and winked. I blushed even more.

From the mirror I could see that Dylan was intently watching us. He grinned slightly and went back to his book. I again wondered if he was five years old or fucking eighteen.

At the moment, we were on a camping trip and were climbing a hill with the car. It was a pretty famous spot atop the hill for camping, and me and my wife decided to go there. We had left Rhodes with a babysitter as he was too small.

The entire road was isolated and streetlights lit up the entire road.

I put on a CD which contained all my favorite songs and all of them were fucking amazing to hear.

The first song played in and my Linda recognized the song.

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem

You love me no longer, I know

And maybe there is nothing

That I can do to make you do

I started humming along with the beats, tapping my steering wheel with my fingers. Linda started singing along with the singer, and goddamn was she good.

And then all of a sudden both of us looked at each other and started singing the song. I held her hand and got my voices out.

The night was ethereal. I couldn't be more happier and content in my life.

Mama tells me I shouldn't bother

That I ought to stick to another man

A man that surely deserves me

But I think you do

And, even though I was driving, I kissed her on the mouth languidly. Slowly. She kissed back and we smiled at each other. We completely forgot about Dylan who was just shocked at the events unfolding in front of him.

Linda blushed as she noticed him and looked at me. She widened her eyes. Shock and terror writ on her face. Dylan screamed.

"EDDY!" She screamed. I turned where she was looking . A truck came, roaring towards us.

The car flipped on the road, down the hill. Everything suddenly went into slow motion. I turned towards Linda who was expressionless. I looked at Dylan, who was crying now.

Linda hit her head on the dashboard and Dylan flew forward, hitting the glass. I cried in my mind.

Everything blacked out.

Here is my novel. Its about the criminal world in London, and how bad things can go if you don't play your cards right. I have 2 seasons planned, and the first season has 10 episodes for now(more to come) to read.
Here is the link:

And here is my favorite scene:
"Dad, are we there yet?" Dylan groaned, keeping his book down.

My name is Eddy Brown. I was born and brought up in Texas. I work as an accountant in some of the big companies. I met my wife, Linda six years ago and we got married in the same year. I have two kids, Dylan who is five and Rhodes, who is three. Both of them were bright boys, and I loved them too much.

I smiled as I looked towards Linda, who smiled back and turned towards Dylan.

"Just an hour away sweetie." Dylan groaned once more.

I looked at Linda and blushed. Goddammit, I am married to her and I still fucking blush whenever I see her. Linda noticed my stare and winked. I blushed even more.

From the mirror I could see that Dylan was intently watching us. He grinned slightly and went back to his book. I again wondered if he was five years old or fucking eighteen.

At the moment, we were on a camping trip and were climbing a hill with the car. It was a pretty famous spot atop the hill for camping, and me and my wife decided to go there. We had left Rhodes with a babysitter as he was too small.

The entire road was isolated and streetlights lit up the entire road.

I put on a CD which contained all my favorite songs and all of them were fucking amazing to hear.

The first song played in and my Linda recognized the song.

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem

You love me no longer, I know

And maybe there is nothing

That I can do to make you do

I started humming along with the beats, tapping my steering wheel with my fingers. Linda started singing along with the singer, and goddamn was she good.

And then all of a sudden both of us looked at each other and started singing the song. I held her hand and got my voices out.

The night was ethereal. I couldn't be more happier and content in my life.

Mama tells me I shouldn't bother

That I ought to stick to another man

A man that surely deserves me

But I think you do

And, even though I was driving, I kissed her on the mouth languidly. Slowly. She kissed back and we smiled at each other. We completely forgot about Dylan who was just shocked at the events unfolding in front of him.

Linda blushed as she noticed him and looked at me. She widened her eyes. Shock and terror writ on her face. Dylan screamed.

"EDDY!" She screamed. I turned where she was looking . A truck came, roaring towards us.

The car flipped on the road, down the hill. Everything suddenly went into slow motion. I turned towards Linda who was expressionless. I looked at Dylan, who was crying now.

Linda hit her head on the dashboard and Dylan flew forward, hitting the glass. I cried in my mind.

Everything blacked out.

Here's my Fantasy novel. 20 episodes are already out.
Its pacing is quite slow I think, but after Chapter 5, that's where the story "technically" starts.

My favorite scene so far (technically the whole chapter 5.4 or episode 18):

Seth and Lynstella were finally out of the town. Both of them were running through the bushes non-stop. There were a lot of trees in the vicinity, but they weren't in a forest nor a jungle.

"Seth, you're too fast!"

"We need to hurry." Seth ignored Lynstella's complaint.

"Seth!" she shouted.

Seth slowed down his pace a bit and looked at her over his shoulder.

"Look, I'm frustrated okay? If I'm really still weak, if I barely had any improvement since last year, then I have no choice but to accept it," he said grudgingly. "But I'm being serious here. We need to hurry. I can sense a few threats heading our way. They have been following us since awhile ago"

Seth had sensed two entities. They were not as strong as the one who headed to the town, but they were still stronger than him, without a doubt.

"If you're getting tired, use the necklace that I gave you. Whenever we regenerate mana, we also regenerate a bit of our energy," added Seth.

Lynstella did not reply and began receiving mana from the necklace.

They continuously ran for like 10 minutes, but there was still no sign of giving up from the two entities. In fact, they were getting near.

Seth's mind had flashed back to what Harris told him earlier.

They're targeting young males.

He had no choice.

"Lyn, listen..." Seth said without looking at her. "I want you to continue running towards the city."

"Where are you going...? Are you also going to leave me?" Lynstella's voice was sorrowful.

"No, it's not like that. They're targeting young males. If they saw you with me, you might get caught up."

Seth did not want that to happen anymore. If being by her side would only cause her troubles, he'd rather split ways with her. He couldn't get off his mind the image of her terrible state before, that's why he had decided on impulse.

"You're plainly telling me that you're going to sacrifice yourself. Do you think I'm going to accept that?" She raised her voice, followed by a faint sob.

Seth was a bit surprised. He did not expect that response from her. He had always thought that she wasn't that aware of the situation. From the days that they had spent together, he was so sure that she was still a bit childish. Although he was glad that she finally grew up, he was still troubled by the bad timing. He had to make her get away from him or else the same thing would happen again.

"Sorry, but this is better than the two of us getting... caught."

"I just can't accept that!"

"Please," Seth begged her.

Lynstella did not answer.

"......I promise that we are going to meet again," added Seth.

She still did not answer. But after a couple of seconds, she finally spoke up with a hoarse voice.

"If you break that promise, I won't forgive you."

Lynstella finally let go of Seth's hand and quickly ran towards the city.

"Thank you..." Seth thanked her, but he wasn't sure if she heard that.

Without any delay, Seth quickly changed directions. The aura was starting to get stronger. He crossed through a river to make sure that he and Lynstella wouldn't bump into each other by accident.

And then, he heard a deep voice.

"It was a wise decision to not let the girl be with you, little imp."

Seth looked back over his shoulder, only to see two cloaked figures floating towards him with a speed faster than his running speed. The other was wearing a red cloak, while the other was black.

Seth was sure that they were humans because he caught a glimpse of their brown-colored skin. However, they were strangely taller and larger than usual, but not to the point that they could be called giant.

When Seth took his eyes out of them and looked forward once again, what he saw forced him to stop running.

He suddenly remembered. The Town of Seralim was located on the top and near the edge of a very high cliff. It was, without a doubt, very high that one could see clouds when looking down the cliff.

According to the map that he had seen before, what could be found at the bottom of the cliff was a deep forest that was full of beasts. In other words, the view right in front of him was no other than the stunning, blue horizon — a complete antithesis to his dire situation.

"Hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, the rat has been cornered," the red-cloaked spoke.

Seth quickly turned to them and unsheathed his sword, entering a defensive stance afterward.

"Futile!" exclaimed the red-cloaked. He raised his hand and aimed it at Seth. And then, in the blink of an eye, Seth's sword shattered into small pieces.

Seth's eyes had widened in surprise. As if the time had slowed down, he watched every piece that was slowly falling down to the ground. It reminded him of what happened to the right arm of the brawny man outside their house.

"This... this is not elemental magic," Seth muttered in disbelief.

"Your consciousness..." the black-cloaked said, walking towards Seth.

"M-my consciousness...?"

Seth started shaking subconsciously in fear, slowly distancing himself from them until he was near the edge of the cliff.

"Your consciousness is 161 years older than your body," the black-cloaked continued.

"What d-does that m-mean...?"

The black-cloaked ignored Seth's words.

"Because of that..." The black-cloaked fell silent for a few seconds and aimed his right hand at Seth. "I'll let fate decide for your life."

Before Seth got the chance to say something, his consciousness had left him. His body became limp as if he was a corpse. Now that there was no strength in his body, he fell onto the ground.

No. He fell off the cliff.

If he wasn't unconscious, he would scream in despair as he was falling. But even with his loudest voice, he wouldn't be heard because of the strong winds. He would only hear the ear-piercing whistling of the winds.

After a few seconds, Seth was nowhere in sight of the two cloaked figures as the clouds below the cliff enveloped him.

"Why...? WHY?! WE SHOULD HAVE TORTURED THE KID FIRST!" the red-cloaked lashed out. "I WANTED TO SEE HIM IN DESPAIR! Despair... despair... despair... despair... despa—"


The black-cloaked cut him off and aimed his hand at the red-cloaked. Right away, the red-cloaked fell onto the ground, unconscious. The black-cloaked dragged the red-cloaked by the arm and flew away, leaving the area.

“I should’ve arrested you right away, we wouldn’t be in this situation if I did,” Shane sighed.
The young woman looked at him and the corners of her mouth turned upwards. For the first time since he'd met her, he saw the smallest hint of a smile on her face. Still, it wasn't really a genuine smile, rather something he would describe as sarcastic and patronizing.
“You wouldn’t have succeeded anyway,” she told him nonchalantly.
“Why wouldn’t I succeed?”
He took the bait, his eyebrows raised and with a slight sneer in his words.
“Because you wouldn’t be able to catch me. You tried to and look where we are now. You better refrain from trying again, neither this one nor the previous dimension is your jurisdiction. We can only get arrested by the local law enforcement or the interdimensional one. Not you,” she told him.
She looked him up and down with a smirk on her face. Shane scoffed, he was smart, smart enough to make some kind of a comeback at least.
“That’s not how it works,” he declared. “And it doesn’t matter when you’re in cuffs anyway.”
He grinned contently, but his face fell when the woman chuckled mockingly.
“If you say so.”
She looked at him with the same smirk, the corners of her narrow lips curled up. Shane pressed his lips together and crossed his arms, his mood hitting a new low for the day. He turned away to look at a tree instead of her.

“Shakespeare?” Anthony whined when they walked into the small amphitheater that was right next to the hotel.
The theater was almost empty, save for some of the employees from the hotel’s animation team on stage and a few people who were also watching. Anthony threw his head back and groaned dramatically, they had to read some of Shakespeare in class and he found it to be absolutely dreadful. Aziraphale looked at Anthony fondly, not disturbed by his theatrics, and laughed while he looked at the stage.
“It’s not one of the tragedies, Anthony. This one is funny!”
“You’re thirteen years old!” The other one exclaimed. “You’re not supposed to go to old people plays.”
Aziraphale only huffed as response. His friend sighed and gave in because he really seemed to enjoy this. That didn’t mean that Anthony would stay still and watch. He was shuffling about, walking around Aziraphale and was talking a lot. It didn’t seem to bother him that much, he probably knew the whole play from the top of his head because he had no problems following it even after Anthony kept talking to him. Anthony had no idea what it was about.
“You know my parents made me ride a horse a few months ago?” Anthony scoffed with a grimace at the memory of it. “They thought it would be a great way to spend my time. Petting ponies.”
“You liked it?”
“No. Bit hard on the buttocks.”
“We have horses,” Aziraphale mused. “I don’t think they like me very much.”
“Horses only like crazy horse girls. Or crazy horse people,” Anthony shrugged.