227 / 1841
Jun 2021

Here is my story the blood wars currently i just recommend reading up to the reboot point. But beyond that happy reading!

(art work is of a character from the story)

Hey, I checked your comic out! And I don't see you on my subscriber list :slight_smile:

Hello! This is my first comic
It's BL and has a bit of comedy ,too
It's free to read!
Thanks for checking ^^

I'm closing into 100 subs, thanks for all the support from the Tapas Community!

Not only under 250, but also updated today~
Enjoy chapter 11!

Right then, you asked for it!

This one's still receiving updates.

And this one's a completed short-ish story.

Here's my action/fantasy isekai novel that I update 1-2 times a week. If you could read it and give me some pointers that would be greatly appreciated!

My battle shonen novel is almost done with it's first arc.

This is my web-novel I've been working on for a little less than a year! Hope you guys check it out! It's technically BL!

Just posted my latest chapter - here's my science fiction/fantasy/adventure series, Chemknights! Think Steven Universe with a slightly sharper edge.

Thanks a lot for giving us this wonderful opportunity! This is my series. Hope you'll enjoy reading it! Btw I subscribed to both of your stories! Can't wait to read them. Hope you'll enjoy reading mine too :slight_smile:

Here's my comic and novel! Cat Club is 30 subs away from 100, so if we could get there, that'd be pretty cool

Still building up to 100, with the end of Chapter 2 coming this monday!

My first novel I just started to upload yesterday and hope to get some viewer traction enough to see how far I can get this to go (big goal is webtoon comic one day) as there are just way too few mecha representatives out there :frowning: