17 / 36
Mar 2021

I always like when creators don´t forget their universe and expand it in different ways - because for me a story is never only just the characters and their struggles but the overall :slight_smile:

Maybe that is a reason why the story I am working on, is not your typical "good vs. evil" (tbh, there is no real evil) but more a journey through a world where the main character, after being connected to something from the past, starts to journey through her world and tries to find out more about the mysterious past of it and begins to see things, people have forgotten. And what this has to do with a war hundred years ago, a war that seemingly nobody seems to remember and isn´t written down.

Great idea! I have a big universe which encompasses every story in what I call my 'Dragonfeathers Project'. (Of which Blue Star Rebellion is one such story.) I'll put the elevator pitch for the universe below!

In the very oldest of Elven tales, passed down from the time before written history, there are legends of a group of immortal beings. Each the vessel of a specific elemental essence, it was their duty to roam from planet to planet, preserving the Leystream - the magical energy which flows through all the universe. They were known as the Keepers, and they made their home on a floating archipelago in a sea of stars within the hidden heart of the cosmos.

Throughout the cosmos there exists evidence of prior civilisations, destroyed in what is known as the Cataclysm; an enormous burst of energy which destroyed buildings, technology, and nearly every living being it touched. Entire worlds were cast back into the dark ages. History was lost, knowledge forgotten, and the time before the Cataclysm fell into legend, and half-forgotten history.

What caused the Cataclysm is the subject of much debate. Common legends from worlds light-years apart warn of wars, corruption and decadence summoning forth a force called Scrios, which tore the fabric of the cosmos asunder. These legends describe a great sacrifice; a Keeper of Light who flew into the Leyspring - the very heart of creation itself - and, by splitting her essence into two halves, stitched this fabric back together at the cost of her very existence.

This sacrifice saved the cosmos, but it was not without cost. The resulting burst of energy did not - could not - discriminate. Some worlds were luckier than others. Some recovered faster. Others did not recover at all. It has now been two thousand years since history was reset. The intercosmic community is blossoming once more, and while many planets are peaceful and co-operative, not every civilisation view the cause of the Cataclysm in the same way.

Jade Kingdoms is actually the first work in a trilogy. Jade Kingdoms: The Age of Silent Time is what I'm working on now, with her webcomic series of short comics teasing bits and pieces of what happens in this book, and what might perhaps show up later.

Jade Kingdoms tells the tale of the three remaining Primal Races. Beginning with the opulent Jade Kingdom, which is one of the three remaining strongholds left on the planet where life can thrive. The home ground of the Vritra, keepers of the Sentient Mind and descendants of the primordial Dragon, they offered their walls as a safe ground for the Lesser Races.

High in the skies thrive the Garuda, the upkeepers of the Living Flesh and masters of the physical realm. Unwilling to let her people roam the world free, Queen Minerva amuses herself with gladiator battles and dire gauntlets as she awaits the day death is returned to her people.

And surrounding both, is the scarred and battered planet itself, the World’s Bones. It’s sentience was long ago taken by a High Blood Priestess, whom successfully managed to fuse and become the new incarnation of the planet’s soul. She holds the Lifeblood prisoner, and caused the planet to decay and erode making it uninhabitable.

The Primal Races live separately, having ended the Genesis Trinity’s original purpose of having Sentience, Flesh and Bone unite as one and live under the same banner. But something stirs within the rich walls of the Jade Kingdom, a tiny whisper reaching the ears of its Jade Princess, Suren.

The Sentient Mind comes with pressure and pain, and for millennia Suren’s people (and she herself) heaved under it’s weight. But the whisper is urgent, and the Jade Princess followed it’s distorted footsteps in the far East Kingdom, where she learns of a frightful vision where none of the Primal Races exist in time.

Breaking with the traditions their creators couldn’t manage to right, Suren rises up to find an alternative to the cycle of downfall that is intent on plaguing the people of the world.

Starting, with bringing light to her kingdom.

My story takes place in a world/universe similar to ours except that supernatural beings exist and as a result it adds some little layers of fiction to actual historical events and wars, as well as the existence of fictional places and historical heroes.

That sounds really cool. Can you link to it? Also my universe doesn't really have big baddies either just people who seem like big baddies. XD

That woulda won me over and made me want to just sub and read forever... But I already am. So what can I do. Does Tapas have a sub twice?

This is such a fun promotion!

I have two current comics.

Milord and the Tailor is a webcomic in the Kingdom of Leaves. It is a magical place with colorful charactered based off different tea blends and herbs. The main religion is to the five celestial faeries but some people pray to one or all of them.

The Red Kettle Spell Shoppe
The other one is a blend of Eastern and Western folklore in a whimisical island called Yamakiri where magic and non magic beings some what co exist.

Our world as we know it. Except that it ended. It's freezing and everything is covered in dust and grime. You can't see more than half a mile in any direction for the smog. Everything smells bad, especially what few people are left. Said people are broken, egotistical assholes. They huddle round a fire and tell the stories of their lives.

My universe takes place in one very similar to our own but with different historical events - also 1000 or so years into the future.

The year is 30XX. A millennium ago, the human race was nearly wiped out by a nuclear apocalypse. Through a combination of cybernetics and genetic mutation, humans have evolved and gained astonishing abilities.

Yeah, I just think this is more fun - keeping it more "down to earth" (even in a fantasy story ^^) gives you just so much more :smiley:

And linking... ok... I have to be honest... we (my artist and myself) just started posting this month :sweat: So we only have three pages up yet, a reason why I don´t like to advertise it so much. But if you want to take a look, you can find it here: https://tapas.io/series/FoxSpirit/info2

Again don´t expect too much :smiley:

Ok, strap yourselves in, because this will be depressing and, if you are like my mom when she heard about the concept, you will wish to never have heard about it before in this chaotic time.
My series takes place in a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter. Energy resources have terminated and the radiation has messed up many people on earth, causing thousands upon thousands of deaths and societal disruption.
However, there is one portion of the population who has developed resistance to the radiation and can even emit it from their bodies. those are the people with heterochromia (different colored eyes). Finding that their radiation can be used as an energy resources, politicians around the world have agreed to build energy plants to house multiple Heteros (people with heterochromia) and have them work and extract their inner radiation, aka. something like concentration camps.
Sakurako, the story's Hetero protagonist, escaped as a child from one of these energy plants, and has been traveling alone in the deserted ice-age landscape. She tries her best to survive and avoid the Radiocorps, the military group ordered to capture any stray Heteros. But after some series of events, she decides to fight for the freedom of people like her.
Let me know what you think about this concept, and if you want you are free to check out the comic!

So far I have three in my Prometheus Reanimated universe (2 novels and 1 short story series.)
The best way to describe it would be a nightmarish alternative history set in the 1920's. Historical events and literary characters come to life in the form of Misters and Misses who investigate paranormal instances on the behalf of the mysterious Society. Its all a massive combination of gothic literature, weird history, and the works of H.P Lovecraft (HP is actually a main character though he is my alternative version of the author.)
If you like your protagonists to be non human give these a try.

Only one updates regularly, but I have several comics that take place in the same universe, a vain attempt for me to create a big shared universe like Marvel or DC.

First, is my main, regularly updating comic, Almighty Protectors:

But then you have the comic in the universe with the most issues, an anthology:

And then these even less-often updating ones:

The short version of my comic, The Sparrow1: Imagine if Percy Jackson crossed with the Avengers and added some more gay.

The longer version: Imagine if all those myths and folktales of the past were real. Creatures like nymphs, goblins, witches, and ogres live among humanity. They integrate so well in modern society that humans barely notice. Some of these supernatural beings stand out as protectors. These mythological superheroes defend the innocent from folklore’s creepies and crawlies. Demigods and guardian spirits clash with demons and beasts. Meanwhile, many supernatural beings make their way the same way we do. They go to their day jobs, raise their children, go out to party and just live their lives.

Thank you for the thread!

What I have posted on here of Demon Story1 doesn't fully show the world it primarily takes place in--although you get a small taste of it in the prologue.

The world that Demon Story mainly takes place in is a world ruled by demons--who are only called that by humans who fear them, in actuality they are just long-lived beings who have both an animal and human form, and supernatural powers that relate to their specific animal. Demon and human society have clashed for millennia, an almost instinctual hatred running between the two groups. And yet, within the storm of hate, sometimes seeds of love can bloom and the product of that are the half-demons who occupy the lowest wrung of the societal ladder. Demons subjugate them cruelly, humans use and abuse them, elves typically ignore their existence. Being a half-demon isn't just hard, it's nearly impossible to live in a world that's so cruelly stacked against you.

But many half-demons persist even in the face of hate and discrimination.

Half-demons, btw, are unique beings for many reasons. The first reason is that from the time they're born until they hit puberty, they look like and for all intents and purposes ARE normal humans. But when puberty hits, it causes a change in their body make-up and their demon blood "wakes up", bringing with it a variety of changes that vary from half-demon to half-demon, even amongst ones that share the same kind of demon. Most will have their ears altered into a reflection of their demon side's ears, but some will have tails, wings, or other animal traits develop either instead of or alongside the typical ears change. Some changes are advantageous, but many at first can be crippling. Every half-demon experiences their changes differently. They also typically have powers and abilities that, while related to their demon side, are completely different from those that demons have.

"Wait okay but you mentioned elves?!"

Ah yes, elves are in this story too but due to various reasons that are plot-related, they are a species on the brink of extinction with a society full of its own problems and conflicts with demons and humans both. You learn about them eventually.

What I have up so far on here is only the beginning portion of the novel itself, but I've also written various side stories involving characters who appear later on that showcase these aspects of the world. You can find them here on my AO3.

THE Day I Become Overlord Universe:
A Universe is a vast place . The part of the universe where life exists is called the Palactic world. The Palactic world is primarily divided into 4 regions. The Xenon Region, the Quaxilo Region, The Permesia Region and the Anatov region. These regions are also ruled by certain governments which combined is known as the Galactic Province. The government is funded by Royal people of different planets or galaxies. These Royal people are known as Unikings. The center of the universe is a dark and mysterious place. No one knows what's in there. It is said to be a place where the law doesn't exist. it is also said to be the place where the universe first began expanding from. It's called the Void center. Only 3 individuals have ever come out of this place alive. The current Overlord is one of them.

My series is loosely based on One Thousand and One Nights, so I decided to immerse myself in the Middle Eastern/ Persian/ Mesopotamic universes and folklores. Alongside with Djinns, you'll find yourself gathering the thoughts of Lamassus, Urmahlullus, Qareen and many other middle eastern folk creatures and fairytales! I hope you like it, and remember: good wishes, sometimes, belong in real world just as they do in fairytales...

My current work in progress, Calliope, is a 6 book fantasy series that takes place in the world of Praecanto.

While it is currently inhabited by mortal humans, Praecanto was once a word of magical beings. Witches and wizards primarily inhabited the lands, which were ruled by the Caeli - magical beings who originally created the world. But the witches and wizards nearly destroyed Praecanto, and as punishment, the Caeli banished them to the In Between - a void world which they are damned to live in for all enternity.

Since their banishment, the world prospered, and human mortals came to inhabit the world. However, unbeknownst to them, magic still ruled the world, hidden in the shadows, waiting to reclaim their home.

Read more about the mysteries of Praecanto!