Hi, friends. I decided that in the midst of participating in a challenge, I decided to host one! The challenge is to draw the titular character from my webcomic Psychoborg in your style (duh). The deadline for submissions is March 1. Because it is a small challenge, there's only one winner. Winner gets a free ink commission along with 1,000 ink!
Of course, there are rules....
1- No AI art. Period. Same with pornography. I admit Psychoborg is inevitably NSFW, but he ain't a Playboy model lol.
2- You only submit one entry and once you do, there's no takebacks.
3- Backgrounds are optional.
4- Must be in colour and the colours must match.
The winner gets decided by the number of likes their submission has. To submit, reply to this thread with your entry. And so... here's the picture! Good luck, everyone!
To get a better idea about the character and comic, here is the comic:
EDIT: After getting feedback from fellow artists I respect, I decided to remove rule three. Just please nothing pornographic.