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Jan 28

Hi, friends. I decided that in the midst of participating in a challenge, I decided to host one! The challenge is to draw the titular character from my webcomic Psychoborg in your style (duh). The deadline for submissions is March 1. Because it is a small challenge, there's only one winner. Winner gets a free ink commission along with 1,000 ink!

Of course, there are rules....
1- No AI art. Period. Same with pornography. I admit Psychoborg is inevitably NSFW, but he ain't a Playboy model lol.
2- You only submit one entry and once you do, there's no takebacks.
3- Backgrounds are optional.
4- Must be in colour and the colours must match.

The winner gets decided by the number of likes their submission has. To submit, reply to this thread with your entry. And so... here's the picture! Good luck, everyone!

To get a better idea about the character and comic, here is the comic:

EDIT: After getting feedback from fellow artists I respect, I decided to remove rule three. Just please nothing pornographic.

You know I'm in on this!

Question: Can one take liberties with Psychoborg's cyborg arm? I.... um... like machines

Another question: When you say it must match the original, do you mean "same pose?"

Ahh machines... it's even clearer why I just like welding them. Not designing the blueprints... lol

When it comes to taking liberties with the arm, yes and no. If you want to show off some special features that his arm can do or make it more detailed, yes, but it must still look like Psychoborg's iconic arm from the cover. It cannot become unrecognizable.

For the pose, I literally mean, it has to be Psychoborg standing and facing the viewer like he is here. If you want to change his expression to look like he's sneering a little or clamping his fist, I'll accept that. Same goes with having the big arm lifted up with a weapon drawn out, but that's as far as I will accept it. I get that it cannot be a 100% replica of the provided picture, but it has to be as much like the reference as possible. That is the point of a DTIYS challenge.

Machines are fun to design and draw. I fell in love with drawing cyborgs thanks to Gunnm (aka Battle Angel Alita).

Kinda takes the fun out of a DTIYS challenge for me...

Heh. I'm not inflexible. Can you tell me what you had in mind? We can work something out.

Eh, with any DTIYS I expect full creative freedom. The fact that I'd have to negotiate, like some sort of business or political deal, kinda kills any excitement I would have had for it. So I'm just out 🤷🏻‍♂️

That's not Draw This In Your Style. It's Draw This For Me.

You know what? You're right and thank you for opening my eyes. I have hereby canceled rule 3. Draw this in your style with full creative freedom with the only exception of it not getting pornographic please. Is that better? :slight_smile:

Ok, with rule 3 gone I’m really gonna have some fun with this one. I will set to work tonight after work.

One more question, re: colours: I assume Psychoborg’s shoulder armour, arm, and other cyborg augmentations are metal, by the colour I’d say brass-like, or even titanium (or some alien alloy, but anodized titanium has a yellowish/goldish colour as well. Are they, or can they be, shiny? I mean, not “polished brass” shiny, but, you know, metal-looking?
(Perhaps with some dents/battle scars)

Oh, and I lied. Two more questions. The second one is this: I’ve noticed in the story that his eyes change shape. Are they like an LED matrix?

You can have it be shiny if you want. I mean, he does like to look neat too lol. As for Psychoborg's visor, yes, they are his eyes and they change shape kind of like fluid shapes on the screen of a tablet.

To elaborate my good, I drew inspiration for the rules from Tapas' DTIYS contest, but it seems I misunderstood one of the requirements. I thought you literally had to replicate the pose and make the picture look like mine and honestly, when I say it loud, it's a huge good on my part because it is not possible to make your art look like mine. Really, really sorry, folks. I goofed. Can you forgive me?

I'm working on something right now. I hope to finish it tomorrow evening. I like how it's turning out.

Mowls may be involved.