1 / 46
Feb 2021

In the Adventure Time episode Storytelling Jake lists the things that a great story has to have. Does your story pass the Jake test?

It totally means nothing if it doesn't have these four things, this is just for fun. Go ahead and leave your links too.

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Feb '21
  • 45


  • 2.0k


  • 38


  • 93


  • 47


Here's mine:

  1. uh.... kind of?
  2. Absolutely not.
  3. Again, kinda sort of... from a certain angle... if you squint

well ok

  1. hmmm
  2. Uh heh nada on this one my friend :kissing_closed_eyes:
  3. A quarter no... don't even know if it could be a quarter but defiantly a Pennie :smirk:
  4. Well lets see if a happy ending will occur :joy: depending on how I feel

I have no idea what I said with number 3 but Ima leave it like that

  1. The statue comes to life. That's pretty exciting.
  2. Absolutely!!!
  3. Well... there is a ticking clock in the background all the while.
  4. You can't get me to give away my ending that easily!!!
  1. Yes
  2. There are lots of fluffy cute gooey lovey-dovey goodness with my main couple. :heart_01: .
  3. Totally!
  4. It's eventually have a happy ending.

1) Yup..by chapter 3
3)Yeeeees...right now
4) Well, I think its happy.

1)I guess....okay its slow
2)Well, slow burn as hell
4) Haahahahahhaha! what's that?

  1. Yes! It's a sci-fi/fantasy adventure.
  2. Yep, I'm a humungous sucker for romance. I'll be derailing this baby multiple times in that pursuit.
  3. This too! There are a lot of unanswered questions and one particular cliffhanger mystery...
  4. Yes... Though it's won't be entirely an ending.
  1. Oh well, I dunno, Jake my man, do you consider a lady throwing a car at a monster dude who's as big as a house excitement? You like rainbow ghosts? Explosions? Magical sword fights?
  2. Yes. There will definitely be!
  3. Sometimes!
  4. That's a tricky one to answer. It won't have a sad ending though.
  1. oh yeah 100%
  2. you bet
  3. tons of it
  4. haha no

Oh my! I love this idea, it's so funny to read some of the responses here. :joy: Now onto my turn-

  1. Well, yes but s l o w build up excitement.
  2. Does very slow burn romance and countless broken hearts count...?
  3. Y E S. Big yes Big future yes Big past yes
  4. Well, it depends really. Since Life always ends with Death... Does this count as happy ending-
  1. You could say it gets rather...thrilling
  2. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, this MC gets around
  3. Did I mention it’s technically a thriller?
  4. ... :smirk:
  1. Oh yeah, it gets pretty intense sometimes
  2. Right off the bat, but fair warning, things get dark
  3. It’ll stress you out, your hair will turn grey, I make no apologies
  4. :wink:

I do pass the test. But I guess to find that out you would have to go read.


  1. I hope so...
  2. begrudgingly (started out as a parody of a romance novel, so it had to have SOME)
  3. fo sho
  4. Hahaha.... I did the best I could to have a happyish ending without being totally unrealistic given what's gonna happen... but if your idea of happy ending means the romance subplot ends in happily ever after, you might be disappointed...
  1. A group of adventurer's fighting monster. Very Exciting.
  2. Definitely. Mostly just fluff. But it will be the best fluff.
  3. Also yes.
  4. I feel like my viewpoint of a happy ending includes lots of potentially sad endings for others. So maybe??? We'll see :smiley:

Probably passes

1.There is a hot lady with wings and a sword. Very exciting. Also a fight scene. In case that wasn't gonna be exciting enough.
2. No romance here. I have failed you jake.
3. I would like to think I was able to create suspense in this one. So yes.
4. It's finished. So you can come and find out for yourself :wink:

Doesn't pass. But all's well here.

  1. Yes, all kinds. The good, the bad, the horrifying, and the raunchy (not too raunchy though :laughing:)
  2. Yeah. All the main characters have ships at some point! Some more than once
  3. Yep, and that's why I have an update for Friday and Saturday this week. Didn't want to leave people hanging on Friday's chapter :smirk:
  4. Kinda? :sweat_smile: It's more bittersweet, so yes'ish

Well I guess I failed 2/4 of the Jake test to an extent,
Excitement- What constitutes excitement? Hype moments, if so we def have that
Romance- Non existent, this is more of a familial story than one about such love. There's going to be love sideplots of course, but not front and center.
Happy ending... I have an ending planned, might retcon it might not. Really dont thing I will. If anything it will be a bitter-sweet ending.
Thank u Jake very cool, god that show was always great

I was doing a re-watch and just thought... you know who would appreciate this arbitrary storytelling requirement checklist? Tapas Forums.