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Jul 2024

my wife wants to continue to draw and i don't want to stop her i really want her to keep going. there are scenes she has trouble with like angles and character's casting spells. i would like to continue to draw as well is it possible to put both of our arts together? any suggestions on this?

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
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Well, it is possible, to put it simple you both will be working together almost as if you were working with a different person, be it a stranger, an assistant or working for someone else.

It is mostly thinking about what are you willing to leave to the other, what are you willing to do for the other, what are your strong points and what are hers. Its all about the agreement of what you both are doing, what feedback you provide to the other and well, if you can merge your styles first. And you can try, mix and match until you find what is comfortable for the two of you. Be it proportions, anatomy, coloring, inking, or if one does the characters while the other the backgrounds and so on. There is no specific guide for those things.

Some people sketch, and leave to the other the lineart, or coloring and such. If you have similar artstyles and even if its not the case, you can always grab each other's works and study them together, analyze them, recreate them be it by imitating the other's style or drawing on your own. What habits do each of you tend to have, what things do you repeat on drawings, what characteristics does each's styles have, etc.

Red's covered the combination of artstyles but i think it'd also be helpful to apply tools and references for the things you both might struggle with drawing be they character poses or indoor or outdoor spaces + environments

like personally i turn to magic poser most often if i'm struggling with a pose especially at weirder angles or i'm having a hard time visualizing it

which has an app (ios + android) and a webapp (which is what i use)

as for enviornments i bounce between a lot of videogames and other resources, so things like minecraft or the sims, vivaland, monterona, and then 3d softwares if you know how to use them/the patience to learn like blender or cad or sketchup. personally i've just stuck with using games and photos and even google maps as a point of reference because i havent had the patience or energy to lock in and learn yet another software especially when some of the ui's are not easy to break into but they do at least exists and depending on personal finances can be fairly accessible price wise

but beyond that yeah it's really just experimenting with what workflow is best for you too and finding a groove that works. best of luck!