97 / 151
Jun 2018

Two questions:

In the guidelines, we're supposed to write a synopsis for the full story, but you also mention a 20-25 chapter season. So are you supposed to write the synopsis for one completed season, or for the entire story (1+ seasons)?

Also, I understand the need for Tapas' input in their investment in an artist, but what constitutes the 50/50 ratio of copyright ownership?

Apologizes if this has already been asked/answered in this thread >_<

But, since there is the Webtoons contest going on at the same time, many are entering both. I happen to be entering two different stories for the two contests, so in the rare case that I get picked for the Creator Incubator but also get offered a contract from Webtoons, could I work for both companies since I'll be doing two different stories? Or if the Tapas contract ownership over the author as a whole rather than just the specific story that they're doing?

If i find an assistent, do i have to submit also bio of that person in the submission? or only it is a duo-author?

Hi, I wish I had discovered this program earlier than today....
Do you open this program annually? Can I participate next year?
And if I get accepted and begin production, how would you publish my work? i.e., Do you publish one episode of mine as soon as I finished one OR do you publish one by one after I finished the entire season 1?

The synopsis should be about season 1 with a few sentences at the end hinting at what might happen in future seasons as a hook.

As this is a co-production agreement, the copyright of the work will be shared evenly between the creators and Tapas Media, 50/50. Tapas will fully fund the creators to develop the work, give access to editorial resources, and work on developing the project for opportunities such as print publishing, redistribution and TV/online series deals. Funding and resources will be provided by Tapas, and profits will be shared 50/50.

Just as @joannekwan says, you would be able to work for both companies as Tapas would only have partial ownership of the proposed Incubator series and you are free to post other series on other platforms.

You would not have to submit the bio of the assistant if they are not considered a co-author.

Oh no! We'll work harder to ensure that this program is announced to everyone but you can look forward to another submission period opening in the winter! We hope to have this program run twice a year.

We work with creators to create a backlog of episodes before publishing at a consistent rate. For example, we would probably wait until about 6 - 10 episodes are finished before publishing an episode twice a month.

If a comic isn't chosen to be in the incubator, is there a chance it can be leveled up to be a premium comic?
How are most comics chosen to be premium if not through the Incubator?

When would be the latest date we should expect to hear from tapas if we have or have not be selected for the program?

I want to host my comic on tapas even if I'm not selected, but I'm debating if I should hold out and submit to the program or just begin posting episodes and contact tapas later on after I have a following. Especially since it would be my first time posting a comic to tapas.

Thank you! I remembered seeing that email somewhere a long time ago, but I wasn't sure where. Where on the website is there more information on this?

Hey guys, what constitutes a brief bio? Is there a word or paragraph limit?

Like @joannekwan said, you are free to submit your idea to us at submissions@tapasmedia.co. Outside of the Incubator, comics are chosen to be Premium either by submitting an idea to that email address or, as the staff regularly reads comics on Tapas, if a Tapas editor reaches out to a creator with the option of making their comic Premium.

We will be contacting creators chosen for the program throughout the month of July and we're hoping to announce who will be in the next class of Incubator creators sometime in August.

If you do decide to post your comic and contact us later on after obtaining a following, please understand that it would not be part of the Incubator program but part of the Premium program. The Incubator program is looking for ideas that haven't been published yet but the Premium program is more suited for stories that have already been published on our platform.

There is no word or paragraph limit for the bio section. For tips on what to include in the brief bio, please refer to the amazing "How to" guide5 that Michi of VVBG put together.

I've only just saw this, so I reckon it may feel too rushed for me to put something together now. I assume the next time will be this time, next year?

It has been answered before, there will be one later this winter! :grin:
So you still have time to polish up a pitch.

Now that submissions are closed I just want to say good luck to everyone including me that submitted! I really hope I can be a part of the next class and meet some new artists. I can't wait to see the new series! Thank you for this program Tapas. Here's hoping & fingers crossed! :smile:

The next time submissions will open for the Creator Incubator will be in the winter!

We don't have a concrete date on when in August we'll be announcing who will be part of the second class of the Incubator program so please follow our social media accounts for the announcement!


We want to thank25 everyone who applied for the Incubator Program. We received over 200 submissions! :tada:

We will be contacting creators throughout the month so please keep an eye on your email inbox for a message from us. An announcement will be made in August revealing who will be part of the second class of the Tapas Creator Incubator program. Stay tuned!

9 days later

Is it safe to say that those who have not been contacted by now have been rejected, or are you still determining the winners?