158 / 159
Jan 2021

Damien: City or suburbs, at least to live in.

Jake: Suburbs or country. It’s nice to live further out and get the peace and privacy, but it takes way longer to get anywhere. There’s always a trade off.

Damien: That’s true. If you were going to be stuck for a month — and you had enough food and water — would you prefer to be stuck in the dessert or on a ship?

Baccus grins, wide and mischievously. "A dessert, you say? Yeah, I could live in a cake or some syllabub for a month."

Ophelia smacks his arm. "You know what they meant."

He looks over to her. "I know."

From the back of the shadows, all of the Admiral, who lives on a ship, wants to step out and stay something, but Goldie holds her back.

Kitt and Kaboodles look up to Ophelia and the others. "What's a desert?"

"It's a dry place, mostly covered in sand. It's quite hot." Mavus turns into him and answers like the good-boy he is.


"Are there monsters?" Vix and Tod jump.

"...Not that I am aware of..."

"Oh--" they deflated. "Ship it is! As long as we can be pirates!"

Baccus, hearing the word, grabs his head and ducks for cover. "Oh fuck, I though they were back." He shakes it out and takes a hit. "Thank fuckmuffins. --Favorite distractions, I heard?" He takes a hit and exhales a giant cloud of smoke. "Ain't nothin' better."

Ophelia shakes her head. "Gardening."

"Reading, if I ever actually had the time for it." Mavus takes some water. "What's the name of the city you live in? Since, we're all from different places."

Jake: Ooh, a chocolate cake desert island sounds amazing.

Damien: *grumbling * I make one typo and this is what I get. *rolls his eyes *

Jake: I’m from Abilene, Texas. Pretty much the direct center of the state.

Damien: And I’m from Beaumont. Also Texas. But really close to the Louisiana state line.

Jake: If you could transform into any animal, what would you choose?

Leticia: Dragon!

Dakota: I always thought a bear fit me.

Leticia: Reminds me of the days we used to play pretend when we were kids. Laughs

Sunni: I wouldn't mind being stuck on a ship for a while... I might take someone with me for a long vacation.

Myung: To answer the second question, I was born in Busan, but we live in Seoul.

Joonie: And if I could transform into any animal, I'd pick a cat because they're so fluffy and indefinite.

Myung: ...you...you mean independent?

Joonie: That's what I said.

Myung: ...okay. So what's everyone's favorite day of the week and why?

@kmlangleyauthor @blackorchid @NellieVP318

Leticia: Friday. I like to end my week with a bang!

Dakota: Saturday is my day... I like to relax, you know right?

Jake: *turning a little red * Well, last semester I liked Monday and Wednesday...

Damien: *smirking * That’s so interesting. Would you like to share why?

Jake: *mumbling * Because those were the days I saw you in class.

Damien: *leaning over to kiss his cheek * Those were my favorite days, too.

Jake: Which do you feel suits you best – Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?

@NellieVP318 @blackorchid

Myung: Fire. I like to burn sh*t.

Sunni: *rolls his eyes in exasperation * Unbelievable...

Sang: *pokes his head in * I like fire, too! It's because I'm so hot~!

Sunni: Would you get out of here?!

Jae: *laughs, shaking his head * I think air suits me more. It makes my hair look nice in the wind. *smiles * Do you have any pet peeves?

Damien: When Jake hides stuff.

Jake: *sitting up straight * What? I don’t hide stuff!

Damien: Oh, you’re not good at hiding stuff, but you try to avoid telling me when you get hurt.

Jake: Yeah... that. You overreact.

Damien: I react just the right amount.

Jake: My pet peeves are when adults stare or act weird or rude around me because of my disability. *sees Damien wince * So! What’s everyone’s Hogwarts house?

@NellieVP318 @blackorchid

Min-Soo: *startling Myung as he leapt out of his seat * HUFFLEPUFF!

Joonie: *confused * What's a Hogwart?

Sunni: It's from a book. Harry Potter.

Joonie: Oh, I like pottery.

Sunni: So I'm a Ravenclaw. Anyways...what's the best joke you've ever heard?

The group blinks. "We're not sure what those places are, or what a Hogwarts even is, but--"

Baccus is on the 'internet' (a terrible idea, really) "I took a quiz for all of us. Mavus, you're a Ravenclaw. Ophelia is a Hufflepuff. I'm a Grynffindor..."

He goes quiet for a moment. They look over to him.


"Shh! I'm reading it now."

They all huddle over his shoulder. Their attentions glued to it.

Damien: Jake always tells hilarious jokes, but I can never remember them later.

Jake: *smirking * Goldie is a Slytherin, isn’t she. *nods at Sunni * Ravenclaw is the place to be.

Damien: I see Hufflepuff is getting some good rep! It’s “poufsouffle” in French, and that makes me happy every time I hear it. *grinning happily *

Jake: The others didn’t translate quite so well. I like the head-canon that some of the students from Beauxbaton called the Hufflepuffs “Poufsouffles” and they liked it so much they adopted it.

Damien: Uh-oh. We got him talking about Harry Potter head-canons. Before we get too far down this road, what’s your favorite song and why?

@lunagraves714 @blackorchid

Baccus immediately turns red from blushing. He shifts his eyes away from Ophelia. His hand goes over his face to block his mouth. He mumbles through it.

Kitt nods. "Aye, I know that one." He turns to Ophelia. "It's da' lovers one, the Midtown Waltz."

Mavus, finally, with material to tease his brother, goes behind him and holds him down. "What was that Baccus? You liked the lover's waltz from Midtown? Why's that? Who're you dancing with?"

Kitt, Vix, and Tod start dancing around Mavus and the flailing Baccus like Lock, Stock, and Barrel kidnapping the Sandy Claws.

Ophelia blinks. "The sound of bees in the garden."

They look to her and collapse in the precious. Baccus loses his mind.

Ophelia smiles. "What's your favorite flower or plant?"

Jake: *smiling wistfully * I love plants. My favorite are ferns.

Damien: *glancing down and mumbling * I like violets.

Jake: *smiles and leans over to kiss his cheek * I didn’t know that.

Damien: Favorite holiday?

Myung: I think my favorite song is "Bermuda Triangle" by Zico. I love rap.

Joonie: I think every plant is beautiful in its own way, especially snap dragons.

Sunni: My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. In Korea, sometimes it's seen as more of a couple's holiday than a family one, so we give presents mostly to our partners and sometimes family. It's very romantic.

Jae: It's more romantic if you're actually dating someone. *clears his throat * Anyways, what's your idea of the perfect gift?

@kmlangleyauthor @blackorchid

"Oooh," Baccus sits himself up in his chair. He fixes his suit and rights his hair. "I think a nice chemistry kit, a bottle of whisky, and Low's grain alcohol. Oh, baby, that'll put hair on your chest."

Kitt looks down and Baccus says this, and cocks his head in an idea. Immediately, Vix and Tod pull him back.

Baccus continues with, "and then an afternoon, where no one bothers me." He looks off dreamily.

Mavus turns to him, "you know, that's not half bad. A bottle of whisky and an afternoon where I can sit and read."

The others look to the two brothers who are dreaming about their perfect gifts. They shake their heads.

"I big ol'bag of money!" Tod nodds.

"And candy!" Vix squeaks from behind him.

"And a nice silk dress." Ophelia plays with the edges of hers. "I do enjoy a dress with embroidery. Something with bees, I think. That'd be cute."

Baccus dead-pan into the camera. He blinks. He groans. Then he turns to Ophelia.


"And that's all the time we have," Mavus yanks him back to his spot. "What is your drink of choice? Firstly Nonalcoholic, then alcoholic, if you can drink.

Leticia: The perfect gift would be a damn good high heel boots!

Dakota: Leticia, you have like 50 boots.

Leticia: You can never have enough of them!

Dakota sighs then another person comes in the room and sits with them.

Dakota: Hey Jesse!

Jesse: I got lost on the way here.. Looks at everyone and waves Hey everyone, nice to meet you. My name is Jesse Vega!

Tara: *Pops back in and waves at Jesse cheerily * Hey, nice to meet you! My name's Tara Sparnak! *Nudges Sang who just walked in behind her * What was the question?

Sang: Literally how would I know?

Myung: *interjects before Tara could complain * No worries, I got this one. Chung-Ae and I practically live at the bar. For me, I'll take any strong liquor as long as it's not pink and fruity. But nonalcoholic...probably coke.

Chung-Ae: *flatly * I drink only Korean beer, whiskey, and soju. My liver is begging for mercy.

Sang: *wistfully * Ah, you can never go wrong with soju~. So what's your word of the day? Mine is mistpouffer~.

@blackorchid @NellieVP318

Dakota: Sits next to Jesse Jesse, I thought Darren and Chantel were coming back here.

Jesse: Shrugs They said they were busy at another event that I'm not invited at. Blinks then answers Sang's question. I guess, Basketball?

Leticia: Fashion.

Dakota: Coffee.

6 months later

Dawn : stays in bed until twins drag her out
Twins : after waking up, they meet in front of one of their rooms and decide who to annoy today
Adrian : depends what did he do last night
Zoran regrets living with his brothers every single day
Call is the one causing Zoran's regrets

Sorry for posting pretty late, but i think topic is interesting