7 / 159
Jan 2021

*Leticia, Chantel, Darren, and Amelia came in the studio, looking very lost at where they at.

Leticia:Okay, how the heck we got here?

Darren: Um... by some odd forces....

Chantel: Well, since we're here, you might as well answer and ask some random people's questions then.

Amelia: *Waves her hand frantically Oh Oh! my routine is getting up and singing to the birds then start my day fixing up my hair and look through my outfits!

Chantel: *Glares at Amelia oddly Anyway, I just get up and stretch before I head out down to get myself ready for the day.

Darren: Checking my emails. Yeah, boring.

Leticia: I go through my entire wardrobe just find the right outfit to wear today! Remember everyone, choosing the right outfit makes you more confident and fearless!

Amelia: I want to ask the next one! What's your favorite thing to do on relaxing day?

Jae: Coffee is life~.

Myung: *squinting at Amelia * Who invited Cinderella?

Tara: That's...not even the right princess.

Sunni: *shakes his head in dismay * Both responses were lovely. And to answer the first question, I enjoy kimchi fried rice bowls in the morning. I think it's a great way to start the day.

Myung: Lame.

Tara: Oh! Oh! I love fruit bowls! They're super healthy!

Jae: Can I answer the second one? I'll answer the second one! My favorite thing to do on a relaxing day is--

Joonie: Gardening, and uh...brewing a homemade blend of tea.

Jae: *Did you really just interrupt me??? * Ahem, as I was going to say, I like doing podcasts and makeup tutorials online. I think they're very relaxing. So, for the next question, describe your favorite dishes.


Edit: @kmlangleyauthor No worries, he's just running a tad late :wink:

Amelia: *Hears what Myung said about her being Cinderella. That's the most sweetest thing someone ever said to me!

Chantel: Amelia, that was even a compliment....

Amelia: *Smiles It's the thought that counts!

Darren: To answer to the other person's question I like pancakes.

Leticia: Waffles.

Chantel: Cereal.

Amelia: French Toast!

Chantel: As for favorite dishes, despite me being half-Korean and I love Korean Cuisine, I like my Dad's BBQ ribs that he makes every 4th of July. Tasty good.

Leticia: Um.. Enchiladas! My mom makes them a lot when I come visit her.

Amelia: The cooks at my house knows how to make a mean cheesy mac and cheese. It's so chewy that it's so good.

Darren: Honestly, it's hard to describe a favorite dish. I guess those spicy Jamaican beer patties that my friend's Jesse's mom makes. They are good.

Leticia: Okay, what is the most fashionable outfit you all have?!
@lunagraves714 @kmlangleyauthor

Chung-Ae: Sweats. T-shirts. Jeans.

Jae: *wrinkles his nose in distaste * Well, I guess you can't expect all of us to know what fashion is...

Chung-Ae: Really? Huh, wonder why they call it "designer" then. *takes a long sip of his drink while staring intently at Jae *

Tara: *looks from one idol to the other * ...Joonie's usually our fashion expert.

Joonie: *looks up from his phone * Eh? Oh. I guess my most fashionable outfit is the grey suit I got from Armani--or was it Gucci? I can't remember, but it looks great with my Rolex. Anyways-- *jumps as someone else rushed into the room, plopping down in the empty chair beside Myung *

Min-Soo: Annyeonghaseyo~! Sorry I'm late! I was waiting for the hotel to finish baking another round of blueberry muffins. Hope I didn't miss too much! :yum:

Tara: Uh, no, we were just starting. Do you want to ask the next question?

Min-Soo: Sure~! Everyone, what's your favorite mythical animal, and would you ride them to work if you could? I'd want a unicorn with a purple mane.

Myung: Wtf?


Jake: *whispering * Waffles sound really good right now. I think I’m hungry.

Damien: *whispering back * We’ll go get food after this. *reaches into pocket * I brought you a snack.

Jake: Thank you! Oops... *slides down in chair * I didn’t mean to get that excited...

Damien: *vaguely attempting to cover a laugh * I’m definitely not the most fashionable, but I have this really comfy white shirt that pairs really well with my favorite green pants. I feel very... I don’t know, classic-trendy when I wear it... *visibly embarrassed * Okay, babe, it’s your turn.

Jake: Umm. *hides snack * Uhh, this button up I have? It’s light purple. Makes me look waaay more pulled together than I actually am. And I like Min-Soo’s thinking. That sounds like an epic unicorn and I’d totally take it to work.

Damien: You would. *leans over to kiss Jake’s cheek * Mine would probably be... a mermaid. Or merman. Merperson...? It would make for a wet ride to work, though.

Jake: *grinning * You fantasize about wet mermen regularly?

Damien: JAKE!

Jake: *dying laughing * Since he’s scandalized, what’s one goal you have for the future?

@lunagraves714 (I DON’T KNOW IF I’M SCARED OR HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! :sweat_02:)

Tara: *giggles at Damien's reaction to Jake's teasing *

Myung: My goal is to make it through this thing without swearing. But in terms of more realistic goals, I'd have to say...become known as the best rapper in the world.

Sang: So selfless and thoughtful.

Myung: I know, right? Sometimes I amaze myself.

Min-Soo: *hides a smile behind his hand, though his eyes gave him away * I just want to end up happy!

Myung: ...yeah...anyways, going off of that, how would you make a stranger smile?

@kmlangleyauthor @NellieVP318

Leticia: * Looks at Joonie Finally someone that has fashion taste.....

Chantel: Um... I like a unicorn and for the other question, I want to own a dance studio.

Darren: I like Wyverns... I have a dream to ride on one. Well, I'm kinda directionless for the future right now.

Amelia: Pegasus. They look like they are very fun to ride! I'm to be very famous singer!

Darren: Um.. What makes you guys angry?
@lunagraves714 @kmlangleyauthor

Mitta: Ooh! This seems fun. Sorry we're late to the party guys.

Margarita: I don't think we were invited. Let's just... go.

Mitta: No no, we're staying. So in the morning I make a smoothie, spend... maybe half an hour doing my hair and make-up? Catch up on the socials, missed texts, you know the deal.

Margarita: Did you manage to stuff a blender in your duffel bag?

Mitta: Well, I guess... I guess that used to be my routine. Now, uh... poor some cereal? Watch the... birds? That's probably it I guess. What about you, Marg - share with the group.

Margarita: Well, uh, I find somewhere to get dressed. Gas station, restaurant, anything with a bathroom is fine.

Mitta: Waits for her to continue. Finally gives up Okayyyy, let's see, favorite breakfast food was next? The French toast at Jamie's is the best, but also-

Margarita: I think we're hogging the conversation. Can we just, like, sit down over there?

Mitta: Fine, fine. But first, what's one place that everyone else wants to visit?

Life in Polaroids

Damien: Hi, Mitta and Margarita. Don’t worry, this isn’t an invitation sort of thing. We all just sort of... show up.

Jake: *grumbling * Or get dragged here...

Damien: Don’t mind him. He likes these, too.

Jake: Sharing. *rolls his eyes * Yay.

*deadpan * My brother makes me angry. And I want to travel around Japan. I’d like to know more about my heritage.

Damien: I’d love to visit Italy at some point, even if it is cliché. And, umm, I don’t know... I don’t get angry very much.

Jake: *clears his throat *

Damien: OH! *visibly fuming * When people hurt Jake.

Jake: *leaning in to give Damien a hug * *whispers * It’s okay, babe.

Damien: *taking a deep breath * What’s your... favorite way to wind down and relax?


Sang: When someone messes up the choreography, it angers my soul. That and peaches.

Tara: Peaches?

Sang: They're fuzzy and it's stupid!

Tara: Yeah, but you can peel them.


Tara: *rolls her eyes in exasperation * Moving on...I'd like to visit Venice, Italy like he said. *nods at Damien * It's always been a dream of mine to ride in one of those gondolas through the city. That or see the Eiffel Tower in France. *shrugs * I like to sightsee.

Chung-Ae: As for relaxing, I just visit the local bar.

Tara: Next question: what would you do if today was your last day-- *noticing some of the members of her group tense * --before you got shipped to Mars?

@NellieVP318 @kmlangleyauthor @ApplesOverIndia

???: Idols, eh? said a mysterious teenager leaning on a wall in the room

advance towards the group of people

???: the last time I heard that word, it earned me the honor of making a fool of myself in public on stage.

a young woman passing in the hallway hears the young man's voice

???: Cousin?

the boy gave me a weird face as if he had recognized her voice. But feared it was the person whose voice he thought he recognized

???, after opening the door: Cousin Ynnnn! *ush towards him at full speed and come hug him suddenly *

Yntchéone, embarrassed by the suitation: Ahhhh! Let go of me !

???: No no no ! shaking her head like a playful child

* but finally a few seconds later she let go and stood in front of him while he ... *

Yntchéone, annoying: No but oh, it's not to jump on people like that! And then, for the last time, my name is YN-TCHÉ-ONE (pronounced in-ché-on). Not Yn (in).

???: Ah, but it is? You are the idolz, are you?

Jae: *standing up and making a grand gesture at his friends * We are the IDOLZ7~!!! :smile:

Sang: He means yes. Also, cool name. Very chic.

Sunni: *stifles a laugh * Anyways, glad you could join us! Where are you from?


*Jake and Damien both tensing at Tara’s question before breathing an audible sigh of relief *

Jake: Going to Mars would be fun. Hmm, I could try all sorts of things there... I wonder...

Damien: *clearing his throat *

Jake: Ah, right. I guess I’d want to spend the day with my family. Assuming Damien was coming with. Why are we going to Mars, again?

Damien: To be honest, I’m just trying to figure out how anyone *side-eyes Sang * could not like peaches. They’re amazing and it’s not a design flaw. *huffs out an angry breath *

Jake: *smirking * Sooo... everyone’s favorite fruit?

Damien: *muttering * Now it’s peaches.

@ApplesOverIndia @NellieVP318

Mitta: Mars?? That sounds like a lot of... scienceing. But my last day? I would, man, do everything! I want to see the Eiffel Tower, and eat sushi - like real sushi, not gas station sushi or whatever passes for it at American restaurants - and dance with boys, and-

Margarita: Whispers Mitta? There's more strangers, let's go.

Mitta: You're staying. Now answer the question!

Margarita: Fine, if I was going to Mars, I'd spend my last day... packing. And I like pears. Happy? Can we go?

Mitta: Nope! I like avocadoes, if that's a fruit, or (glances flirtily at Sang) peaches. Do you guys have any pets?

@lunagraves714 @SignedA @kmlangleyauthor @NellieVP318

Sang: *crosses his arms over his chest and rambles off in Chinese *

Myung: Dude, at least complain in a language we know.

Sang: Haven’t any of you watched Parasite?! It just proves peaches are the worst!

Myung: I feel like there were bigger takeaways from that movie...

Sang: Whatever! I prefer strawberries!

Joonie: *perks up at Mitta’s question * Does a pet rock count?

Sunni: :unamused: Okay...what’s your favorite movies?

@NellieVP318 @kmlangleyauthor @ApplesOverIndia @SignedA

Yntchéone: from the planet Nova? Why ?

???: And me, I come from a planet that looks like yours (alternative planet earth), Sunnite, except that there are some things that did not happen like here.

* Yntchéone watches Sang persistently *

Yntchéone: And I dream where you made fun of my first name?

Damien: See? Mitta gets it! Peaches are awesome! Thank you!

Jake: *trying to deflect the attention away again * No pets, unfortunately. Maybe after college. Classes take too much time. We should definitely get one after we graduate, though.

Damien: *finally distracted from his peaches fixation * Yeah! That sounds like fun!

Jake: *nodding toward Sang * Strawberries are good. Can’t go wrong there. My favorite movie [waits for author to check notes] apparently depends on what mood I’m in. I have a pretty wide range of what I enjoy. And Damien will watch anything because he falls asleep about three minutes in.

Damien: *shrugs * It’s true. I cannot stay awake during movies. *glances over at Jake * I, umm, used to play the piano when I was younger but it’s been a while.

Jake: *eyes popping open * I did not know that! Wait a second... how does one “kind of” have a magical bird, Amelia? How is it magical? What does it do? Can I see it?

Damien: While they discuss... birds... would you rather go swimming in a pool, lake, or the ocean, and why?

@NellieVP318 @SignedA

Mitta: Thank you, Damien! And a pet rock totally counts! I went through this whole "phase" in middle school where I would paint rocks and them leave them around the neighborhood or school for people to find. I like to think some people found them and kept them. Movies, though - maybe Legally Blonde?

Margarita: I don't really watch movies that much. At least, none no one else has watched. My mom only really had Spanish movies, so I've watched some of those. Placido was a good one. And I played the clarinet for awhile - not my thing.

Mitta: We should stop at a movie theater or something - you've missed so much in the world.

Margarita: Is this a surprise at this point?

Mitta: Well, no. But anyway! No instruments here, though I always thought the guitar would be fun to learn if you didn't have to cut your fingernails so short. How did everyone meet the people you came with?

@lunagraves714 @SignedA @kmlangleyauthor @NellieVP318

Yntchéone: No! I do not have pet.

???: Me neither ! But ... And Wag then?

Yntchéone, surprised: how's that Wag?

???: looks at him as if it's obvious what she means

Yntchéone, realizing what cousin said: Wag is NOT A PET! She's a member of my ... Not, of OUR family. taking a calm voice It's just that she likes to stay in her meta form.