24 / 40
Sep 2020

For Full Moon King I have an amazing artist I work with for the full color and the black and white. I do the splashes of color and the writing. The full color will be on important scenes and intros to books/chapters. The script is complete but the art is just starting. I plan on novelizing it for this years NaNoWriMo. I am trying to update once a week but due to funds it is currently once a month.

Oh wow xD
And thank you very much for re-reading some of it again :smiley:
and thank you so much for reading and recommending the comic :heart_01:

Checked out your comic and man, I like the your style and characters.
Got a follow from me
Here's my Fantasy comic; Devoured World-
Been working on it for a while and just released episode 57 today.

Okay, Okay Okay. Let's read some Comics.


Knights of Geoemora by @lauragarcia511

Cute, Simple, Bold.

I'm a sucker for a large family cast, I'm also a sucker for talking inanimate objects as companions.
Your Anthro's are really well drawn so that's a ++.
Regular updates are hard to pull off but you seem to have kept it kept steady.

If I had to offer one criticism it would be: Give your words a little more room to breathe. A little bit more of a buffer between the words and the border will leave your speech bubble's feeling a little less claustrophobic.
It's no-big thing tho, you're looking great!

The Grand Priestess by @ExodusGuard

Another case of deja vu!
Turns out I'd subscribed over on Webtoons when you posted in the cameo thread!

What can I say? Excellent, vibrant art. Well concepted and put together and extremely well executed in the vertical scroll format.

Definitely one I can see getting picked up for Webtoon Original or Tapas Premium at some point. (If it isn't already being eye-balled or pitched.)

Last for the day!

VAINGLORY by @elpenor

A much needed breath of levity, I got some good chuckles out of this one.

You my friend, have what I like to call "BigFrodoEnergy".
You might get a kick out of comics by either of my friends Conrad_Os & TallFrodo
I look forward to your future narrative work!

I will keep doing these as long as I can! so keep 'em comin'

Your comic looks super cool! I'll subscribe.

My fantasy-romance is a novel, so feel free to ignore if you prefer comics. :slight_smile:

There may of may not be romance in my story, I'm still thinking about it to be honest.

Thanks so much for the comments! Means a lot to hear your wonderful feedback. Our artist, Choco, was honored by your words. Keep up the great work with your comic. Looking forward to seeing more. :grinning:

I have a fantasy/adventure comic, although it lacks in the romance aspect

technically my comic is Modern-fantasy? If you like that and slice of life my comic TLC might be up your alley!

The comic is about a young girl that gets kicked out of an orphanage for her unpredictable powers and ends up getting taken in by a shapeshifter into a mish-mashed adopted family. she has to learn what it means to be herself, be part of a family, and uncover whatever the family's butler is hiding before its too late!

The comic has got aspects of modern fantasy, mystery, found family, slice of life and LGBT themes (mostly i later chapters). I'd probably rate it at PG-13 (specific Pages with PG-13 content are flagged as such in the episode tittles as well)

Heres the link if interested!

Prynhawn da!
(Listen I swear it was the afternoon when I first started typing this thing. I'm not distractible, you're distractible)

First up today!

Runner by @jcmraz

You set up the basic premise in a single page, and that my friend is no mean feat!

Nice art with strong poses that get cleaner and cleaner by the page.
It felt a little like reading a mirrors edge comic, lots of good free-running shots.

Next up!

Genii Legend of the God Stones by @Legendofgenii



Nice steady story, super crisp lines and some beautiful backgrounds.
Plus bonus points for angsty teens!

And last of the day

Lycoris Rising1 by @DaphnePanda

Ooo a "beat the prophecy/future" story, colour me intrigued.

Lot's of pop & great colour, you're also really going the extra mile with your lettering too.
Unfortunately I couldn't read as much of this one as I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes! (Subbed and will come back to it tho)

I shall see you on the morrow!
I will come back and edit a couple of these as I read more of them, but I'll keep it pithy first impressions for now.

I'm actually a bit surprised you mentioned the lettering. It really was not that great in the first few episodes in my opinion, especially since I didn't really figure out a lot of text editing stuff until Chapter 2 :sweat_02:

Still, thanks for giving it a read and I hope you enjoy the rest of what's out!

Thank you! :slight_smile: Mirror's Edge was one of my peripheral inspirations to theming, especially once we get into civilization, so I'm happy by that :slight_smile:

Apologies for not continuing these but I'm having some internet troubles.

Tapas and the Tapas forums aren't the fastest even when I'm using fibre ahaha, let alone janky farmhouse broadband.
I'll get back to these when I can actually load the comics to read them XD

Mine is a mini-comic series meant to accompany my novel, the real star of the show. I'm still new to comic making though haha.