7 / 41
Aug 2017

Oh hey there friend :smiley: Nice to see you on the forums. Welcome to Tapas <3

Hi Heliox! Just read through Background People! :grinning:
Will be waiting for the next chapter!
I would like to do a co-op work one of these days!(Once I get better at writing, that is :grin:) I can definitely relate to having 0% art skill too!

I just started reading and it looks good! I have one little critique thou. Most people don't say the name of the person they are taking to very often. Other than that I am intrigued with where the story is going.

Aye. I'll also be waiting for your next chapter. Stuff's getting a whole lot interesting in those parts, I'm telling you.
You're also pretty good at writing...can I ask your opinion on how to keep the story going? Because I'm kinda worried that it is becoming kinda bit draggy in the drafts...
But yeah, best of luck to you for everything else!

Oh yes, I do agree with that! I'll try and find more ways for names of characters to be introduced naturally! Thanks for the feedback! :grin: I will take note for my subsequent chapters!

Yeah, hope to see more writers around these parts too! :grinning:
Hmm, may I know what do you mean by "draggy"? As for me, I tend to end a chapter when there is a change in scenario or when someone just made an noteworthy statement. I think the impact of the statement will be stronger this way. This is just my two cents though! :slight_smile: So far, just from your introductory chapter, your story still piques my interest!
Best of luck to you too!

Oh....okie! Thanks for the feedback. I'll work on Chapter 3 soon.

Hii there! Welcome to World of comics and books!

Welcome to Tapas, I hope you'll make friends and find that we are all nice enough people!

Welcome to Tapas.
Honestly, I've been here since March 2015, but I'm new to this too, so I need help with you...
The best advice I can give you is expect nothing, but be thankful for everything, and to also make friends along the way. Connect for the sake of growth, not business.
Nice to meet you too, I'm Cydonia.

Hi! :grin: I'm already thankful for the warm welcome I've been receiving!
Yeap, definitely for growth! Hope I will improve much more with the help of the forum than when I was writing alone. It can be hard without some friends to share one's writing woes with!
Nice knowing you too! :grinning:

Yeah, you need a certain trust level on the forum to send someone a private message, and I think how you do it is to go into someone's profile, and un the top right hand corner there should be a blue box that says "message". And to private message on the actual Tapas website, go to post something on someone's wall and click the box that says "private" and it will create a private message.
I hope that makes sense :wink: