100 / 123
Jan 2021

I'm too small for bad comments but replying to bot comments if I did and they could feel, would be "Please for the love that is holy leave me alone. I don't want your virus filled garbage on my page. Leave me alone. Try a site full of neckbeards if you want success in that scam"

I haven't gotten mean comments on my works yet. I am very grateful for that, but I did have someone randomly target me and call me the N word on one person's comic and told me something to effect of that they wish they could flag my comment and called me the three letter F word on another comic. I wasn't talking about anything except how cute the comic was on both occasions so I boiled it down to someone just wanted to be a troll. I ignored them and the comments were deleted by the creators.

hold up a minute.....did that reader randomly assumed Bowser was trans????????

Oh, for some maybe-necessary context, this is from a story about that popular Bowsette character from a few years ago. Bowser ends up coming out of the closet as transgender partway through the story (this sounds really stupid out of context) and then that becomes a very important part about the rest of the story. Based on the chapter they commented on, the reviewer didn't like something I did involving shipping and wrote this obviously because they thought it would cut me deep to call me a "bigot" but I found it funny more than anything else.

The worst comment was from someone who wanted to promote his shi** in my comment section, writing to MY readers. :rage:


This probably doesn't count as comment by a "reader", but it's pretty insulting to dismiss my content.

Noooo! That's so rude! I'm sorry that happened to you. (I've also had this happen on other socials where people pop onto my art and ramble about their stuff... On my art. About my novel. Trying to promo themselves and push me out of the way. On my own posts. No one is there for someone else on my posts! They'll be there for the person on their own dang posts. It's so rude and tone-deaf.)

omg these comments make me so angry! Why are people so unnecessarily mean?! wtf!!

I kinda blame that on the whole system when people do that (and I'm sure I've inadvertently done it myself at some point). You have to constantly self-promote to get eyeballs on your work and so people are so invested in the "hustle" that they forget to use common decency and let people enjoy their own stuff. It's not a valid excuse but I do understand it.

Oh, absolutely! I understand the struggle of self-promo but I would be lying if I said it it didn't irritate me. :joy: Luckily, I've been able to take care of the issue by only allowing followers to comment on my insta. :grinning: Haven't had an issue with self-promo comments since then. (I believe they would find me through the recent tags? It would always be rap accounts or photography accounts when I'm a manga artist lol!) The only time I ever felt someone was being truly malicious with me was a long,long time ago. I had a person going on and on about how powerful their character was over mine which was uh... I just quit replying because I was beginning to feel embarrassed for the person. It was really weird and I was getting the off feeling that they were upset by the attention I was getting on the post. (They may have been a kid, I really don't know. I just let it go for their sake.)

So mine is a little weird but I drew this art on tumblr once and it got reblogged into an RP group that was like using my image as an avatar for their...uh...very sexual RP stuff. And like...when you do that, I get notified every single time the art is RT'd with all this uhhh sexual stuff??? It was very awkward for me??? So anyways, I didn't tell them not to use my art or anything, I just blocked their accounts and then had to delete the original post and re-upload it so it was no longer used for some...online hookup thing.

Hopefully they rediscovered eachother on missed connections or something because uh I deleted their steamy date. Also please don't do this if you're on tumblr. Please don't do sexy RP with people's art right in front of their faces when they uh...are just trying to live their life.

It is true they did. Police didn’t have female officers until the early 20th century though and even then they did very different types of jobs. Mostly desk work or answering the phone or as plain clothes officers. Definitely not on the rank or type of work as the dudes.

Definitely. The "divisions" that the detective agencies had were. of course, women who could go were men couldn't. One agency employed an actress (big surprise there lol) and I believe a Russian princess.
There was a fascinating article I found once written in Australia about the British female private detectives. And there was on in the US who used to advertise in the papers. It's been ages since I did any of that research. And then, on the other side of the coin, you had the 40 Elephants Crime syndicate that was all female and active up until the 1960's or longer and way before the 1890's.

People are just too mired in that old Victorian stereotype.

Been making comics for so long it's hard to remember all of the worse ones I've gotten (I've gotten quite the handful, my memory is just bad, which I'm kinda grateful for in this context) and am honestly just relieved to see this thread and remember that other comic artists go through similar stuff to me! Hang in there everyone!

Now that I’m talking with you about it I remember a novel written in 1915 I think called Piccadilly jim and it actually did feature a female detective! And she was kind of amazing and insane like the one from Madagascar 3

1 month later

Lol my comic was reposted here: https://imgur.com/gallery/xOs7f5e9

And there had been some interesting comments on there...

^lol I wish I had one honestly... I'm working on this comic solo

^maybe not too bad tbh what do you guys think?

Not on tapas yet-- thankfully! But someone on reddit got VERY upset at my drawings in which i put cat ears on a musician i really liked. Like, this was the stuff they were mad at:

They really didn't like it, especially because I'm probably a furry, and for some reason they hates furries. Anyway, the acted as if it was the most disrespectful thing you could EVER draw, and then said they'd rather have someone draw them realistically in bed with said musician. And I'M the disrespectful one???
I ended up painting this picture as a "fuck you" to them. Why they hate catboy memes so much, I'll never know

You have to find a way to ignore comments, it only does you harm.
I can only give one advice from making the mistake for a long time,
don´t read reviews, comments and only focus on your art.
You can get advice elsewhere and don´t depend on praise in comments,
it means nothing and just distracts you from what you should do, then
you read a bad comment or a hate comment and spend time on it
which you should spend into something positive like practice & creation

Other than the monochrome complaints I used to get and the "too-short" comments I'd say the worst one I got was from this individual who subbed my comic and just kept comparing it to Devil May Cry and other franchises like Black Butler and Bleach in every freaking episode. I asked them to stop but they kept going so I ended up blocking him so he couldn't read the series on that account anymore.

Thing that really irks me is I dislike both Black Butler and Bleach.

I think every artist has to read through years and years of negative junk about their art. One comment I remember well is "She looks like a man." Not the cruelest comment I've ever gotten, but it stung a lot.
Most commenters have been kind to my comic. I had one commenter who implied that because my characters have horns, they all screw animals. I think it was intended to be a joke, but it really didn't land.

I had some commenter who would post homophobic and anti-Semitic comments on literally everything I posted once. What a charming guy that was :persevere:

I just blocked an user D:.... maybe I'm too sensitive or something but I don't want that kind of comments in my story, comments like: "that hoe needs to calm down someone bring her a bong" or "did he grab Mark's pussy?"(Mark is a cat haha yeah real funny :eyes::upside_down:) or "yeah hoe they be fuckin" And he was commenting in every episode from the beggining I got scared he would fill my series with comments of that type haha .-.
also his avatar icon is a man having sex with an anthro horse

I have quite a unique one, you see a while back Nintendo started shutting down Smash Bros. tournaments, and then the Smash community started fighting back. The hashtag #FreeMelee started trending on Twitter and I made a comic in support of the movement.

For fun I also decided to post to r/nintendo, I can imagine most of the hate came from there but I don't know.
Here was one of the comments:

"Lmaooooooo the fucking audacity!

Melee players have historically been elitist who treated anyone who dared to play any other smash game like shit.
Us Brawl veterans haven't forgotten.

Now that your game is being punched out you want to spew this "were all a community Pleading face" shit"

so yeah

oh also I made a Daigo comic once (prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community) and some redditor commented "Reading this comic made me gay"
I made another comic and posted it, and he said
"this is so gay wtf"
I wish I'd realised before it was too late then I could have said "Well judging from your comment on my earlier post, you should be fine with this then!"

and (last comment) on the #FreeMelee comic I did I ended up drawing one of the arms the wrong way round, and boy did people want to point that out

I'm gonna keep an eye out for this profile picture just in case. Blocking such "haha funny" guys is the best we can do about them.

Commenter: "Why she gotta be fat though."

Me: "Probably bc I'm fat man."

Commenter: "Oh."

It wasn't that bad in all honesty but still made me roll my eyes.

2 months later

I recently got one dm from a fan coming from webtoon or should I say, a long wall of text in which he tore down my English, it wasn't exactly a hate comment but it hurt a lot :frowning:

It began with a long 700 words fancy introduction with lot's of fillers explaining how he wasn't obligated to give critiques but he goes out of his way to give them anyway, after the long fancy paragraphs of unnecessary introduction he started tearing down the dialogue in my comic Raccoon Heart panel by panel, explaining why this and that is a bad choice of words, at one point he complained why it was bad one of the characters reacted saying "No Way" because it doesn't fit in the context without coming up with an alternative interjection that fits, he kept nagging me about tiny details such as the punctuation, commas or the lack of.

Then he tore down the story synopsis telling me it's a terrible description, he even stated I shouldn't put my comic under the comedy tag if I'm not skilled enough to write in a funny way.

I don't feel like categorizing my comic as comedy was a mistake and comedy isn't all about the funny dialogue, it's more about the awkward situations characters are put through. The comedy isn't very present in the first chapters.

I know I should've know better but it's a lot easier to just say "In the panel 32 you should've wrote X instead of Y because X fits better in the context", that way is a lot more simple and a lot less degrading to the creator given that English is not his mother language.

Also it's true my comic gained 5.554 new subscribers in 27 days for almost no reason and that I should step up to show I deserve this unexpected growth but, at the end of the day I make comics just for fun, no matter how many people subscribe it.

Might just be me, but I hate the bot "This Writer should join [insert non-existing contest or platform]! They would totally fit!" Because every time I see one I feel obligated to do a bit of research because what if this is a serious thing, but every time I just end up losing at least ten minutes trying to figure out where I can report them.
I don't mind the hate. I can engage the hate, have some fun with them. But those bots don't even have the curtesy to feed my inner troll.

In chapter 4 on webtoon:
This is story really similar to another comic called play dead, it by the same creator who made phase, I wonder if it's just a coincidence that they are almost the same...

my reply:
I don’t know the story, so I think it’s a coincidence. :slight_smile: I drew the story a year ago and now only republish it with a bit better art and better english :wink:

My inner reaction: crying and angry bc of the " wonder if it's just a coincidence that they are almost the same "

I hate how people always assume the worst, a comment like that is terrible... I always comfort myself with the thought that if you boil stories down enough, they're all the same, but it's the little pieces of themselves that people add that make them all unique.

yeah thats true.
I never read the other comic, but at this point my wt only had 4 chapters. there wasn't much of the story out by now. yeah there might be some similarities, like there is a white haired grim reaper and it had something to do with ghosts.. but thats it.
if I had already published a large part or at least key part of my story and someone write it, it's still bold, but then they might be right that it is similar.. that just can happen by 100 millions of storys that already exist in the world, but when there was no story by then, how could they say it?? for me this is really incomprehensible

I have some of them

" I understand this is a fiction but it's so unrealistic , everyone thinks this is a romantic story for perverts but this is just so unreal like really? "

another comment from someone (this person keeps commenting till he unsubscribe I guess)
" so he's an idi*t"
"really he's so stupid"
"I'm out this story sucks"

another one
" everyone in this comic is idi*ts , you're all idi*ts"

(I always get this idi*ts comment with the same format of text)

another one from my other comic
" My only complain is why this comic is so short, it's so annoying can you make it longer?"
"upload more more more!!!"

"I appreciate the hardwork but can you hire someone to edit your comic?"

HAHA it hurts but I never once replied on those comments, I ignored them,
, they are reading a free content ,they shouldn't complain..:joy:
I understand their criticism, but sometimes they're too much..
I mean they can always say it in a nice way..

most of them I got on webtoons and I think I got 1 from tapas..
At first they bothered me but now I'm used to it, like I don't really care...
because most of my readers give nice comments which really make it up from the worst one.

though I already mention from my series that my comics are not typical romantic BL comic,
(they portray violence and crime.. ) and some readers still expect a fluffy BL romance

@Animefanka those comments are just mean, I mean they can just unsubscribe if they don't like it instead of leaving mean comments like that. they just ruining the hard work of the author

The "worst" comments I got were rolling eyes meme pictures or the picture of the girl who looks disturbed.
No further comment by the person. It´s unpolite

I hate when people decide to just go ahead and critique someone's work when they haven't been asked to do so. It's soooo invasive.

"Oh, I don't have to give you this critique that you didn't ask for."

"Then don't!"