1 / 19
Feb 2019

So, I'm doing a project on same face syndrome. My argument is that it's a problem. Anyone have a reason why? I want it to be as close to "reasonable" as possible. Thx!

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    Feb '19
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    Feb '19
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Its a common topic here one that was asked less than a week ago, heres a link to explore what people have already answered about it. This was the most recent one theres like four more threads just like it.

Oh! Thank you, I figured there would be. I'm just not sure if they have appropriate language in them! After all I am in school.

Generally speaking, it depends on just how identical the faces are for whether I deem it a problem or not. Even if an author uses the same face/jaw shape a lot, oftentimes there's enough differentiation in the way eyes, nose, etc. are rendered that make them stand out at least a little bit. That I don't mind so much.

What I do mind is where it's like uncanny valley status copy/paste faces everywhere xD like if everything except the hair (or even including the hair in some cases) are drawn almost exactly the same with every character it's a little ehhh for me. I still read some comics like that (it's not a huge turn off) but yeah.

I had a little bit of SFS myself in the past (mostly just using the same face/jaw shape for almost every character) so going into my current comic I decided to at least make the 3 main characters each have different face shapes, just to practice using different ones xD some of the minor chars have repeat shapes, but I've tried using some variety there too

(Square, round, triangular)

I think the main problem, in my eyes, is that it gets difficult to tell the characters apart. Especially if you're doing black and white comic. You want readers to be able to identify characters with ease, or else they could drop your comic.

It seems more common with younger(ie: beginning) artists, which I think is because they are still trying to figure out their drawing techniques and basics. Typically when people practice, they repeat the same things over and over (intentionally or otherwise). I think in this case, "SFS" is part of the growing process; I know I had that issue back in the day.

Hope this helps! ^^

I don't think it's a huge problem exactly, but if the creator is constantly do close ups of the face and face alone, especially in black and white, it can be really hard for the reader to determine who is who in what panel. For me personally I can let a decent amount of art stuff slide if I can coherently read the story, once I can't follow what is happening I lose interest. So if SFS gets in the way of my ability to follow the story, then it is bad.

i think it can be a problem when it makes diferentiating the characters harder. For black and white comics it can cause more trouble than usual because you don`t have color available to make more differences.

Here's a counterargument--it creates a sense of uniformity and serves to cement the artists' stylistic trademark.

i think whenever faces look similar may be due to .at least for me, is comfort, drawing different faces a lot can get tiring and re draw the same one many times keeps it moving along

people can't differentiate one character from the other and it looks bloody weird and bland/boring after a while =/

I mean look at them, they all look like factory made to order products X-X

comics live and die on visual interest and nobody likes a bland samie art style where everybody looks the bloody same >XV