83 / 93
Jun 2021

I've recently discovered and fell in love with HellWay, an absolutely gorgeous comic with too few comment/likes/subs!

Aw, thanks for the shoutout! I really appreciate that. CyanGorilla has been working incredibly hard on the art, and it shows. I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying the cooking and the story - there's a lot more of both of those to come. I'm particularly excited to share the next recipe, which is one of my go-to comfort foods :slight_smile:

Not mine, but Blood Soul Buffet by simplykit is sooo underrated. It's a fantasy/action with detailed backgrounds and can be funny. It's a mixture of Claymore and Berserk.

Bumping this thread to share Water Lily High by @WLHcomics ! It's been around for almost a year and only has 47 subs at the moment.

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9 days later

Don't know if someone already shared this, but go check out HeteroSakura by @Koneko-chan-hai! It's been around for about a year now and deserves so much more support.

I'm more of a reader than creator compared to most on here but I want to try and engage more on the forums, most of these fit kind of my tastes, in terms of art style and genre/stories I like so sorry if there isn't much variety, but a few I've been reading for the past month or so:

1) Art style is cute and I love the sisters dynamic with one another and it's black and white which I tend to lean toward more... just because I'm a manga nut at heart. Out of the three this has the most episodes in case you want something currently a tad longer.

2) The hook/synopsis intrigued enough at first but I stayed for the two leads. The second chapter ended cute and sometimes the dialogue contrasts the art but in a unique way, seeing a little girl saying "fuck off" in this particular art style was funny to me... i don't know why lol

3) Another Black and white underrated gem... (seeing a pattern? haha); The creator has two works with his second being a completed one shot short that I also recommend, its more of a BL romance but it was so heart warming. But this one is great too, Omelette's social anxiety is too relatable

Finally, I have something to share here!

I am not sure if it exactly counts as underrated. But for how amazing this series is, it has nowhere enough recognition. Will recommend it to any and everyone.

It's a series of short stories, each interconnected in some manner. The writing will immediately suck you in, and every character is as endearing and real as it gets.

Caraway: Tales of Lucidity by @Pencilz is a great one with only 56 subs and 2k views whaaatt?! Go check it out :]

:persevere:@FafasMcMelt man, Im gonna cry . Thank you :sob: :coffee_love:

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:point_up: :point_up:

Sorry to grave dig this thread, but I've found another one! :smug_01:

Golden Dandelions has been around for a while, and the story is setting up to be something really cool, I just know it! If you guys like Supernatural/Paranormal stuff, LGBTQ+ characters, and the classic "found family" theme, go check it out and follow its progress!