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Jan 9

Sometimes I let people read for a while before they find out what the characters look like, so the description scene doesn't have to be the first time the character was introduced

This scene introduced Melly! Everyone's favorite bundle of joy! (I know that's used to refer to babies, but Melly really is a bundle of joy)

I’m hit by a human meteorite the second I step into the room.

The world spins around me for one second - a confused sphere of blinding white as I try to make sense of the noise and color, chirping in front of me.

At first, I’m not even sure who or what I’m looking at - vaguely conscious of a young-ish woman, even shorter than me, speaking a million miles an hour.

She’s wearing a plaid dress that’s designed to look like a long button-up in an ambiguous shade of lavender plum and a name tag that says “Melissa X.”

So this is Mrs. Xochitl?

Considering her name, I'm caught off guard by the strong Jewish accent, as she practically squeals, clapping my cheeks in both of her ice-cold hands-

“Oh my goish!” she laughs shrilly - her jaw dropping and eyes wide - “So this is the doll face everyone has been talking about! You're even prettier than you were in the video! I love your shoes! Huh! I love your hair! I'm so glad I finally get to meet you in person! I wasn't able to make it to the ceremony cuz my son had the worst cough you ever saw in your life and he gets to be such a baby whenever he's sick - You and me have the exact same taste in footwear. I'm going to be hitting you up for the rest of your life to talk about shoes, just you count on it-"

  • created

    Jan 8
  • last reply

    Jan 10
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“Clear off,” she ordered, stepping through the crowd.
While she examined the body, the blue eyed woman stood up, 188.976 CM tall, from amongst the crowd, “What gave you the right to do that, Lena?” she asked, her voice like a Mother black bear in hibernation.

Chapter I
Echoes of the Bear

“Kumamoto Setsune,” the samurai responded, looking up from the stage, and back at the woman in darkness.
The woman wore a white kimono with thin, red stripes. Around her waist was a large, black bow, around her head and chin was a red rope, and upon her feet were white socks and red wood sandals. She had shoulder length, reddish brown hair, a beauty mark beneath her left eye, and like the rest of the audience, had yellow skin.

read more here

Akala's first appearance

Akala's face revealed

Claudita's first appearance... ever.

Eman's first appearance

Fr. Jose's first appearance

What's your story about. I don't think I've seen much about it around the forum before

This is from The Space Bum. I needed a physical description to convey a sense of threat.

Captain Barker Swung through the open hatch and brushed aside the two armed guards. From the look on the Captain’s face, Besh half expected to be struck. The man was large and his bushy salt and pepper beard did little to hide the scars on his face. The Captain took a stance directly in front of Besh and placed his fists on his hips. The hopeful smile that Besh proffered, like an early bloom, wilted beneath the Captain’s angry glare.

“So, you’re the stow-a-way,” he snapped. “What’s your name?”

Besh felt a certain amount of pressure. The threat registered but it was nothing he hadn’t faced before. His reply was calm and polite. He said, “Ben Shuller, sir.”

The Captain leaned forward and snarled his response. “Sir? Do I look like a goddamned knight? I’m the Captain of this ship! Captain Barker.”

The youngest armed guard snickered until the Captain wheeled on him and stared him down. The mirth on the young man’s face quickly evaporated. For an armed man to be so intimidated spoke silent volumes to Besh. He cleared his throat and braced himself. Captain Barker returned his attention to Besh with a narrowed gaze. He crossed his muscular arms and studied the stow-a-way with piqued disregard. When he spoke again, the harsh edge of his anger was gone.

“Well, Mr. Shuller,” said the Captain in a calculating tone that grated like iron on iron, “do you have any idea how much of our resources you’ve squandered?”

“No, sir . . . I mean, Captain.”

“Nor do I, “ said the Captain, “but you’ll pay for every bit of it while you fester in the penal colony on Slag Island.”