60 / 81
Mar 16

Basically my story is coming together
I wake up gasping for air my hands at my throat. I remember vividly the feeling of the knife slicing into my throat as I begged for my life. After a while I gain my composure, I looked around the room and realized I was still alive and in bed. I thought it was just a dream, but I couldn't get myself to go to sleep. I quickly got out of bed and called a knight into my room. He stand hidden in the corner, and I put some pillows under by bed before leaving my chambers. Still in my robes, I step in to the red drawing room getting some sudden inspiration from these sequences of events. I start by making a sketch. Before I could finalize the lines, a guard walks in and reports the arrest of the intruder. I drop my pencil and go with him back to my chambers. I walk in to see a girl no older than 16 on her knees a sword to her neck. Wow, I can't believe she killed me in my past life. It is quite insulting. Well, it can't be helped I need to get some information from her.
"care to explain why you were crawling into my room like a rat in the middle of the night" I asked knowing fully well she wouldn't reply.
I move towards her and take out the dagger in her shoe.
"you were going to kill me with this right?" I ask as I press the blade to her neck.
She starts trembling and I chuckle a little I find it funny that she agreed to assassinate me but values Her life this much it seems I would have to deceive her. I leave my chambers for a few minutes and come back with a little bottle. I pry her mouth open and force her to drink it.
"you just drank a poison made from night shade" I say with a smirk.
"w-what did you just say?" she asks as her eyes widen in shock.
My plan was successful she believed it. I go put the bottle by my bed before sitting down again.
With a serious look on my face, I ask her "are you now willing to tell me who sent you?"
"Tit was queen Ember" she replies with a shaky voice.
"Smart choice. Guards lock her up" I say before going back to finish my painting
As I suspected it was that old witch, I call my mother. I knew she hated me, but I never thought she would try ta assassinate me just to ensure her son is heir to the thrane. Nat that I want the position, but I would have to confront her tomorrow at the royal court meeting. After a few my painting was done. It was a dagger with blood dripping from it and the queens lifeless face reflecting in it. I go back to my room deciding to get some rest since I had decided to expose everyone in the council of Nobels tomorrow. The next day I walk into the royal court room and to my surprise she was sitting on the seat made for the king.
"Your majesty is there any reason you're sitting in his majesty's seat. Maybe you gained more
confidence after sending someone to assassinate me? I ask.
Suddenly everyone in the room starts to whisper.
" such blasphemy! what proof do you have?" she visibly tenses up as she says this I clap my hands and Ashwyn the girl from yesterday is dragged in by the guards.
"Your majesty do you remember this pretty face?" I ask with a smile.
"No, I have never seen her before. What does that have to do with anything?" she asks looking
confident that Ashwya wouldn't say anything
"go on, tell them what you know." I say to Ashwyn giving her a knowing smile.
"H-her majesty promised to pay me ten thousand narvi to assassinate the third prince. I had no choice my younger brother is seriously ill and needs medicine" she said with her head lowered.
"Your majesty the kingdom has poor finances where did you plan to get that large amount of money from, I am sure his majesty would like to understand the situation too." I say with a wide grin. Just then king Aldric walks in

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This was technically yesterday, but I just got another poem except for publication!

11 days later
11 days later
23 days later

I got an honorable mention for the "L Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future" competition. Hopefully if I keep practicing i'll actually win one of these years.

getting encouraging comments is always great. I'm happy for you

I finished an assignment early today ig? I got to nap too. So yay I guess.

One reader said some nice words when I was felling bad after the views for my webnovel dropped hard.

the weather got really warm today (90 degrees! :frowning:), but late this afternoon it rained a bit unexpectedly.
It was really peaceful and refreshing, and the petrichor is lovely.

Warm weather is great at this time of year

I heard the birds chirp for the first time this morning in months!! I think they’re back for Spring :smiley: just last week there was still snow on the ground, it was pretty but excited for the change in season.

Also yesterday we got a birthday cake for my dad but the girl at the bakery was new so she wrote really terribly on the cake “happy birthday dad” BUT I adored it, it was so much funnier than it had to be. I didn’t tell her that of course I just thanked her, but it literally made me smile so goofy. I think my dad will get a kick out of it too :sob: my brother and I think it looks like the Harry Potter birthday cake.

I don't know the Harry Potter birthday cake, but that does sound cute. also happy birthday to your dad. Birds chirp year round where I am, but I did see a whole flock of parrots the other day which was awesome

I got another honorable mention lol. Why do I feel like the tastiest chocolate cake nobody wants?

The cake looks something like this XD

Except I think ours was even more scribbley/wobbly. It was just a premade cake but we asked if they could write on it so they did it free of charge so we really appreciated it either way lol

That is awesome actually! We don’t have any parrots where I am, most of the birds aren’t very colorful but I think they’re still cute. But a flock of parrots sounds vibrant!!

Honorable mention is still really good! Most people in the competition did not get anything, for perspective. Also judges can just be wack, it’s all down to personal taste so even people who are good don’t always get the recognition because for some reason it isn’t clicking with the judges. For my art I think I’ve only ever gotten honorable mentions too or nothing at all, but I know I’m a good artist so I feel your sentiment too.

Awwwwe! It’s so cute! My mom made that too!

I used to really really be into Harry Potter as a kid but you know tastes change and stuff. But I still love that!

Let’s see my family got some fresh donuts this morning! That made me smile. I had two chocolate ones! :yum:

Oh I just found that image online, our cake looked JANK!!! but that sounds like such a cute idea to make! I also used to like the Harry Potter movies as a kid, but never read the books. But now JK Rowling outed herself as a soggy piece of bread so it’s kind of sad :confused: I still occasionally watch the Goblet of Fire tho :sob:

Yeah. She’s a big bully and I don’t like her one bit. But I think we all know what she’s been doing so I’m not gonna talk about her any further.


Yeah I get you I left off her drama on the kid-friendly version. Certainly anyways :sparkles: forget her, donuts are way better, especially local ones!! Our bakery closed down recently so I have to wait to get good donuts until the summer from the farmers market :sob: chocolate donut are particularly good tho!! I feel like local ones always taste slightly like cinnamon too? Idk if that’s the same way for you but I’ve noticed it here for me lol

Oh this just popped up for me :joy: we love it, it’s our daily dose of Houdini (with complimentary handcuffs of course lol)

And I’m such a cutie! I love that I see myself that way now. It gives me such a boost in confidence

Yes!!! Go off honestly :sparkles: I also draw a lot of self portraits. They’re not as a cool though because I don’t have a Houdini to accompany me :joy:

Awwwe thank you. :blush: I also have a boyfriend irl he’s so sweet and nice. We’re both autistic and have pretty similar interests and personality. I was so happy when he asked if he wanted to date. This is my first time ever dating someone. We’re both a little nervous but we’ll figure it out.

aye,the parrots here are bright green.

well, this wasn't a competition, it was just a normal publication. But I'm not even mad, tbh, because the guy who wrote the rejection letter seemed seriously upset about rejecting me. I felt worse for him than I felt for myself. I've read a lot of rejection letters, and none of them have ever apologized as many times as this one did. Also your art is great, but fr, winning competitions is hard. creativity is so subjective

oh, good for you. I'm happy for you

@abigaillmartin Awe! Well congrats?? Idk if that’s the right wording :sweat_smile: But that’s exciting still! I think when anyone’s first dating it’s a little bit awkward but it’s still a source of joy. I’m happy for you! ^_^

@Leyelle In Texas I would also occasionally see the green parrots! There weren’t large numbers of them though. But the color is so pretty, lime is one of my favorite colors.

Also I guess the rejection letter can be a bit validating then?? It seems there must have been some disagreements among the judges and they wanted you to get a higher spot of recognition??

Maybe, lol. My brother said the letter gave "I wanted to pick you but they said no!" vibes

We don't see parrots that often here either. they're endemic to the island, but we see more garzas and cuervas. the garzas are my favorites, I actually wrote a poem about them which is being published this month (assuming things go smoothly on the magazine's side of things.)

I feel that too honestly :sob: that’s happened to me too, it’s like getting a apology letter instead of a rejection letter lol

!!! We also had those in Texas, we were pretty close to Mexico so I guess we got those same tropical birds. The cranes and herons are just pretty cool looking birds in general. As a kid I was really into Egyptology so whenever I would see the garzas at the lake I would FREAK lol they looked so similar to the hieroglyphics.

Managed to get a pic of my calico Raine with her paper ball lol currently playing fetch with her (she thinks she's a dog and gets so excited when I throw it for her :laughing: my heart!)

Aw!! She ZOOMS for the paper ball. I love how a cat’s favorite toy always ends up being literal trash :joy: I have a calico too, she made me smile too just by being her doofy self.