630 / 1112
Jan 2021

I just checked this out and I am very into it! I subbed it and look forward to more :slight_smile: If you're interested, you can check out my work too! Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Hi there, I've started a comic for 2021 and I have the first episode up! I'm not the best artist ever but I'm using this to build experience and improve my drawing skill as making a comic is forcing me to draw a lot more and with more composition. So I'm looking forward to improving my technique!
Please check it out if you have time!
Real Human Bean1

Hey hello! Here is my comic series if anyone is interested :slight_smile: So cool to see so many great entries on this thread!

Just started a comic, hope you give it a try :3

Hi All, I have a weekly Webcomic called quarter eyes. It can be quite random even abstract but I love experimenting with the form so hopefully you like it!

8 days later

Page 11 of Chapter 02 with plenty of stairs!

I currently have 2 comics that I work on. I do not have many subscribers but I do very much appreciate the ones I have. Please give either of my comics a read if they sound interesting to you. Thank you.

My Comedy Series:

My Horror Series

My mini-comic series accompanying my novel.