185 / 446
Jul 2018

I have new cover art for my newest story! Here it is~

Gawd, I'm in love with it, it's sooo gooood! Y'all should check out Noctolum on deviantart!

Here's a link to my story if anyone is interested in checking it out ^^

This is the cover for my story2 that I drew. I had to change the line color and erase the text so that it wouldn't look too messy when it got sized down, though. :confused: I was an artist before I became a writer, but I've only posted novels on Tapas.

I'm not good at drawing beyond scribbles. I'm still learning how to fully use illustrator too. My covers are mostly just objects made artsy, since I can't do characters beyond stick figures. Here's two covers that I'm actually kinda proud of.

Ooh! I spent a long time on my cover, only to find that only premium authors could post large ones, so I'm excited to share! (I made my thumbnail out of this though, so not all was lost):


Thanks for the forum, @GoneForever!
I've illustrated for a while, so it was pretty fun to create some cover pages for my novel. :slight_smile:

It was pretty challenging to create a 300x300 thumbnail for a novel. A lot less space than a regular book cover to convey visual cues of what the book's about, so you really have to think more like condensed milk and less like 2% milk. But hey, challenge is half of the fun, haha!

I have three to post ahaah

(i went through soooo many variations of covers for this story ^^^ lmfao it was JOURNEY to get here)

and I'm still debating whether or not to post the story that this is for, but here it is nevertheless cause i love the art my sister did for it and otherwise no one would see it at all lmfao

btw, all three images were drawn by my twin sister (@iu-tan on dA) c:

11 days later
2 months later

Princes of Eden has a very nice color palette for a book cover.

Funny thing is, this wasn't meant to be my novel cover! I wanted this to be an EP cover for this EP i made and posted on Soundcloud recently (feel free to give it a low quality listen)1. The picture's basically the lyrics of the 5 songs I had in the previous EP I made. I wrote the lyrics on paper, then crumpled up said paper, and ripped it up. Then I placed the pieces to fit into a frame and made it a cover. It was supposed to continue the first EP and yeah, I thought it was a perfect fit. (Though it's a little pointless now, I never recorded vocals for that music.)

It still is a perfect fit, but once I actually started sharing my music again.. I kinda wanted to do a new one and make a bit of a reoccuring theme in all the album covers I have now. So, with the image being unused now. I thought I'd repurpose it for my creative writing dump. It's made to be artsy, so where else would I use if not in a place where I post some poems?!