5 / 25
Feb 2015

Have you heard of Witchsona33 week on tumblr? It's an event where you draw yourself as a witch-type character that matches your personality! I participated last year, but will be drawing an updated version for this year. I thought it'd be fun if we had a place for Tapastic artists to share their witches! smiley Are you drawing one this year? Post it below!

  • created

    Feb '15
  • last reply

    Mar '15
  • 24


  • 3.5k


  • 15


  • 67


  • 9


Whoah whoah whoah whoahwhoahwhoah.
What is this nonsense and when did actually start. I want in, goddammit.

It started around the same time last year and there's even an official tumblr17 for it kinda. I'm glad it's a thing again this year, I've got something in the works so I guess I'll post it here too.:)

Has witchsona week only begun or? I remember it happening earlier in the year last year. I don't think I can participate as I have too much going on, but it's been interesting seeing everyone's witchsona.

I made a really quick one. Desert witch! The staff is based on a cactus flower, and opens when the magyks are strong. The various charms dangling from the hat help the witch to find his way in the desert, and some of them have weak wind enchantments to make the breezes slightly more favourable.

So your witchsona's ability is being able to draw many things at once? I'm gonna need that power. lol

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I just finished mine. Man, it's been so long since I made a mixed media picture. That's probably how I'd look like if I'd decided that being a witch is a better career option for me. (And since I'm already an artist, that may be true haha : D)
I wish I had a raven in real life though... (the cat, that I own, he's called Cilinder - which means top hat - and is just as cuddly as drawn here)
Everyone's witchsona here's just so interesting, and mine's kinda old fashioned... but I guess that's how I am : D

so cute ;---; <3 <3 ah! It's a raven party up in here haha smiley

They're copic markers! I have quite a few that I've gathered over the years haha...I really should use them more often.XD