Jax Nguyen
Artist based in Los Angeles who is also a part time pharmacy student. I work on a comic called Not Quite There that updates on Wednesdays.
- Joined
- Jul 28, '14
- Last Post
- Mar 30, '16
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- Sep 13, '18
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Hello! I would be thrilled if you'd review my comic Not Quite There. It's about a guy named Ant who stumbles, literally, into some supernatural stuff and now has to deal with it. Thanks in advance if you do write up a review.:)
I think my time currently is 5-8 hours for a page depending on the complexity. This, of course, does not count the time where I get distracted during the work process.XD
I'm 100% tea myself. Coffee used to give me headaches, not so much anymore but I'd rather have a hot cup of tea of hot chocolate =u=. I'm really in to strong flavored teas like oolong or jasmine or anything with a hint of mint in it. Tea time is a very integral part of my day.
One thing I see a lot of people fall into just starting out with self-promo is shouting into the void with a link to their comic and a blurb about it and that's it. It's not bad to do that but by itself it really gets you nowhere fast. You've got to be actively engaging with other people like @AnnaL…
I use Photoshop and Clip/Manga Studio 5. Both are really great programs but I enjoy using MS for my inking.
lol...once I reached over 1k subs in a short amount of time it became impossible for me to keep up with thanking all my subs but I did have this cute thank you image when I did used to thank people individually.=u= [image]
sigh I wish I could get in the zone more often but I'm forced to work in 2hr or less spurts so getting in the zone is difficult. I cherish the days were I can work on a piece for 5 or more hours straight.;A;/
Oh, I just did something like this on twitter with my most recent page to track my progress on getting it done haha. Here's the initial thumbed page: [image] Inked: [image] FINAL FORM: [image] It's always fun to see everyone's process when it comes to drawing comics!!! Good work everyone.=u…
Haha oh dear, it was really a trip getting this little extra comic done but it was worth it! I'm so greatful to @CyndiFoster and @noxfox for organizing this really awesome collaboration and keeping everyone on task. The funniest part of working on the winterfest comic was being able to draw some o…
uhhh about a year and a half? also since august 2014.XD
That's weird, I know the button is still there but so far I've checked and clicking it only leads back to the creator's profile page. Maybe they're still working on removing the support pages for some artists.
The appeal of Redbubble is that you get a percentage of sales without having to make or ship the product yourself. That's the main trade off and it isn't so bad since all you have to do is the up front of preparing files. Though, it is pretty hard to sell original stuff if you've got no design exper…
All of them. probably, haha. My list of top picks: eyeshield 21, FMA, My hero Acadamia, Bleach (though, just the first couple of arcs), Naruto (not so much now but def a favorite growing up), One Punch Man, Jing King of Bandits, Inuyasha, Dogs (but that's more of a seinen title as mentioned by som…
For me, I just listen to MEGALOVANIA on repeat from the undertale soundtrack or HOPES AND DREAMS. Just. Undertale. yes.
If I were you, it would probably be wiser to invest in $70-100 dollar tablet (like the intuos line) first and get used to working on that for maybe a year. A cintiq is a heavy investment, and it'd probably be better to save that money until you're financially stable once more. I still use my intuos …
I would highly suggest the Saga graphic novel published by image. It's pretty great. Watchmen is also a comic with good pacing.
Hey guys, I in a bit of a pickle and need some guest comics for my comic Not Quite There in the next few weeks. Feel free to send me a private message here or on the main tapastic site for more details. I'm mostly looking 1 page comics or illustrations. Thanks taking a look! -Jax
I had to stop updating my own comic for like 6 months so you're already better then me in the update spectrum.
I might be going as an attendee! I wasn't able to snag a table since I waited to long to apply, haha. I don't know if you remember me from deviantart but hi.C:
Usually an artist will have a call for guest comics ahead of time. It's usually a good idea to follow artists and see if they have a open call for guest strips. Though some artists just ask their other comic friends. It's good to be vigilant for opprotunities though.:)
I would think that it is perfectly fine if you have the capital and someone is willing to work with you. It's common enough in the comics world.
Eh, I try to update every week so I haven't gotten this message yet. I would think it would give some people anxiety about updating, haha...it would definitely make me feel anxious.
I use Photoshop CC and Clip Studio together to make my comic pages. Both are really great programs. I generally use photoshop for sketching and coloring while I use Clip for my inks. I would also suggest getting clip studio while it's on sale. It has quite a few interesting features I haven't tried …
Hello, I see that you've already got a ton of other comics in line for review but uh, I hope it's not too much to add mine to the bunch. You can start from the beginning here. Thanks in advance.=v=b
I'm mainly digital but I love to dabble in traditional inks and colors from time to time. Both have their pros and cons, being able to utilize both is probably a good thing.
omg, your gym witch is perf. :'D
They're copic markers! I have quite a few that I've gathered over the years haha...I really should use them more often.XD
And here's my witchsona! She's a potioneer with 2 familiars. [image]
It started around the same time last year and there's even an official tumblr for it kinda. I'm glad it's a thing again this year, I've got something in the works so I guess I'll post it here too.:)
Good luck! College is definitely an experience. haha....